Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant (Newark, Delaware)
Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant (Newark, Delaware)
147 East Main Street
Newark, DE, 19711
United States
Year Established: 1996
Links: Sign Up to Participate:No brewer description available
ID: 998 Last updated 6 days ago Added to database 23 years agoQuick Stats
Most Drunk: Iron Hill Oktoberfest [1]
Highest Rated: Iron Hill Russian Imperial Stout [3.938]
Most Reviewed: Iron Hill Russian Imperial Stout [13]
Highest Rated: Iron Hill Russian Imperial Stout [3.938]
Most Reviewed: Iron Hill Russian Imperial Stout [13]
Beer | Style | ABV | Score | |
Iron Hill 2nd Degree IPA²
Imperial IPA| 9.8 % |
3.360 (2) |
Iron Hill Abbey Dubbel
Abbey Dubbel| 8 % |
3.443 (4) |
Iron Hill Altbier
Altbier| 4.5 % |
3.100 (1) |
Iron Hill American Brown Ale
Brown Ale| 5.4 % |
3.000 (2) |
Iron Hill American IPA
IPA| 7 % |
3.125 (1) |
Iron Hill Anvil Ale
English Pale Ale| 5 % |
3.359 (9) |
Iron Hill Baltic Porter
Baltic Porter| 7 % |
3.200 (1) |
Iron Hill Barley Wine
American Barleywine| 10 % |
3.267 (3) |
Iron Hill Barleywine
American Barleywine| - |
3.200 (1) |
Iron Hill Barrell Aged Old Tom Barleywine
English Barleywine| 10.5 % |
3.450 (1) |
Iron Hill Bedotter
Abbey Tripel| 9 % |
3.075 (1) |
Iron Hill Belgian Brown
Belgian Ale| 6.2 % |
3.080 (2) |
Iron Hill Belgian Pale Ale
Belgian Ale| 4.7 % |
3.284 (3) |
Iron Hill Belgian Single
Reduced Alcohol| 2.5 % |
3.060 (2) |
Iron Hill Belgian White
Witbier| - |
3.389 (6) |
Iron Hill Berliner Weisse
Berliner Weisse| 3.2 % |
3.300 (4) |
Iron Hill Biere de Mars
Biere de Garde| 6 % |
3.200 (1) |
Iron Hill Black Cherry Stout
Fruit Stout| 5.5 % |
3.025 (1) |
Iron Hill Black Forest Lager
Dunkel / Dark Lager| 5.2 % |
3.367 (3) |
Iron Hill Blackberry Dubbel
Abbey Dubbel| 5.5 % |
3.100 (1) |
Iron Hill Blackberry Saison
Saison| - |
3.325 (1) |
Iron Hill Bourbon Baltic Porter
Baltic Porter| 7 % |
3.325 (1) |
Iron Hill Bourbon Barleywine
American Barleywine| 10 % |
3.580 (2) |
Iron Hill Bourbon Braveheart
Scottish Ale| 9.5 % |
3.150 (1) |
Iron Hill Bourbon Oatmeal Stout
Oatmeal Stout| 5.5 % |
3.225 (1) |
Iron Hill Bourbon Porter
Porter| - |
3.186 (4) |
Iron Hill Bourbon Russian Stout
Imperial Stout| 8.6 % |
3.360 (2) |
Iron Hill Bourbon Wee Heavy
Scottish Ale| 8.5 % |
3.460 (2) |
Iron Hill Cannibal
Belgian Ale| 7.5 % |
3.434 (3) |
Iron Hill Cannibal Nocturnum
