Beer Reviews by HANTRAN

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# Beer Origin Style Score Date
501 Samuel Adams Black Lager United States Schwarzbier 3.9

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8

Toasty chocolate malts predominate in the nose but some citrus notes detectable, its a very inviting nose! Beautiful frothy pale carmel colored head with decent retention sits atop an deep ruby body that is almost black and not quite opaque. Good lacing. My first experience with a Schwarzbier didn't know such things existed. Nice slippery mouthfeel, much fuller than most lagers. Good flavor, chocolate is there as are toasty malts, a really solid malt profile but balanced with nice amount of hops lending just a bit of tartness and citrus to the sweet body. Ends clean and fairly dry. I would not have minded a bit more alcohol presence but it really is well balanced.

Apr 6, 2007
06:59:06 PM
502 Lagunitas Maximus United States Imperial IPA 3.8

Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

Nose of pine, lemmon and pepper with maybe a hint of vanilla or some deeper note, a very big hoppy nose; really enticing. Pours a short-lived head of off-white foam over a pale copper body that is just slightly fogged with minimal lace. Mouth feel is moderately thick with a nice tingle. Flavor is somewaht one-dimensional with hops straight through and the alcohol not entirely masked but well balanced. It hits with a slight sweetness on the sides of the mouth with alcohol hitting the top back at the same time. Follows with bitter floral and citrus notes and a bit of bread. Ends tart and leaves a very bitter aftertaste hinting at coal tar and perhaps a bit chemically. One could call this unbalanced but I think its appropriate for a "maximus" IPA and suspect it will appeal to true hop-heads. It definately screams AMERICAN pale ale. I would like to see the alcohol a bit more masked and a touch better balance in the bitter hops versus the malt base and I find myself wondering if the malts are actually toasted or crystal. Heads can be tuff in a high alcohol beer but I think this aspect could be improved. Went back for the second pour and dis so less gingerly, much nicer head and lace this time, kicking it up apoint.

Mar 31, 2007
08:02:31 PM
503 Magic Hat #9 United States Fruit Beer 3.5

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

Well I am long overdue to review this one. Its kind of a standard for me, good to have around for folks who usually just drink swill but will try something else occasionally. Aroma is INTENSLY apricot with maybe just a bit of black pepper. Pours a white frothy head with very little retention and light alce. A nice light gold foggy body with decent eppervescence> Mouthfeel is nice, a bit slippery, medium bodied with good tingle, kind of like a heffe mouthfeel.Taste is straightforward the sweet fruity apricot with a very gentle hops hit right after, ends a bit sour and maybe just slightly mettalic. I like hat 9, its a good thirst quencher and an easy drinker although the apricot may be a big turn off for some. Never had it on draught which might be interesting.

Mar 22, 2007
01:51:22 AM
504 Samuel Adams Honey Porter United States Porter 4.1

Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 9 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8

Nose is sweet, carmelized malts with an interesting balance of hops floral and piney. Pours a very dark copper, almost black. Nice big frothy dirty beige head with decent staying power. Really nice lace! Wow this is interesting, very silky and full mouthfeel. Hits tart and then the sweet, carmelized malt comes on but stays fairly hoppy throughout. Unusual hop presence for a porter. Flavor lingers and changes for a fairly complicated taste. Goes a bit sour towards the end, fruity sour...figs and tart citrus. Finishes dry and fairly clean. None of the tastes are "big" but they are all there and well balanced. AFter all the fun tasting the finish somehow sesms just a bit watery. Another interesting showing for Sam.

Feb 1, 2007
02:54:01 AM
505 Ridgeway Bad Elf Winters Ale United Kingdom English Strong Ale 3.7

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8

review from memory (last night) on this one. A pale copper color and decent head with OK lace. Very hoppy nose, pine and spice. Suprising hops profile in the flavor considering htis is an english strong made by an English brewer. There answer to American Pales I guess, which is nice to see. Pretty well balanced, not as hoppy as an APA but mabye for an English brew it lives up top their standard of what very hoppy is. Some malt is present but not what you would expect in an English Strong. Fairly clean dn dry after taste. Light to average mouthfeel and teh alcohol is well masked. A very pleasant beer. If you want hops without being killed by it this is a nice choice and would be a great session beer.

