Weyerbacher Tango
Weyerbacher Tango
Rated 3.275 by BeerPals
Brewed by Weyerbacher Brewing Co.
Style: Belgian Strong Ale
9.6% Alcohol by Volume
21 International Bittering Units
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http://weyerbacher.com/blog/2011/11/tango/ We have made this release of our Brewer’s Select Series in time to help you enjoy your holidays. It is a festive combination of malts, Belgian yeast, and cherries. This dark chestnut brew has a nice caramel malt character, a tart cherry fruitiness that carries throughout, and a nice warming finish. As with all of our Brewers’ Select beers, Tango is available in draft at awesome Weyerbacher-supporting bars and restaurants and is made available in 12oz bottles at Weyerbacher’s Visitors Center only. This is a once and done limited release. Tango is the letter “T” in the NATO / phonetic alphabet. Belgian-Style Dark Ale brewed with cherries
ID: 51832 Last updated 1 month ago Added to database 11 years agoKey Stats
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Overall Rank | 19441 |
Overall Percentile | 82.1 |
Style Rank | 746 of 2241 |
Style Percentile | 66.7 |
Lowest Score | 4.1 |
Highest Score | 4.1 |
Average Score | 4.100 |
Weighted Score | 3.275 |
Standard Deviation | 0.000 |
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1 Member Reviews
Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 9 | Overall: 8
Pours out a very dark reddish color with big foamy head. The aroma smells like a Barley-wine and if it's possible I can smell sour. The mouthfeel is bitter, sweet and tart all at the same time. The flavor is heavy malt with a surprising tartness instead of sweet cherry taste. As all Weyerbacher brews it's a winner.