Beer Reviews by HANTRAN

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# Beer Origin Style Score Date
526 Harpoon 100 Barrel Series - Imperial Stout United States Imperial Stout 4.2

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 9 | Flavor: 9 | Overall: 9

Wow, this is what Stout is all about! Pours into a glass the deepest darkest chockolate brown, small head for a stout which is pale brown in color, and wonderful lacing. Deeply complicated nose, coal and raisins, figs and tropical fruit, and honey. Mouthfeel is wonderful, velvet and satin and light on the carbonation.Initial taste is tart followed by sweet fruit (figs again), rosemary, and a delightfully sour finish leading to a very clean ending. This is a winey brew, beautifully complicated whith great balance, the alcohol is present but just right. If you see this beer buy it, its absolutely worth the price!By the way this beer needs MORE REVIEWERS!

Jun 3, 2006
04:01:03 AM
527 Abita Fleur-de-lis Restoration Ale United States Blonde Ale 3.5

Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

IF YOU'RE THINKING ABOUT A LITE DRINK THIS INSTEAD AND THEY SEND A BUCK TO THE BIG EASY! Nice light yeasty aroma with a bit of violets, goes away fast sniff it while you can. Poured a big frothy head with moderate retention and very nice long-lasting lace. Body is slightly copper colored for a blonde ale but not unappealing. Mouthfeel is slippery water and very little tingle. Taste is timid throughout but pretty well balanced. Hits hoppy with a touch of berry and a touch of chemical bitterness. Finish is tart and crisp. Has just a touch of chemical in the after-taste or I would have scored it higher. This is a very drinkable session ale.

May 31, 2006
07:33:31 PM
528 Magic Hat Hocus Pocus United States American Wheat 3.9

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8

I like Hat's offerings a lot but hated "CircusBoy", their hefe and my previous review was of Harpoon's hefe, also a great dissapointment,so it was with trepidation that I approached Hocus Pocus, Magic Hat's seasonal wheat offering. Its pretty damn drinkable! Aroma starts all yeast but later developes nice fruit...lemons and oranges, with a hint of black pepper. Pours a clear medium gold with a head that is big but maybe a bit to much about froth. Head dissipates rapidly and leaves nice lacing. Carbonation is nicely done providing a silky mouth feel with a nice tingle.Flavor makes this beer very drinkable. The wheat is up front with a very smooth malty balance, it hits tart, sweetness and fruit follow and ends crisp and clean with a tiny hint of sour. This could be a major session beer for a hot summer day. (This review is completely rewritten...the first beer out of the six was not nearly this good, maybe it was me, maybe there is a consistancy problem. Original review vcame out in the very low 2's and now its up to a 3.9...thats a HUGE difference!) When drinking this one I had just finished some very hot salsa and HocusPocus went great with it. I highly recommend this Magic Hat offering.

May 28, 2006
01:04:28 AM
529 Harpoon UFO Hefeweizen United States American Wheat 1.4

Aroma: 3 | Appearance: 4 | Mouthfeel: 3 | Flavor: 2 | Overall: 2

Harpoon makes some good brews but this is NOT one of them. One wonders what they were doing when they released this Hefe. Aroma: the nose is short lived and while it hints at all the lovely properties of a hefe it is VERY mild. Appearance: The body is a bit of the yellow side of golden and has that lovely hefe unfiltered appearance but the head is terrible. What is the point of a hefe with a small head that disapears rapidly and leaves third rate lacing? None that I can think of. Mouthfeel: Not soft or satin or sliperey, not a hefe mouth at all! Flavor: I have never had a hefe that tasted skunky before this brew is a first! Extremly uncomplicated, bitter without fruity or yeasty balance, bad...bad...BAD! Harpoon should drink some good European hefes and go back to the drawing board because this beer sucks! (OK LOOK, its better than Bud but bud is what it is, this beer claims to be a hefe IT IS NOT!

May 25, 2006
08:23:25 PM
530 Hacker-Pschorr Hefe Weisse Germany Hefeweizen 3.9

Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8

Yummy, another good hefe! Opening nose of a typical hefe lotta tropical fruit and vanilla and bread and spice. TAstes like it smells with a soft slippery mouth feel. Pours a deep foggy golden amber with a big frothy head that disaptes rapidly, doesn't lace very well. Interesting, after it warms the character changes. The nose goes more towards spice and the hops begin to come out in the flavor, it becomes more hits sweet and sour and leaves a slightly bitter hopsy aftertaste. Not my very favorite hefe but variety is the spice of life. Had this tongiht with a spicy sweet Thai Cury and it paired better than I expected though, with theat particular meal, a stronger hops finishmight have been nicer.