Jan 21, 2007
01:30:21 AM
506 Long Trail Brewing Double Bag United States Altbier 3.7

Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 9 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 8

Mild hops nose; pine, orange peel, pepper, and carmel candy. Minimal to almost no head, whats there is beige and tightly knit. Leaving a very small but distinctive lave that withdraws downt he side of the glass like surf retreating from the beach, leaving only very small dots behind. All that sitting on top of a classically copper-colored body with a lot of transparency. Mouth feel is silky and suprsingly tingly in spite of the visual absense of carbonation. A full and balanced flavor starts piney hops and goes quickly to yeast and then toasty carmel malts with a significant grain presence. The finish is dry with alcohol predominating the aftertaste, and prehaps a bit of chemical in the aftertaste as well. I would rate this sticke altbeer a bit higher if the aftertaste was more pleasant.

Dec 29, 2006
10:30:29 PM
507 Smithwick's Irish Ale Ireland Irish Ale 3.7

Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

Easy drinking! Vanilla, malt, carmel in the nose, nice big creamy dirty beige head with good lace over a very ddep copper colored body. Mouthfeel is soft and satin and a bit slippery and a bit foamy, lotta carbonation here. Flavor is not too complex but very nicely balanced. Fairly bitter with a good balance of toasty malts. It finishes clean and dry. There is also a little sour throughout the taste. Very drinkable, perhaps the ultimate session brew. I think I can taste a bit of corn and would reather not.

Dec 14, 2006
10:59:14 PM
508 Lagunitas India Pale Ale United States IPA 4.1

Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 9 | Overall: 8

I had been away from hoppy beers for a while and thought I would pick this six up. Nose of pine, lemmon, pepper....what a good IPA nose is all about. Pours very frothy with a ibgt loose head that soon reduces to a skim coat floating on top of a light copper-colored clear body with a few tight bubbles constantly rising to the top; replenishing the skim coat. Very nice lacing all the way down the glass.Motuhfeel is nicely foamy, slightly slippery and clean. Better balance then I expected after reading hte label "homicidally hoppy". Not to say the hops aren't there, they are and in a big way, but they do a lovely dance with a quality malty sweet body. The taste of this beer is not so much about stages of flavor as it is about a constant really well balanced blend of flavors. That said it does hit hoppsy floral, goes sweet, and finishes VERY astringent. The more I tatste the more I like this beer, its just excellent balance for a very hoppy brew. There is an interesting fruity note well hidden in there, prunes perhaps and I am starting to think the malts are toasted, almost a carmel sweetness floating around with great bitter hops. Perhaps my favorite IPA, alwasy a tuff decision.

Nov 25, 2006
07:05:25 PM
509 Newcastle Brown Ale United Kingdom Brown Ale 3.4

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 7

Big big nose on this brew. Sweet fruits, figs, raisins, orange and nice spice notes mostly pepper ... a winey nose. Pours a real nice frothy pale carmel-colored head. Medium to dark brown clear body with not much continuing fiz, somehow thin in appearance. Excellent lacing. Mouth feel is thin and a bit flat, the carbonation is underdone. Flavor was strong on the first swig but seems to dissapear as I continue drinking. There is a lot of toasted malts and very mild hop flavors, it hits sweet then tingles a bit with the touch of hops, but stays sweet throughout and ends fairly dry. Not complicated and a touch winey. No doubt an easy session brew.

Nov 21, 2006
02:31:21 AM
510 Cisco Whales Tale Pale Ale United States English Pale Ale 4.0

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 9 | Overall: 8

Very small in the nose when poured cold more aroma seems to develope after the head dissipates. Still not a strong aroma but nuts, citrus and bread detected along with a nicely done peppery aroma. Pours a great thick carmel colored head that does not last. Laces nicely with small bubbles continuing throughout the drink. A deep honey, light bronze cloudy body... an apealing looking brew that always leaves a bit of residue on the bottom of the glass. Mouthfeel is a touch chewy and a touch slippery...medium bodied, again its nice. The mild flavor suprised me. I hadn't read that they were crafting and English style Pale and was expecting (for no real reason) an American style. The hops are definatley present but not overwhelming. It has two very distinct tastes as it starts nutty and honey and then bang go the hops its bitter and acidic. Finish is a bit floral and goes tart at the end but leaves a clean after taste. Balance on this beer is spot on. A moderately complex brew, very well crafted and perfect for introducing a novice to hops. Great for sessions as well I suspect.

