
Willimantic Brewing Company and Main Street Cafe

Willimantic Brewing Company and Main Street Cafe

967 Main Street
Willimantic, CT, 06226
United States


Year Established: 1991


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Our original Main Street Café was founded in 1991, and began operations as a small deli in the old Capitol Theatre building on Main Street in Willimantic, CT. Occupying both the lobby and concession area of the theatre, seating was limited to 50 people. After 3 years we were bursting at the seams and made the move to 877 Main Street, another historic building. There we expanded to a full service restaurant and featured American craft-brewed beers and an extensive menu. One more move was in the cards for us, and we made yet another trek down Main Street to our home in the current granite and limestone 1909 U.S. Post Office Building. Abandoned in 1967 by the Federal Government this building lay vacant for nearly 30 years. When used as a post office, our dining room was the post office work room, our pub was the customer lobby, and the private dining room was the Postmaster‘s office. Although extensive renovations have been made to the building, we wanted to retain the early 20th century architecture as well as create a pleasant atmosphere for dining. Remnants of post office memorabilia have been preserved to add to the flavor of the restaurant. Featured in our dining room is a 12‘ by 17‘ mural, created by Gordan MacDonald, depicting 1920‘s Main Street scene. A 60‘ mahogany bar, crafted by Peter Huckins is the centerpiece of the pub area. It is in this building that the Willimantic Brewing Company was born. Viewed from our Dining Room, our 7 barrel brewery produces our freshly made handcrafted beers. Please feel free to explore our main floor and discover all our hidden treasures. On behalf of our entire staff, we welcome you and hope you share in our excitement for our living landmark restaurant and pub brewery.

ID: 1608 Last updated 4 days ago Added to database 23 years ago

Quick Stats






Most Drunk: None
Highest Rated: Willimantic V.E.G. IPA [3.500]
Most Reviewed: Willimantic International Mail IPA [3]


