Weyerbacher Brewing Co.

Weyerbacher Brewing Co.

905-G Line Street
Easton, PA, 18042
United States


Year Established: 1995


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Wey•er•bach•er (wī′ • әr • bӓk′ • әr), n. the original spelling of the Weirback family name used by the first immigrants from Germany about 200 years ago. The spelling has morphed slightly over time, but we thought the original was best for the brewery. Phonetically that’s “wy-er-bock-er” or “why-er-bock-er” How it came to be! Weyerbacher Brewing Company was founded in 1995 by Dan and Sue Weirback. In the beginning, I was an avid homebrewer and big fan of the blossoming new craft beers that were hitting the market. One weekend in late 1993 while vacationing in Vermont, Sue and I toured the Long Trail brewery, back when it was in the basement of an old mill. I was looking for a new business to get into but it was Sue who suggested we start thinking about starting our own brewery. Nearly two years later, Weyerbacher Brewing Company was born in a livery stable in downtown Easton, PA. Launched in August of 1995, the original concept was to make some mainstream microbrews, like a Pale Ale and ESB. Boy did we take a wrong turn! In 1997 we brewed our first big beer, Raspberry Imperial Stout, which happened to be one of Dan’s favorite homebrew recipes. As hard as it was to get people to care about another “Pale Ale” in a sea of pale ales, people seemed to stand up and take notice of Raspberry Imperial Stout. The following year we brewed Blithering Idiot Barleywine and began brewing Belgian beers as well, like our Merry Monks’ Ale (originally called “Belgian Style Tripel”). This was the time when our path was set. “Let’s make full-flavored high-quality brews for a discerning customer.” We haven’t looked back. From 1998 to 2001, we also ran a brewpub at the same site. It was a great vehicle for getting the beer into the hands and mouths of a greater number of people. Cozy, friendly, and warm, it was a fantastic success, but that success came at a cost. As a struggling small company with limited personnel, it became difficult to run two different businesses at the same time. I was brewing from early morning to mid-day and running the kitchen for the afternoon and evening. The retail sales were beginning to pick up steam and it was clear that we would soon outgrow the space we were in, which was only about 4500 sq. ft. We made the decision to move to a larger, more modern facility at the end of 2001. Sadly, for our many loyal customers, that meant the end of the pub as well. Once we settled into the new place, and were no longer in the restaurant business, we could concentrate on improving the quality and constancy of our brews and our packaging. The building itself was not just bigger, but much more conducive to producing beer. By that I mean that it was a whole lot easier to move two thousand pound pallets of beer around than in a two-story barn. We have since expanded further and now have nearly 20000 sq. ft. of space with plans on expanding. We have also expanded our sales territory substantially to 18 states including most of the Atlantic coast states in addition to Ohio, Nebraska, and Wisconsin. Our new facility, also allowed for growth and improvement in our equipment. Our 10bbl brewhouse required a tremendous amount of labor to produce the quantity of beer we needed. With the end of 2005, we welcomed our new 25bbl brewhouse which we purchased from our friends at Victory Brewing Company. It is a fantastic brewhouse. The increase in quality was astounding. It helped us produce cleaner tasting beers while doubling our output. That’s a nice combination. From day 1, we used a small bottling line called a “Meheen”. It worked great when we were small, but our workloads got larger and larger and the hours got longer and longer. By the summer of 2007, the bottling guys were coming in at 7am and were working until 7, 8, or “until”. This was about to cause a revolt! It was clear that a change had to be made. Bottling lines are expensive! We were not sure if we could make it happen, but while searching the web for equipment listings I came across an old 1976 Krones rotary filler in Canada that was in our price range. Chris Lampe, our Production Manager, and I were on a plane to Winnipeg by the end of the week. The machine had sat unused for 3 years or so but was in fabulous condition. While discussing the lineage of the machine, it was discovered that a former employee of Krones, Peter Markl, had started a company refurbishing and updating these old lines and this machine was one of his babies. The machine was quickly purchased and was moved to our plant. Lampe and his crew got the machine in place, replaced gaskets, and made enough adjustments to get it working. We thought it would be a good idea to have the guy responsible for the rebirth, so we flew Peter in from Germany a few weeks later to make some tweaks and replace a few more parts that had the machine running like a cheetah. Our top speeds on the Meheen were at around 100 cases per hour and this machine was doing nearly 250 cases per hour. Now that’s improvement. We have also upgraded the brewhouse with a new 40bbl boiling kettle and a 40bbl whirlpool. These two vessels allow us to make 40bbls of beer at a time rather than 20bbls. We are continually trying to add new equipment and new people to the organization to help us continue to make great flavorful beers! Speaking of adding people, over the past few years we have expanded our sales force from Dick Lampe being our sole man on the ground to a solid group of three guys including Dick. Bob Fauteux, joined us in 2008 as our national sales manager and we have hired another person to work exclusively in the greater Philly area. This is huge change for us. We now have a much greater ability to meet and service our customers. In the future, we will strive to keep the spirit of creativity and our passion for flavor the focus that drives us.