Sep 26, 2006
08:34:26 PM
511 Duchy Originals Organic Ale United Kingdom Extra Special Bitter 4.1

Aroma: 9 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8

Aroma is a nice mix of malts and hops...pine, lemon peel, rosemary, and apples with a nice bready overtone. The aroma lasts! This is an aromatic brew. Appearance is in the eye of the beholder I guess but this one looks lovely to me. Pours a medium deep copper-colored body that is slightly foggy and is just a bit more red than most copper-colored ales ...bronze I guess. Caps with a very foamy head that is nicely done and lasts a moderate amount of time. No constantly rising bubbles but a nice thin foam remains on the top and excellent lacing. Mouth is real nice, very soft and velvety, smooth and suprisingly a nice hint of thickness with a decent tingle. Like the nose promised there is a good amount of hops in this beer. It hits a bit nutty-malty,yeasty, a little rosemary astingency in the taste --- not a strong flavor but nicely done. Leads to a nice yet not terribly complex sweet sour thing and ends tart and dry. Reminisent of an IPA with less hops bitterness, this is a very drinkable ale. Alcohol is fully masked. I drank a LOT of English bitters in the pubs in 73 when I was 19, This is the first I have had since. For a beer that in most ways is modest I am suprised how high my rating is going to come out. This is just very well done!

Sep 25, 2006
08:39:25 PM
512 Samuel Smith Oatmeal Stout United Kingdom Oatmeal Stout 4.4

Aroma: 9 | Appearance: 9 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 9 | Overall: 9

An amzaingly fast to dissapear nose of rasberrys and malt.. wish it had stuck around a bit longer. Also a fairly short-lived head taht is carmel in color and leaves moderate lace. Pours a deep deep brown body that is quite opaque. Mouthfeel is nice... good tingle fairly slippery, perhaps a touch thin. Taste is becoming interesting.Flavor at first seems simple it is going almost straight to the end taste but the end taste, while brief, seems quite complex. I think I may have poured this a bit too cold and am going to let it warm a bit before more tasting. The hops in this stout are not shy. It hits with a combination of bitter and floral with a touch of orange peel, and super clean for a stout. I'm not getting much nid taste or perhaps the begining middle and end are incredibly well folded into one another. It goes carmel and toasty and brown sugar very rapidly which is combined with a nice bready tatse and follows with oats. It ends clean and slightly sweet and then if followed with a slightly sour and smokey aftertaste. There is a plesant tobacco taste in the end note as well. Alcohol is completley masked. Second pour at a slightly warmer temperature. Much less fruit in the nose, some chocolate and some grape. Interstingly it smells a bit like a smoked gouda.The head is lasting a bit longer this time and is lovely to look at a nice combination of tight foam broken up with pockets of large bubbles. Teh initial simplicity of this stout is deceptive. For me it required more detailed concentration then many beers but that attention revealed a quite complex and wonderfully crafted stout. This oen burbs geat too!

Sep 20, 2006
10:46:20 PM
513 Dogfish Head Indian Brown Ale United States Brown Ale 3.9

Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8

Very small and short lived beige head with minimal lacing over a deep deep copper colored body . Perhaps the carbonation is not as well done as most Dogfish products. Nose of citrus, figs and cotton candy. Mouth feel is delightful… all silk and velvet with a decent tingle but just a bit thin. Flavor is nice, the first tatste is porter-like but becomes more aleish as time goes buy. It hits sweet with a good carmel flavor then goes astringent and hoppy with a nice bitterness that leads to a sweet flavor of toasty malts. Well balanced for a sweet ale it finishes surprisingly clean and fairly dry. Alchohol is barely present in the taste but leaves a nice heat in the belly. This would probably be a great beer to introduce less adventurous quaffers to a whole new world of elixers. Its very very aproachable! RERATE 11/22/2016 Nose has nots of licorice and bourbon. Vigorous pour now produces a thick frothy head with good retention and lace.