Apr 21, 2006
09:45:21 PM
531 Magic Hat Circus Boy United States American Wheat 2.4

Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 3 | Overall: 3

I will come back and revise this review at some point. This is a review from memory. Took a siz to a dinner party a few nights ago. Was excited as I love hefes and I like Magic Hat Brewery a lot so my expectations were high. I am also at a disadvantage as I had them out of the bottle. This beer failed miserably. Very pale nose (might have been enhanced by a glass but I really did try to work the nose out of the bottle.) Appearance, who knows. Mouthfeel nothing special, certainly not silky or velvety. Flavor!!!!!!! BAD!!!!!!!! I like thier #9 alot and this tasted like an off version of #9. It had that apricot flavor which I hav to say is nice i the 9 but SUCKS in a Hefe! Carbonation was strong in a bad way, none of that fine soft fiz that a hefe is all about. And all the key notes of a hefe seemed absent, clove...yeast, pine, citrus all missing! I am pretty sure in a blind test I would not identfy this as a hefe and might not identify it as wheat. VERY DISSAPOINTING!

Mar 28, 2006
02:07:28 AM
532 Paulaner Hefeweizen Germany Hefeweizen 4.2

Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 9 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 9 | Overall: 8

A wonderful Hefe! A very prominent aroma as it should be. Pine forests and lemon grass, vanillia, bread and ripe berries, a great nose! Classic appearance, all, foggy and fine coming at you in a lovely unfiltered deep gold. Pours a great fluffy head, exactly right for its type with moderate endurance. Nice lace slides back down rapidly but leaves semi-circular wisps so you remember it was there. Mouthfeel is velvet carbonation. Taste is all Hefe..slightly astringent almonds, wheat and spice, hinting at raisins and tropical fruit followed by a wonderful bread/yeast flavor that is perfectly balanced. This is a real upfront hefe; not timid at all. Finishes extremely clean with a tiny hint of sour, burbs great too!

Mar 28, 2006
01:56:28 AM
533 Schneider Weisse Tap 7: Schneider Weisse Original Germany Hefeweizen 4.0

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 9

Pours out a nose of pepper, yeast, clove,and vanilla. In the glass its a medium copper body (perhaps a bit too much clarity) with a creamy head that dissipates rapidly to a nice layer of lace with a small ring of foam around the edges. Lace on the sides after a swig slowly and fully slips back down the glass; its a little slippery on the glass and in the mouth which is a quality I enjoy in a good Hefe. Mouth feel is slick, sof,t slippery and thin. This beer is well balanced and just a touch mild for a Hefe. It hits sweet, flowery, and peppery... then goes to a lemony tart and sour...finishes delightfully dry and leaves a mildly tart pepper in the aftertaste. It burbs great too!

Mar 11, 2006
08:49:11 PM
534 Grolsch Premium Lager Netherlands Pale Lager 2.5

Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 4 | Flavor: 4 | Overall: 5

Predominant hay in the nose with some bread and light citrus developing. Possibly corn and to me a bit skunky smelling. Pours a verly pale gold with a creamy, almost yeasty looking head the dssipates rapidly leaving a moderate lace. Mouthfeel is water and somehow I get just a hint of a gritty feeling. Finishes with a VERY dry feeling. Flavor is uncomplicated and primarly sour with moderate bitter hops. Aftertaste is a sour that is not particularly appealing and a bit skunky. I'm not quite sure what a really good pale lager should taste like but I do hope this is not it. A simple brew too sour for a decent session beer. I've always liked the cap though, makes a great salad dressing container!

Mar 9, 2006
01:03:09 AM
535 Guinness Stout Ireland Dry Stout 2.9

Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 3 | Mouthfeel: 5 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 6

Druaght in the bottle. The pour may be the best thing about this brew. I love watching the carbonation cascade down the sides to the bottom of the glass and then build up to a truely creamy, dark ivory head. The stout itself is a VERY deep brown and completley opaque. The lace is, if you can even call it that, a really thick and lovely foam residue on the sides of the glass. The head lasts forever. This beer has almost NO nose. Mouthfeel is suprisingly thin and a touch slimy. Flavor is uncomplicated. It hits sweet-sour with a significant amount of pine tar and rotted fruit and finishes sour. This is not as deep a flavor as I recall from past forced draughts. My English friends tell me the forced here is not as good as in England and that in England its not as good as in Ireland. The bottle says serve it very cold. I find that suprising and that may be contributing to the lack of depth and flavor. I will wait a bit and allow it to warm before giving this stout the poor rating it appears to be heading towards......Is gotten a bit better as it warms; a touch of coffee and oranges coming through and the sweet-sour is becoming more appealing. I hesitate to rate this bottle as I know it is so much better on draught. But bottle it is and bad it is!