ID: 1591 Last updated 5 days ago Added to database 23 years ago

Quick Stats






Most Drunk: Weyerbacher Blithering Idiot [2]
Highest Rated: Weyerbacher Double Simcoe IPA [3.875]
Most Reviewed: Weyerbacher Blithering Idiot [52]


Beer | Style | ABV Score
Weyerbacher 11
Imperial IPA| 11.7 %
3.474 (12)
Weyerbacher 12
American Barleywine| 10.2 %
3.445 (6)
Weyerbacher 13
Imperial Stout| 13.6 %
3.490 (7)
Weyerbacher 14
Wheatwine| 11.8 %
3.363 (5)
Weyerbacher 15
Smoked Ale| 10.8 %
3.584 (3)
Weyerbacher 16
Mead| 10.5 %
3.250 (1)
Weyerbacher 17
Saison| 10.5 %
Weyerbacher 18
Weizenbock| 11.1 %
3.025 (1)
Weyerbacher 20th Anniversary
Belgian Strong Ale| 11 %
3.300 (2)
Weyerbacher Alpha
Belgian Ale| 6.2 %
3.200 (1)
Weyerbacher Althea
Abbey Dubbel| 7.7 %
3.457 (4)
Weyerbacher Aquila
Saison| 7.1 %
3.200 (1)
Weyerbacher Aries
Imperial Stout| 8 %
3.175 (1)
Weyerbacher Auriga
Stout| 6.5 %
3.150 (1)
Weyerbacher Autumn Fest
Marzen / Oktoberfest| 5.4 %
3.285 (18)
Weyerbacher AutumnFest Ale
Marzen / Oktoberfest| -
2.880 (2)
Weyerbacher AutumnFest Ale
Marzen / Oktoberfest| -
2.950 (1)
Weyerbacher Belgian Style Dubbel
Abbey Dubbel| -
2.750 (1)
Weyerbacher Black Hole
Porter| 6.5 %
3.533 (15)
Weyerbacher Black Hole Ale
Porter| -
3.150 (1)
Weyerbacher Black Hole Ale
Porter| -
2.800 (1)
Weyerbacher Blanche
Witbier| 5 %
3.223 (15)
Weyerbacher Blasphemy
Abbey Quadrupel| 11.8 %
3.447 (16)
Weyerbacher Blithering Idiot
English Barleywine| 11.1 %
3.695 (52)
Weyerbacher Camelopardalis
Imperial IPA| 10.2 %
3.250 (1)
Weyerbacher Cinnsanity
American Barleywine| 13.3 %
3.420 (2)
Weyerbacher Dallas Sucks
American Pale Ale| -
3.025 (1)
Weyerbacher Decadence
Strong Ale| 13 %
3.173 (15)
Weyerbacher Double Simcoe IPA
Imperial IPA| 9 %
3.875 (42)
Weyerbacher Echo
IPA| -
3.175 (1)
Weyerbacher Eleven
Imperial IPA| -
3.025 (1)
Weyerbacher Eleven
Imperial IPA| -
3.225 (1)
Weyerbacher ESB Ale
Extra Special Bitter| 5.3 %
3.010 (7)
Weyerbacher Finally Legal
Imperial Stout| 13.5 %
3.334 (3)
Weyerbacher Fireside Ale
Smoked Ale| -
3.131 (10)
Weyerbacher Fourteen
American Barleywine| -
3.175 (1)
Weyerbacher Harvest Ale
IPA| 6.2 %
3.463 (5)
Weyerbacher Hefeweizen
Hefeweizen| 5.2 %
3.086 (4)
Weyerbacher Heresy
Imperial Stout| -
3.120 (2)
Weyerbacher Heresy
Imperial Stout| 8.2 %
3.833 (34)
Weyerbacher Heresy
Imperial Stout| -
3.300 (1)
Weyerbacher Hops Infusion
IPA| 6.2 %
3.405 (43)
Weyerbacher House Ale
Amber Ale| 5 %
2.775 (1)
Weyerbacher Idiot's Drool
Old Ale| -
2.975 (1)
Weyerbacher Idiot's Drool
Old Ale| -
3.080 (2)
Weyerbacher Imperial Pumpkin Ale
Spiced Beer| 8 %
3.703 (35)
Weyerbacher India Pale Ale
IPA| 6 %
3.014 (4)
Weyerbacher Insanity
