Picaroons Simeon Jones River Valley Amber Ale
Picaroons Simeon Jones River Valley Amber Ale
Rated 2.934 by BeerPalsBrewed by Northampton Brewing Company Limited
Fredericton, New Brunswick, CanadaStyle: Amber Ale
4.8% Alcohol by Volume
20 International Bittering Units
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Born in 1928, Simeon Jones left the family farm in the St. John River Valley as a young man and travelled to Saint John, finding employment in a brewery. He had a flare for business and soon owned the company. The ale he brewed was known throughout the Maritimes for its hearty, robust flavour and glowing amber colour. Eventually Jones was elected mayor of Saint John where he was long remembered as one of the finest men to ever hold that office. Always a gentleman, he was respected for his generosity, charity and kindness. Today Northampton Brewing Company produces this fine ale in the tradition of Simeon Jones, unsurpassed in quality and flavour. First brewed in 1998, this amber ale was only on tap at the King’s Head Inn at King’s Landing. This was the first beer to be introduced into Picaroons’ signature 500ml bottle. Label credits go to the Communications branch of the Government of New Brunswick.
ID: 22925 Last updated 2 months ago Added to database 18 years agoKey Stats
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Overall Rank | 49458 |
Overall Percentile | 12.6 |
Style Rank | 1114 of 1307 |
Style Percentile | 14.8 |
Lowest Score | 2.7 |
Highest Score | 3.0 |
Average Score | 2.867 |
Weighted Score | 2.934 |
Standard Deviation | 0.000 |
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3 Member Reviews
Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 5 | Mouthfeel: 4 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 5
Bought this one in Edmonston, N.B. when I was on tour with my band. Huge off-white head that is foamy and disappears at a medium pace, leaving some small traces of lacing. Its colour is golden-orange and hazy, with good amounts of carbonation. The aroma is pretty fruity, with some sweet malt and light hop. Fizzy mouthfeel and light-bodied. The taste is pretty tame with some grain malt, not even tasting the caramel malt expected. Over-carbonated amber ale that is only good to remember one of Saint John's best mayor.
Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 6
Not as good as the other beers brewed by this brewery, Simeon Jones is not terrible. Okay smell and appereance but a fairly weak attack for an Ale and as biegerman says, its a bit rough around the edges. Still drinkable however
Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 5 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 5
This bottle, brought back for me from New Brunswick has big 'King's Landing, New Brunswick' printed under the name. Where exactly this is from, or where it is brewed I am no longer sure. This is the same beer though, that I know. Poured a very light, hazy amber with a storm of ubbles that formed a good two fingers worth of head. Some lacing. Stale malty aroma, some dry amber malt maybe? Very unfavourable and offers little. A tad rough around the edges, carbonation high and flavour seems unblended and unfinished. Tad metallic in the afternote. I can find some tasty notes, but thin where found. Not much keep me interested. This 500ml bottle is more than enough to form an opinion, sadly, not enough to form a good one.