Mar 5, 2006
08:43:05 PM
536 Harp Ireland Lager 3.0

Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 5 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 6

First off at least in the US this lager is being brewed in Canada not Ireland, it would be fun to compare bottle to bottle but..... Second off, to me this is very simple lager. Aroma is quite pale, what there is of it is grassy and citrus in a pleasant way. Appearance is meduim golden with a fast big head that goes away just as fast. Very good lace. Mouth feel is tingly water. Flavor is also very mild. A little citrus and floral, nicely hopped with a bit of bitter in the middle and a slightly sour but clean aftertaste. This is VERY easy to drink. I like to let it warm up to just cool. At that temperature a bit more flavor comes through; it picks up a bit of bread in the taste. I find it slghtly over-carbonated but others may like that. For a lager its pretty nice and certainly would be an excellent session brew.

Mar 4, 2006
09:31:04 PM
537 Samuel Smith Organic Ale United Kingdom Blonde Ale 3.8

Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8

This ale pours a soft copper color with a big and very short-lived, ivory colored, fuzzy head that disolves to a nice lace wiht excellent lace on the sides of the glass and the has the ability to raise a very slight head with each swig. The nose is soft and short-lived with prominent yeast and lemon and a slight deep fig-like note. Mouth feel is thin and clean with a bit of tingle on the back of the mouth. Some may find it under-carbonated but I thik the fiz is very nicely done, each swig brings a bit of effervescence up from the bottom to form a pale new lace. The flavor starts sweet and a bit bready ,then immeadiately goes to a floral hops followed by a nice hops bitterness and finshes very clean with a hint of lemon. I got just a touch of a chemically taste in the finish but after half a few swigs I no longer detect it, I think its a drinking temperature issue. This ale tastes much better very cool than cold! This is a quite nicely done, I was going to say English but I see its classified as blonde, ale. It would make a killer session beer but it would not be an inexpensive session. It definately tastes like more.

Mar 4, 2006
12:50:04 PM
538 Heavy Seas Small Craft Warning United States Imperial Pilsener 2.8

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 4 | Overall: 4

Ok, right off, maybe I need to be drinking this colder but I'm not so... Pleasing complex aroma...yeast, flowers, cirtus and spice a lot of hops in the nose. Pours a nice creamy head that disspates rapidly leaving good lace. Color a clear golden amber. Mouthfeel not much there thin and tingly, the carbonation is pretty well done. Flavor....oooops! Decent hops at the start alot like an IPA and a tuch of sweetness, really makes you think its gonna be a nice brew. Middle taste is all alcohol. An absolutely terrible aftertaste, pine tar and a definate chemically taste followed with sourness. This beer would be a solid 7 if it stopped after the initial taste. I have iced the last third of the bottle and will go back for one more pour.....slightly better and I think I can feel a headache coming on already! This is the rare tasting session where I throw away the remaining beverage!

Feb 27, 2006
01:01:27 AM
539 Samuel Smith Organic Lager United Kingdom Lager 3.6

Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 9 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 8

When first poured has the scent of bread and yeast. After a few sips the aroma goes fruity and spicey, almost champagne-like, grapes, prunes citrus. A nice complicated nose! Nice tight head that is rather short-lived. Pours a clear medium gold, being organic I was expecting perhaps a bit of cloud but its not there. Minimumal but decent lace. Mouthfeel is thin, clean and tingly again not unlike a champagne. Flavor starts sweet and fruity, lemon..pear and a bit of fresh bread. Spice comes on rapidly in midtaste,,,pepper and a vague clove flavor. Finish is slightly bitter hops and fairly clean, maybe a tiny hint of skunk or maybe just a slight sweet and sour. A very exceptable lager but perhaps a bit over priced, at least here in the states.