English Barleywine| 11 %
3.818 (37)
Weyerbacher Lager
Vienna / Amber Lager| 5 %
3.075 (1)
Weyerbacher Last Chance IPA
IPA| 5.9 %
3.333 (6)
Weyerbacher Light Irish Amber
Irish Ale| 5 %
Weyerbacher Lima
American Black Ale| -
3.250 (1)
Weyerbacher Line Street Pilsner
Bohemian / Czech Pilsener| 5.3 %
3.025 (1)
Weyerbacher Merry Monks Ale
Abbey Tripel| 9.3 %
3.490 (38)
Weyerbacher Mild Ale
Mild Ale| 3.8 %
2.975 (1)
Weyerbacher Muse
Wild Ale| 6.2 %
3.100 (7)
Weyerbacher nineteen
Fruit Beer| 10 %
3.025 (1)
Weyerbacher Old Heathen
Imperial Stout| -
3.100 (2)
Weyerbacher Old Heathen
Imperial Stout| -
3.225 (1)
Weyerbacher Old Heathen
Imperial Stout| -
2.950 (1)
Weyerbacher Old Heathen
Imperial Stout| -
3.175 (1)
Weyerbacher Old Heathen Imperial Stout
Imperial Stout| 8.2 %
3.619 (34)
Weyerbacher Oscar
Wheatwine| 7 %
Weyerbacher Papa
Scottish Ale| 5 %
Weyerbacher Prophecy
Belgian Strong Ale| 9.3 %
3.374 (16)
Weyerbacher Quad
Abbey Quadrupel| 12.2 %
3.597 (34)
Weyerbacher Rapture
Flanders Red| 6.7 %
Weyerbacher Raspberry Beret
Fruit Lambic| -
3.100 (1)
Weyerbacher Raspberry Imperial Stout
Imperial Stout| 8.2 %
3.602 (35)
Weyerbacher Riserva
Wild Ale| 11.4 %
3.525 (9)
Weyerbacher Scotch Ale
Scottish Ale| 8.7 %
3.200 (8)
Weyerbacher Sierra
Milk Stout| -
Weyerbacher Slam Dunkel
Dunkel Weizen| 7 %
3.667 (9)
Weyerbacher Sour Black
Wild Ale| 5.1 %
3.417 (3)
Weyerbacher Sunday Mole Stout
Imperial Stout| 11.3 %
3.440 (2)
Weyerbacher Sunday Morning Stout
Imperial Stout| 11.8 %
3.300 (4)
Weyerbacher Tango
Belgian Strong Ale| 9.6 %
3.275 (1)
Weyerbacher Tarte Nouveau
Wild Ale| 3.9 %
3.150 (1)
Weyerbacher Thirteen
Imperial Stout| -
3.225 (1)
Weyerbacher Thirteen
Imperial Stout| -
3.075 (1)
Weyerbacher Thirteen
Imperial Stout| -
3.225 (1)
Weyerbacher Tiny
Imperial Stout| 11.8 %
3.674 (12)
Weyerbacher Twelve
American Barleywine| -
2.575 (1)
Weyerbacher Twelve
American Barleywine| -
3.200 (1)
Weyerbacher Unfiltered Double Simcoe IPA
Imperial IPA| 9 %
3.573 (8)
Weyerbacher Uniform
Rye Beer| 7 %
Weyerbacher Verboten
Belgian Ale| 5.9 %
3.460 (7)
Weyerbacher Victor India Red Ale
Amber Ale| 5.8 %
Weyerbacher Viridis Lupulus
IPA| 7.5 %
3.320 (2)
Weyerbacher Whiskey Barrel Aged Ale
Brown Ale| 9 %
3.275 (1)
Weyerbacher White Sun
Witbier| 4.6 %
2.975 (1)
Weyerbacher Winter Ale
English Strong Ale| 6.5 %
3.188 (22)
Weyerbacher Wit
Witbier| -
3.080 (2)
Weyerbacher X-Ray
Porter| 6.7 %
3.225 (1)
Weyerbacher Yankee
Old Ale| 8.4 %
Weyerbacher Zotten
Belgian Ale| 6 %
3.500 (4)
Weyerbacher Zulu
Berliner Weisse| 3.7 %

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704 Reviews 3.6 Average 3.7 Median

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