Belgian Strong Ale| 7.5 % |
3.480 (2) |
Iron Hill Cassis de Hill
Fruit Lambic| - |
3.567 (3) |
Iron Hill Chuck Norris Beard
Belgian Strong Ale| 8 % |
3.200 (1) |
Iron Hill Citra IPA
IPA| 5.8 % |
3.075 (1) |
Iron Hill Dortmunder
Helles / Dortmunder| - |
3.240 (2) |
Iron Hill Dry Stout
Dry Stout| - |
3.271 (4) |
Iron Hill Dunkelweizen
Dunkel Weizen| - |
3.267 (3) |
Iron Hill English Strong Ale
Strong Ale| 6.7 % |
3.150 (1) |
Iron Hill ESB
Extra Special Bitter| - |
3.334 (3) |
Iron Hill FE 10 Anniversary Ale
Abbey Quadrupel| 10 % |
3.614 (4) |
Iron Hill FE10 Anniversary Ale
Abbey Quadrupel| - |
2.875 (1) |
Iron Hill Finndemans Framboise
Fruit Beer| 5.9 % |
2.820 (2) |
Iron Hill Flemish Red Ale
Flanders Red| - |
3.140 (2) |
Iron Hill Framboise de Hill
Fruit Lambic| - |
3.471 (4) |
Iron Hill Fresh Hop Harvest Ale
American Pale Ale| 4.2 % |
3.350 (3) |
Iron Hill German Pilsener
Bohemian / Czech Pilsener| 5 % |
3.240 (2) |
Iron Hill Golden Barleywine
American Barleywine| 10.5 % |
3.440 (2) |
Iron Hill GOZERita
Gose| 4.7 % |
3.075 (1) |
Iron Hill Grand Cru
Belgian Strong Ale| - |
3.020 (2) |
Iron Hill Granite Gold
Blonde Ale| 4 % |
2.875 (1) |
Iron Hill Grodziski
Smoked Ale| 6.2 % |
3.275 (1) |
Iron Hill Hefeweizen
Hefeweizen| - |
3.171 (4) |
Iron Hill Hipster IPA
IPA| 6.7 % |
3.150 (1) |
Iron Hill Holiday Ale (Imperial IPA)
Imperial IPA| 7.2 % |
3.300 (4) |
Iron Hill Hopfenweizen
Hefeweizen| 4.2 % |
3.325 (1) |
Iron Hill Hopilicious IPA
IPA| 7.2 % |
3.317 (3) |
Iron Hill Hopkowski Double Red Ale.
Imperial IPA| 8 % |
3.420 (2) |
Iron Hill Hopzilla
IPA| - |
3.175 (1) |
Iron Hill Imperial IPA
Imperial IPA| - |
3.100 (1) |
Iron Hill Imperial Pilsner
Strong Lager| 6 % |
3.075 (1) |
Iron Hill India Black Ale
American Black Ale| 7 % |
3.300 (1) |
Iron Hill India Pale Ale
IPA| - |
3.034 (3) |
Iron Hill Irish Red Ale
Irish Ale| - |
3.338 (5) |
Iron Hill Ironator Doppelbock
Doppelbock| 9.1 % |
3.500 (3) |
Iron Hill Ironbound Ale
American Pale Ale| 5.1 % |
3.460 (7) |
Iron Hill Kolsch
Kölsch| - |
3.000 (1) |
Iron Hill Kriek de Hill
Fruit Lambic| 5.2 % |
3.830 (7) |
Iron Hill Lambic
Unblended Lambic| 5.2 % |
3.634 (3) |
Iron Hill Lambic de Hill
Unblended Lambic| 4.8 % |
3.300 (2) |
Iron Hill Light Lager
Lager| 4 % |
2.814 (4) |
Iron Hill Lodestone Lager
Helles / Dortmunder| 5 % |
3.133 (6) |
Iron Hill Maibock
Bock| - |
3.363 (5) |
Iron Hill Marvin the Maerzen
Marzen / Oktoberfest| 6 % |
3.150 (1) |