Sep 12, 2006
09:27:12 PM
514 Dogfish Head Immort Ale United States American Barleywine 4.1

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 9 | Mouthfeel: 9 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8

Nose is lemmon, pepper, lavender,and fresh backed bread ... complicated and balanced, real nice. Pours a thick forthy beige head with moderate endurance and real good lacing. A deep copper body lurks beneath with continuing effervesance moving up to restore the lace. For some reason, personal I guess, I find hte color slightly off-putting. Mouthfeel is VERY slippery, creamy and tingly ... again VERY nice. Taste is spot on for type, winey, layered, complicated, and balanced. It hits very sweet, I suspect crystal malts and toasted malts, a bit of caramel flavors in that initial taste. It follows with a nice floral hoppy bite, an astringency,and a significant presence of alcohol in the midtatste. That is followed with a lavender and citrus flavor and stronger caramel flavors. End taste is sugar, almost like icing but with a hint of tartness. Aftertaste is suprisingly clean for this ale and i get an intersting pear flavor. I find this to be a very good ale but if sweetness bothers you then this one's not for you. I would liek to try this with a real good stinky cheese course, I suspect it would be fantastic!

Sep 8, 2006
08:49:08 PM
515 Ommegang Three Philosophers United States Abbey Quadrupel 4.2

Aroma: 9 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 9

Reviewing from day old memory. Great head, none better ...beige, thick, foamy and alive. A head that lasts forever and leaves magnificent lace with a dark dark brown body underneath. Nose of fruit and spice and malt...complex and delightful. Mouthfeel is thick yet clean, slippery and tingly. Flavor is complex, toasty malts, heavy fruit, spice and some alcohol, for a sweet beer it finishes fairly dry. This beer is a home run.

Sep 2, 2006
09:54:02 PM
516 North Coast Brother Thelonious United States Belgian Strong Ale 3.9

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 9 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8

Interesting beer, reminds me of a dopplebock. Pours a ruby brown, lots of violet in the body.Decent light biege head that has medium endurance, good lacing. Not a lot of nose to this beer which is suprising. Wahts there is some yeast and some berry. Mouthfeel is full and the carbonation is nicely done. Strong flavor elements and fairly complex, befitting its Belgium target. A very winey flavor with lots of spice and fruit followed by a significant presence of alcohol, finishes sweet. Not a lot of hops profile in this brew. A very good american attempt at a Belgium Stong ale and they kick in 2 bucks a case towards a jazz foundation. (Thelonius Monk, Thelooniou Brothers, Monks made Belgium Ale, its kinda clever.) rerate 1/2/2016 Did the recipe change or did I? Tons of long-lasting nose on this thing; figs, cotton candy, grape, marking that up. Zero lace, marking that down. Carbonation seems a bit light.Pretty tasty though. But qutie sweet and alcoholmore maked that previous tasting.

Aug 27, 2006
12:09:27 PM
517 Rogue Morimoto Black Obi Soba Ale United States Spiced Beer 3.6

Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 7

Pours a very dark brown body with a hint of deep violet within. Mdoerate dirty grey head that is short lived but leaving quite nice lace. Nose is all pine with maybew a hint of some other floral detected. Smells like a nice version of lysol. Mouth feel is foamy, slippery, and then tingly... theres a lot of feel to the mouth which is rather enjoyable. Flavor has a lot of hops in it and a lot of carmel hits astringent pine and pepper then goes a bit sweet then finishes quite dry, leaving hte mouth coasted with a charcoal aftertaste. It also tastes a bit like Coca-Cola but not in a bad way.

