Profile of biegaman

Profile of biegaman






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Joined 19 years ago
From Toronto, NA, Canada
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  • AleSmith Speedway Stout
    rated 4.2 17 years ago

    Aroma: 9 | Appearance: 9 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 9

    A huge charcoal/brown head rested over an opaque, black body. Perhaps because it's young age, perhaps it wasn't quite cold enough, but on first impression this beer came off a little too 'hot'. Considering the 12% this is a highly quaffable drinkability. That said however, another hang up for me came with the apperent lack of roast. Despite a dry finish and abundance of (predominatly coffee, but plenty) of flavours, this stout lacked that dimension of roastness, which I believe was simply overwhelmed by the 12%. Leaving it with (maybe) slightly less character and balance than I'd expect given how damn tasty this thing is. 12% of not (cause it really isn't all that detectable), this beer certainly carries itself well and could easily be argued among the best of Imperials (or should I say American Doubles?) Like my experience with the DarkLord, this one did not over impress me though, you'd be ignorant to not recognize the spectacular makeup and quality. I only wish I had better access to this one and experiment a little more with it.

  • Stone 9th Anniversary Ale
    rated 4.1 18 years ago

    Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 9 | Overall: 8

    September 2005 batch. Poured with good head, soapy foam, dense orange in colour. Mouthfeel hits first as smooth water undertone then amarillos take over leaving a coarse and chalky finish. Aroma dominated mostly by the Amarillos. A good finish. Fairly light and unagressive. Crisp and warming. This sample has had some time to sit and it has settled quite nicely into what I would consider a great 'social pint' ... (though you might wanna watch it at nearly 8%)! Ultimately, I couldn't find much to say but plenty enough to enjoy. Thanks Grub for the pleasent surprise!

  • Elgoods Flag Porter 1825 Original
    rated 3.7 18 years ago

    Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 8

    Big thanks to Grub for the sample!
    Dark coloured body capped with snow white head. Bits of bubbly foam form over and assemble to the appereance of constalations. Body shines a ruby colour up to the light. A chocolaty sweet aroma. Maybe some vanilla in there too? A bit of chestnut in the flavour as well. I still claim to get some vanilla! The yeast works in there well, lending this some likeability. As a whole though, these flavours fall rather short of anything great. No dimension in terms of 'roastness'. Flavour seems to skip out on some sips. I enjoyed drinking this beer just fine, but as far as reviewing it... it just seemed inconsistent, mild and passive. Came across as being a little too commercial for 'authentic, traditional', real-deal English porter.

  • Anchor Old Foghorn Ale
    rated 4.2 18 years ago

    Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 9 | Mouthfeel: 9 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8

    Enjoyed outdoors on a nice summer evening, in the most lovely of company. Poured with a rocky, off-white coloured head. Two fingers to the level. The body is rather murky, butterscotch coloured. A slight shine when held to the light. Sticky, caramelyzed aroma. Well dosed in hops but not overtaken by them. Well balanced mouthfeel, contrasting a rich malt profile with hoppy overtones. Especially as it warmed subtle bits of chocolat malt (or something equally dark in flavour) began to spurt up. Interesting as you wouldn't normally find that with barleywines. Strength very well hidden. While I could agree this was (only somewhat) dull in comparison to what else is offered on the market today, it is not forgotten that this brewery is who established this catologue of ales and this framework of brewing. This is well fine to stand on its own for what it is: simple, tasty and well crafted as it is.
    Bottle courtesy of Sir HogTownHarry!

  • Burton Bridge Empire Ale
    rated 3.1 18 years ago

    Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 6

    Poured with good head, clouded amber in colour. British water gives a lot away very quickly. A rotting wheat, off honey aroma. Smelt more odd than description sounds. Weird bready staleness in mouthfeel, with alcohol all too present. A great aftertaste with surprinsgly clean finish but with a very harsh mineralness. A little distasteful to me. Bad malt profile, no aroma. Weird and off centered, lacking in balance. I seem to dislike everything I could find in this beer, but I'd consider the thought that maybe there is more to it I am missing... will probably revist a Burton again. Thanks Harry for the sample!

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