Feb 24, 2006
01:33:24 AM
540 Victoria Mexico Dunkel / Dark Lager 2.7

Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 4 | Mouthfeel: 4 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 6

Well this beer IS available in the US, maybe not legally but... I happened into a small Mexican Restaurant in a Mexican section of Brooklyn to get an order to take out. There was a hand written sign in felt marker on an old cardboard box side saying Victoria now available. Of course I had to try one. I am handicapped with this review because it came in a bottle and it didn't really look like the right place to ask for a glass, so I can't attest to appearance. That really bothers me because I see BeerPal lists this as a dunkel. I would never have guessed that from drinking it and none of the reviews here either support or contradict it being a dunkel. Almost NO aroma, just a very pale sweetness. Highly carbonated, I suspect small tight bubles that would disappear rapidly. Mouth feel very similar to water. Tasted to me like Corona but not as stong a flavor...LESS skunk. No nasty aftertaste. An easy drinking beer that is not particularly rewarding but quite acceptable. I imagine on a hot day it would be a great session lager. Interestingly, I was sitting near the kitchen, and when a shrimp dish hit the fan the beer actually started to taste like sea-food, the flavor and aromoa are that pale! I hope somebody reviews this beer and actually sees it, I would have sworn by taste that it would be pale golden, not a dunkel. I'll be damned, I searched the net and finally found apicture of a mug of this beer and it is indeed amber in color. This is one MILD dunkel!

Feb 19, 2006
02:52:19 PM
541 Harpoon Celtic Ale United States Irish Ale 3.9

Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8

Sweet malty noise with a hint of pepper, but very mild. Nice cream colored head with thousands of tiny bubbles that disipates fairly rapidly to a very nice lace. A nearly perfect redish amber body that is clear. Mouthfeel is all in the back of the pallete, clean and soft. Initial taste is a bitter hops but it is rapidly followed by a nice malty sweet and sour hit. Finish is clean and tart. Not very complex but it shouldn't be complex. Not a ton of taste but perfectly balanced. ABV unknown but I am guessing high 4's. A really well done American version of a classic Irish Red Ale, I am going to have to pick up a 6 of Smithwicks and tatste these side by side. This is a VERY well done ale.

Feb 17, 2006
08:22:17 PM
542 Saranac Pale Ale United States English Pale Ale 3.3

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 6

Aroma liquorice, fruit, floral and a hint of citrsus and pine and toasted malt. Light fast tight head off white in color. Pours a beautiful clear medium copper color. Disipates rapidly leaving a lingering, nice lace. Mouthfeel is smooth, soft and tingly but a little watery. Plenty of bitter hops in the taste perhaps too much for style, mild malty sweetness, aftertaste a bit sour. An OK American Pale Ale offering but not really the English Style is proclaims. Very drinkable though.

Feb 16, 2006
07:17:16 PM
543 Rogue Dead Guy Ale United States Bock 2.7

Aroma: 4 | Appearance: 3 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 6

First thing I noticed was a real lack of aroma. Almost no nose at all. Ever so slight hint of fruit. After it warmed a bit there was an added scent of slightly sour bread. Small head that dissapears very rapidly with almost no lace. Moutfeel is clean. Falvor was, to me, suprisingly hopped at the outset..I was expecting a bit more bread in the palate, ends with a bitter hops flavor and a hint of skunk. All in all a dissapointment. I wonder if this bottle had not been properly cared for. Although it had similarities to the rogue chipolte but then again they came from the same store at the same time. Will be interesting to read other's reviews. At this point I am unlikely to purcahse another Rogue offering.

Feb 16, 2006
12:54:16 PM
544 Beck's Germany Lager 1.9

Aroma: 5 | Appearance: 3 | Mouthfeel: 4 | Flavor: 4 | Overall: 3

The quintessential euro-skunk! This used to be a favorite of mine before I drank any good beer and stacked up against Bud I guess you could understand that. Aroma is minimal-skunk, average color and head, moderate lace, slightly slimey mouthfeel, flavor is very light on the hops and in fact very light any flavor except skunk. In an average American bar (a place I spend lots of time in) this used to b the best beer you could buy. Now even my local working man's hangout at least offers some Sammie's.

Feb 15, 2006
07:12:15 PM
545 Spendrups Old Gold Sweden Bohemian / Czech Pilsener 3.3

Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

Ok this is a review from memory. I was flying back to the US from St.Petersburg and we had a layover in Helsinki airport. This beer was delightful. It is possible that my shock, upon ordering a beer in an ariport and being given a berverage in a high quality glass mug and then being allowed to wander all over the smallish airport mug in hand, may have colored by enjoyment of this brew. A minimal nose, a lovely golden color and decent head, well balanced taste with a lot of malted sweetness and a fairly clean finish. A fantatic airport brew!