Iron Hill Mild
Mild Ale| 3.4 % |
3.240 (2) |
Iron Hill Milk Stout
Milk Stout| 4.9 % |
3.500 (2) |
Iron Hill Munich Dunkel
Dunkel / Dark Lager| - |
3.334 (3) |
Iron Hill Noel
Stout| 6 % |
3.225 (1) |
Iron Hill Nut Brown Ale
Brown Ale| - |
- |
Iron Hill Oak Aged Quad
Abbey Quadrupel| 10.5 % |
3.275 (5) |
Iron Hill Oatmeal Stout
Oatmeal Stout| - |
3.260 (2) |
Iron Hill Oktoberfest
Marzen / Oktoberfest| 6 % |
3.334 (3) |
Iron Hill Old Ale
Old Ale| 6.5 % |
3.471 (4) |
Iron Hill Old Tom Barleywine
American Barleywine| 10 % |
3.689 (6) |
Iron Hill Oompa Loompa Chocolate Stout
Chocolate Stout| 6 % |
3.225 (1) |
Iron Hill Oud Bruin
Flanders Oude Bruin| 5 % |
3.314 (4) |
Iron Hill Philly Phavorite IPA
IPA| 6.7 % |
3.075 (1) |
Iron Hill Pig Iron Porter
Porter| 5.4 % |
3.454 (10) |
Iron Hill Pumpkin Ale
Spiced Beer| 5.2 % |
3.463 (5) |
Iron Hill Quad
Abbey Quadrupel| 10.5 % |
3.388 (5) |
Iron Hill Raspberry Wheat
Fruit Beer| 4.1 % |
2.900 (7) |
Iron Hill Rauch Weiss
Smoked Ale| 6 % |
3.125 (1) |
Iron Hill Rauchbier
Rauchbier| 3.8 % |
3.625 (9) |
Iron Hill RESIST Ukrainian Anti-Imperial Stout
Imperial Stout| 9.8 % |
3.325 (1) |
Iron Hill Ring of Fire
Spiced Beer| 5 % |
3.300 (2) |
Iron Hill Runyans Reserve
Bohemian / Czech Pilsener| - |
2.840 (2) |
Iron Hill Russian Imperial Stout
Imperial Stout| 9.5 % |
3.938 (13) |
Iron Hill Rye IPA
IPA| 6.2 % |
3.460 (2) |
Iron Hill Rye of the Tiger
IPA| 6 % |
3.225 (1) |
Iron Hill Rye Saison
Saison| 5.7 % |
3.300 (1) |
Iron Hill Saison
Saison| 5.8 % |
3.489 (6) |
Iron Hill Sasquatch
American Barleywine| 9.6 % |
3.471 (4) |
Iron Hill Schwarzbier
Schwarzbier| 4.4 % |
3.125 (1) |
Iron Hill Scottish Ale
Scottish Ale| - |
3.175 (1) |
Iron Hill Scrooge
IPA| 5.8 % |
- |
Iron Hill Smokin Blonde
Belgian Ale| 6.2 % |
3.275 (1) |
Iron Hill Steiner Niner
Porter| 6.7 % |
3.100 (1) |
Iron Hill Sweet Stout
Milk Stout| - |
3.125 (1) |
Iron Hill The Quadfather
Abbey Quadrupel| 10 % |
- |
Iron Hill Tripel
Abbey Tripel| - |
3.120 (7) |
Iron Hill Triple Bock
Doppelbock| 13.2 % |
3.025 (1) |
Iron Hill Vienna
Vienna / Amber Lager| - |
3.075 (1) |
Iron Hill We All Beelong
Bohemian / Czech Pilsener| 6.2 % |
3.075 (1) |
Iron Hill Wee Heavy
Scottish Ale| - |
3.629 (4) |
Iron Hill Weizenbock
Weizenbock| 7.2 % |
3.360 (2) |
Iron Hill West Coast Golden Ale
IPA| - |
3.017 (3) |
Iron Hill Winter Warmer
Spiced Beer| 5 % |
3.300 (1) |
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