Beer | Style | ABV Score
Willimantic 1st Class Festive Ale 2003
Imperial IPA| 8.4 %
3.325 (1)
Willimantic Address Unknown IPA
IPA| 6.6 %
3.400 (1)
Willimantic Air Mail Ale
Strong Ale| 7.1 %
3.325 (1)
Willimantic AmBeerLicious American Ale
Amber Ale| 5.8 %
Willimantic Anniversary Amber
Amber Ale| 5.7 %
3.175 (1)
Willimantic Anytown USA ASB
Extra Special Bitter| 5.3 %
3.250 (1)
Willimantic Autobahn Mail Alt
Altbier| 5 %
3.300 (2)
Willimantic B. O. C. Cream O Wheat
American Wheat| 4.1 %
Willimantic Bavarian Cocoa Wheat
Dunkel Weizen| 5.4 %
3.225 (1)
Willimantic Black Knight Imperial Porter
Imperial Porter| 9.4 %
3.400 (1)
Willimantic Bridge of Frogs Brown
Brown Ale| 5.6 %
Willimantic Certified Gold
Blonde Ale| 4.7 %
Willimantic Commemorative IPA
IPA| 7.2 %
3.350 (1)
Willimantic D8 Imperious Stout
Imperial Stout| 8.4 %
3.400 (1)
Willimantic Dead Letter Drye Stout
Dry Stout| 5.9 %
3.325 (1)
Willimantic Dog Bite Bitter
Bitter| 4.8 %
3.200 (1)
Willimantic Downtown Willi IDA
Brown Ale| 6.6 %
3.175 (1)
Willimantic E-Mail IPA
IPA| 5.4 %
3.350 (1)
Willimantic Edge of Darkness
Brown Ale| 5.7 %
Willimantic Equinox IPA
IPA| 6.9 %
3.250 (1)
Willimantic EurIPAen IPA
IPA| 6.5 %
3.375 (1)
Willimantic Flavor O’ Wheat
American Wheat| 4.6 %
Willimantic Glacier IPA
IPA| 6.1 %
3.400 (1)
Willimantic Harvest Ale
Amber Ale| 5.3 %
3.250 (1)
Willimantic Holiday Mail Ale
Irish Ale| 5.5 %
3.200 (1)
Willimantic Husky IPA
IPA| 6.2 %
3.275 (1)
Willimantic II IPA
Imperial IPA| 8.8 %
3.075 (1)
Willimantic India Pilsner Larger
Bohemian / Czech Pilsener| 5.9 %
3.300 (1)
Willimantic International Mail IPA
IPA| 7.4 %
3.400 (3)
Willimantic IPA 2005
IPA| 6.2 %
3.425 (1)
Willimantic IPA 500
IPA| 6.6 %
3.325 (1)
Willimantic Jack Daniels Raisin Old Ale
Old Ale| 9.4 %
3.300 (1)
Willimantic Junk Mail IPA
IPA| 6 %
3.475 (1)
Willimantic Mail Bag Porter
Porter| 5.6 %
3.325 (1)
Willimantic Mail Carrier Maybock
Bock| 6.3 %
3.150 (1)
Willimantic Mail Order Raisin Old Ale
Old Ale| 9.4 %
3.400 (1)
Willimantic Marilyn Monroe Blonde Ale
Blonde Ale| 5.6 %
3.125 (1)
Willimantic Millenium IPA
IPA| 6.8 %
Willimantic Most Wanted IPA
IPA| 6.2 %
Willimantic My Town Brown
Brown Ale| 5.7 %
Willimantic Overseas Mail Oktoberfest
Marzen / Oktoberfest| 5.7 %
3.025 (1)
Willimantic P.S. Pale Bock
Smoked Ale| 6.9 %
3.200 (1)
Willimantic Pony Expresso Stout
Coffee Stout| 5.8 %
3.250 (1)
Willimantic Postage Porter
Porter| 5.6 %
3.350 (1)
Willimantic Postal Patron Porter
Porter| 5.4 %
3.325 (1)
Willimantic Postcard Pale Ale
English Pale Ale| 4.8 %
Willimantic Postmaster IPA
IPA| 6.7 %
Willimantic Pushing the Envelope Extreme
Imperial IPA| 8.8 %
3.400 (1)
Willimantic Pushing The Envelope IPA
IPA| 6.5 %
3.450 (1)
Willimantic Rail Mail Rye
Rye Beer| 5.5 %
3.350 (1)
Willimantic Rural Route Red
Irish Ale| 5.6 %
Willimantic S.A.S.E. Spring Ale
Blonde Ale| 5 %
3.075 (1)
Willimantic S.W.A.K. Stout
Stout| 5.5 %
3.300 (1)
Willimantic Scarlet Letter Red
Irish Ale| 5.5 %
3.275 (1)
Willimantic Simon Saaz-on
Saison| 5.7 %
Willimantic Six Shooter Oyster Stout
Oyster Stout| 5.9 %
Willimantic Special Delivery Oatmeal Stout
Oatmeal Stout| 5.7 %
3.400 (1)
Willimantic Squared
Imperial IPA| 8.3 %
3.400 (1)
Willimantic Steam Kettle Bier
American Pale Ale| 5.2 %
3.225 (1)
Willimantic Sterling Nugget IPA
IPA| 6.5 %
3.400 (1)
Willimantic Summerfest
Blonde Ale| 5.8 %
3.150 (1)
Willimantic Uptown Willi IPA
IPA| 6 %
Willimantic V.E.G. IPA
IPA| 6.1 %
3.500 (2)
Willimantic Victorian Neighbor Ale
Blonde Ale| 5.4 %
3.225 (1)
Willimantic Weiss is Nice
Berliner Weisse| 3.3 %
Willimantic Willi Whammer
English Barleywine| 10.2 %
3.425 (1)
Willimantic Workingmans Wheat
American Wheat| 4.6 %

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Rating Distribution

54 Reviews 4.14 Average 4.2 Median

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