Feb 15, 2006
01:55:15 PM
546 Pinkus Pils Germany Bohemian / Czech Pilsener 3.8

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8

Well if you blindfolded me I might think I was drinking a very mild wheat beer. This may well be due to the fact that I haven't had much experience with true pilsners. Pours with a thick, not quite white, full head that lingers for a moderate time. Leaves a lovely lace on the side of the glass. The nose is what really reminds me of a wheat beer, to me its a slight smell of anise although I suspect its the same note that others refer to as figs. Mouth feel is silky, spectacularly so. Taste is soft and well balanced, the hops are hidden but there. I could take it a little more hoppy but the balance is wonderfully even. Notes of bread and lemongrass in the early taste (bespeaking the balance of the yeast and hops) citrus and grassy flavors in the mid tatse turning to a slighting bitter hoppy flavor and finishing with a VERY clean palate with just a hint of sweetness. The early Bavarian style pilsners were brewed with a hard water whereas the Czech pilsner used a soft water. These differences affected color and flavor significantly as they tended to require different yeasts. I believe this beer is a standard for the Czech (origianl) style of pilsner. This beer is extremly easy to drink, a really high-class session beer at its best. Revisited 1/10 Whats going on, the lace is gone...won't mark that down yet, will revisit again.

Feb 14, 2006
08:15:14 PM
547 Peroni Premium Lager Italy Lager 2.3

Aroma: 4 | Appearance: 3 | Mouthfeel: 5 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 5

I am not a huge lager fan. This reminded me of the Hams (the beer refreshing) that my dad drank in the 60's. Ok here we go... almost no aroma, standard pee yellow color with thnk fuzzy small-bubbled head that disappears rapidly. Thin in the mouth, flavor actually so so, certainly better than Bud but has a hint of corn and a hint of skunk. Really really cold on a really really hot day chasing a nice slice of soppresatta this might chug nicely, maybe. Rerate 11/08 Uping the scores some, its not so bad for the style but very mild.

Feb 13, 2006
09:59:13 PM
548 Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA United States IPA 4.0

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 9 | Overall: 9

I had this on tap recently and it seemed so much better than in bottles. So this review is for the forced draught. I would have to call this an outstanding beer though perhaps not as true to its style as the bottled version. It is definatley far more balanced then a classic India Pale Ale. Light in color, classic head, very citrus in the nose, extremley drinkable. In a blind tatste test I might not have thought this was an IPA...the hops are there but they are really mellow and balanced.. There is, however, just something magical about the balance in the 60 minute draught, perhaps so well balanced that it disqualifies it from its purported style but if you see this one on tap have one, a really wonderful beer! 5/27/10 Not a re-rate but in the bottle this is not quite as magical and much more spot on for a standard barer IPA. Pretty complex with all the usual notes plus some ripe fruit and very hopy but surprisingly not killer on the bitter. A really great IPA!

Feb 12, 2006
02:24:12 AM
549 Rogue Chipotle Ale (Mexicali) United States Spiced Beer 2.9

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 5 | Flavor: 4 | Overall: 6

I poured this beer quite cold. It had a soft head that very rapidly disappeared to a quite minimal collar. Aroma was pleasing but not very powerful. My wife said it smelled like bread and I don't disagree; a definate scent of sweet yeast mixed with perhaps a very light berry. I really didn't like the first taste, it seemed thin and slightly "chemically" tasting. My impression was astringent and uncomplicated. As it warmed a bit it got a bit better, still a bit chemically to me but a bit more complex now with a pleasing sweetness developing in mid-taste and then the tingle of chipolte in the finish. Definately a dry finish. Some say they don't taste the pepper at all but it is there in the tingle at the back outside edges of the mouth. I frankly can't tatste the smokiness from the Chipotlte that soe describe but I', a smoker so maybe I am desensiitized. I think there could be a good beer in these ingredients, or at least a beer that I would like but I don't think the balance is quite right. Its just a bit too thin and harsh. I would perhaps malt it a bit more or cut down on the hops a bit. It tastes too much of hops and too little of hops, that is to say if they are not going for a predominantly hops flavor then it is too hopppy and and if they want a hoppy flavor they should go for it.

Feb 12, 2006
02:04:12 AM
550 Schneider Weisse Tap 6: Aventinus Weizen Doppelbock Germany Weizenbock 4.4

Aroma: 9 | Appearance: 9 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 9 | Overall: 9

Fantastic head, complex and highly appealing aroma full of fruit and spice, easy on the mouth and incredibly soft for this strong a brew. Tastes as good 30 seconds after you swallow as it does when it first enters your mouth; just a wonderfully clean after-taste. This is that rare beer that sips just as good as it guzzles. The only way I have been able to "nurse" one is by pouring it a third at a time into my glass. And its worth savoring, you get the great head on all three pours and the flavor evolves as it is allowed to breathe a bit. Just an truely fantasic brew...absolutely top 5!

Jan 23, 2006
04:10:23 AM