
Gearys Hampshire Special Ale

Gearys Hampshire Special Ale

Rated 3.492 by BeerPals

Brewed by Geary D.L. Brewing Company

Portland, ME, United States

Style:  English Pale Ale

7% Alcohol by Volume

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ID: 185 Last updated 2 months ago Added to database 23 years ago

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Overall Rank3944
Overall Percentile93.3
Style Rank6 of 477
Style Percentile98.7
Lowest Score2.7
Highest Score4.0
Average Score3.559
Weighted Score3.492
Standard Deviation0.365

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22 Member Reviews

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  • CHOPZ 7642 reviews
    rated 2.7 10 years ago

    Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 5 | Flavor: 5 | Overall: 5

    Purchased in a mixed pack on my trip to Maine. Pours a clean copper colour with a light beige head and some decent lacing. Sweet malt nose with rye grain notes. The taste has rye as well, but is overly sweet. Hard to go down and heavy as well. Not one I would have again.

  • HEYBEERMAN 1025 reviews
    rated 3.8 12 years ago

    Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8

    Aroma is a little mild but sweet, some honey. A murky burnt sugar colored beer with nice thick head. Flavor is sweet caramel and hop bitterness, a bit unbalanced but a nice flavor so I didn't really mind. I could drink more of these, thanks cory.

  • JABAH 1780 reviews
    rated 3.6 13 years ago

    Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

    A good English Pale ale.....almost like an ESB. Flavors of caramel malt with a lot of bitter in the end. Pairs good with a lot of styles of food. Finding these northesast brewers consistantly solid with this style of beer. Not in love with this, but could see sampling again down the road.

  • DOGFOODMAN 373 reviews
    rated 3.1 14 years ago

    Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 5 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 7

    A beer of the month club entry for oct-nov 2010. Pours a pretty copper color with a sprightly but short lived. Good hoppy flavor that goes best with food, seems a bit ragged to drink by its self

  • BLUESANDBARBQ 2568 reviews
    rated 3.9 14 years ago

    Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8

    Another beer from kinger - this one has a clear copper pour with a thin but sustained head and sporadic lacing. Aromas of sweet caramel malts, ripe and slightly sour fruits, some bready notes, and some floral hops. Taste contains all the elements of the aromas with a slight sour and bitter linger. Thanks Cory.

  • HANTRAN 557 reviews
    rated 3.6 15 years ago

    Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 7

    Mild nose of malt and citrus sits. Beige head that is minimal with OK lace on top of dark copper body. Mouth is medium carbonation a touch flat. Some biscuit and chocolate in the flavor firmly hopped for an English Pale, deep ripe fruit, lots of pine in the finish, pretty good brew. 7% alcohol is well masked, there is a touch of warming at the end, finish is very clean and dry.

  • UPSTATEDAVE 853 reviews
    rated 4.0 15 years ago

    Aroma: 9 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8

    I liked this one a good deal It poured a dark copper to brown with a strudy head lasted till the bottom of the glass. The lacing was impressive. Thick and ricj The flavor started out malty with hints of nuts The hoopiness took over and left a lingering tingle on the tongue. I found this at Rogers market in Hamilton in the cooler as part of a make your own 6 pack for 8 bucks.

  • KINGER 2328 reviews
    rated 3.9 16 years ago

    Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8

    An underrated brewer who puts out some great tasting brews, I'm so glad to see Geary's products popping up in my area from time to time. This beer is exceptional and made for a great introduction into the forthcoming Autumn season. Fruity aroma with a thick malt aroma coupled by mixed berries, caramel, and vanilla. Amber-brown color with a nice sized khaki head and adequate lacing. Full bodied and lively on the palate. Sweet and bitter, very clean finish. A moderate sipper with a dark fruity aftertaste. Nothing extreme, but this is very well made. Supremely comforting with robust flavors of nuts, toast, biscuits, toffee, and vanilla. Creamy with a nice floral hop bitterness. Fruity backbone consisting of minor citrus hints and mixed berries. Awesome find, hope to stumble across another six pack in the near future.

  • FOAMDOME 505 reviews
    rated 3.7 17 years ago

    Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

    Fourth of a mixed case bought 29 Apr 07 at TW&M's moving sale.7% abv. Pours a clear bronze, with zero lace. Features a sweet, malty smell over alcohol undertones. Malty taste has nice caramel notes. Nice and strong in aroma, flavor, and mouthfeel. Very bitter back-bite. A nice ESB-type ale.

  • EAGLEFAN538 2299 reviews
    rated 3.0 18 years ago

    Aroma: 5 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 6

    The last beer of the championship evening (vball), this one poured with a weak head and weak lacing. The aroma was light chocolate, caramel, and a touch of spice. The flavor was more caramel sweetness than anything else, no spices like the aroma seemed to hint, and the finish was lightly hopped, leaving a dry earthy note on the tongue. Somewhat boring, at least it as 1.69 vs. the 1.89 per bottle price of the other two Gearys.

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