Profile of eaglefan538

Profile of eaglefan538






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Joined 19 years ago
From DE, United States
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  • The Bruery Orchard White
    rated 2.8 14 years ago

    Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 5 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 4 | Overall: 5

    Bottle from SL. A big huge head and the body with hazy golden color. Strong lacing. Aroma of, gasp, ginger (some of the lavendar too), coriander. Flavor of ginger/lavendar, coriander, cinnamon, perfumey, chemical tastes (the yeast? maybe a theme for me with some of these Bruery beers), also some citrus. Mouthfeel moderate to light in body and highly carbonated. Bready yeasty malt/yeast with higher temps. Came off as a spice beer I wasn’t fond of way more than anything witbier-ish. Highly disappointed in this one. This brewery is sending me all over the place in terms of overall perception. I think it’s a personal / matchup thing, cuz others seem to have a killer high rating on this within style.

  • Iron Hill Hopfenweizen
    rated 4.3 14 years ago

    Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 10 | Overall: 9

    On draft at the Newark location. This one impressed and should make the style proud. I go back and forth on these neuvo styles that seem so trendy, but this was a great combination of seemingly PacNW-hops and the standard hefe-base, a paring that I wouldn’t expect to work great together? Justin at IH may have outdone Brooklyn/Schneider here, imho. Pour was as expected, looked just like a hefe. The aroma was dead on with the hefe ester and yeast base with citrus and pine hops complementing. The flavor followed, a well done hopping that didn’t overwhelm everything else about the wheat base. Really quite nice. I hope it comes back every so often.

  • Iron Hill Berliner Weisse
    rated 3.3 14 years ago

    Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

    On draft at the Lancaster location. Pour was hazy pale golden color, light head and splotchy lacing at best. The aroma was wheat and barley malts, straw and hay. The flavor was wheat, barley, and pils malts. With warmer temperature, lemons/lemongrass, sour citric notes. Light, refreshing, lingering light acidity.

  • Iron Hill Rye Saison
    rated 4.2 14 years ago

    Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 9 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 9 | Overall: 10

    On draft at the Lancaster location. Light golden color, decent initial had that had weak retention for the style. Good lacing somehow. But all amazing from there on. Aroma featured some sweeter candy apple and light fruit malts, a firm black pepper presence and some off straw notes too? Flavor wakes ya the heck up with firm in your face pepper and hops and presumably the spicy rye bitter twangy malts. Something from that spice rack too herbs and spices blend. Phenolic character is firm. Light fruits are present, light bananas at wamer temperatures. Mouthfeel was light and full at the same time. Refreshing heck of a beer. Dang good. Fantastic, in my IH top five. Good and lively carbonation.

  • Iron Hill Blackberry Dubbel
    rated 3.4 14 years ago

    Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 8

    Draft at the Wilmington location. The pour was purple in color with a very thin pink-burgundy colored head, hard to get color in the dark Wilmington location. In any event, the aroma ws rich strong sour blackberries and that was pretty much it, a touch of cherries. The flavor was all blackberries with some cherries too. Sour and acidic, light caramel under it all. Unfortunately, there wasn’t enough caramel and/or chocolate type depth of the base beer. Tanins, faint oak, sour bite. Pretty good, but it loses points for not displaying enough of the base style and the malts. Really came off as a blackberry Flemish sour. But, it was quite refreshing for a summer night after volleyball. Good, just not really dubbel-ish. Body was light too for a dubbel. I wonder if Brian is out of blackberries now?

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