Aug 25, 2006
08:43:25 PM
518 Corona Extra Mexico Pale Lager 2.0

Aroma: 3 | Appearance: 4 | Mouthfeel: 5 | Flavor: 4 | Overall: 4

First time I have ever tasted a Corona, have always put lime in it before. Aroma is very close to non-existant a wee bit of grass, a wee bit of bready yeasts, and a touch of sweet berries. Pours a minimal head that rapidly disapears leaveing almost 0 lace and a tiny but constant effervesance that bubbles up through a very pale yellow body. Mouthfeel is slightly tingly and slightly slippery, its an OK mouthfeel. Flavor .......what flavor? Tastes like a very stale sweet tart might taste; a litle corn, a little metalic, a little simple syrup, and ends with a slightly off-putting chemical taste, almost no aftertaste. All these flavors are just barely there, its a VERY small taste. All in all its better then most US macros, no skunk, and its better then drinking water.

Aug 11, 2006
09:00:11 PM
519 Samuel Adams Summer Ale United States American Wheat 3.6

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

Aroma is lemom grass, honey, clover and yeast. Its a very mild nose. Pours a deep amber body that is foggy and starts with a large foamy head that dissipates moderately leaving moderate lace. Mouthfeel is fuzzy, tingly, light and clean. Flavor is mild but lovely balance. It hits floral and a subtle hint of lemmon,hopps and wheat are present, moves to honey and follows with a nice bit of bitter, leaving almost no aftertaste. This is a very well done beer, perfect for a summer cookout and a strong contender for session beer of the season.

Aug 8, 2006
06:02:08 PM
520 McSorleys Ale United States Irish Ale 3.8

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8

This reveiw is the bottle, been along time since I've had the draft. Pours a twofinger had, nice and frothy which subsides fairly quickly leaving moderate lace. Has a nice transparent copper colored body. Nose is nice, a bit of yeast and a nice hoppy spice and maybe a touch of citrus, very inviting. Mouthfeel is slipery with a touch of tingle, medium bodied. Flavor is not a let down and seems just as promised by the nose. Fairly complex for this style of ale and very tasty. Hits a bit bitter, then goes very floral, turns tart goes sweet and ends ever so slightly bitter. Lots of nice flavors involved; orange, clove, pepper, and some toasted malts present, and a hint of carmel sugars. I used to frequent McSorley's in the East Village and frankly don't recall that draft being quite this subtle and flavorful. This is a very nice bottle of beer. (LATER EDIT) OK, I'm shocked, this is a Miller offering! Well done Miller, and it apparently had nothing to do with McSorley's in the East Village (one wonders if they at least paid McSorley's a price for the name.)

Aug 4, 2006
08:20:04 PM
521 Rolling Rock Extra Pale United States Pale Lager 1.8

Aroma: 3 | Appearance: 3 | Mouthfeel: 4 | Flavor: 4 | Overall: 4

Sooner or later you gotta review the rock. Pours with a moderate fuzy head that disipates very rapidly leaving almost no lace, no bubble, and a pale yellow body. Aroma is rice and sugar and a touch of citrus and skunk. Mouthfeel is VERY thin and poorly carbonated; its fuzzy with out being tingly. Flavor is where this beer shines, it has almost no flavor. Compared to its competitors (the American Macros) I consider that lack of flavor to be a good thing! What flavor there is starts with grain and alcohol, goes slightly tart and citrusy and finishes fairly smooth and clean for its class. This rock actually seems a bit better now that it has gone from ice cold to cool and thats suprising and unusual in a Macro. I'll certainly take it over any AB product and it beats Miller in my book; its a rather harmless beverage, perhaps good to have if you don't quite know if you want a beer.

Aug 2, 2006
09:35:02 PM
522 Yuengling Traditional Lager United States Vienna / Amber Lager 2.9

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 5 | Mouthfeel: 4 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 7

aroma is minimal but OK,smells like macro when first poured but that goes away and leaves a hint of hops. Pours a fairly clear light copper color with a decent head that looks like yeast and is pale carmel in color. Moderate lasting head with poor lace. Mouth feel is lightly carbonated water (I thinkthis lager could use a bit more carbonation). Flavor is also minimal.There is a hint of hoppy spicyness and a small hint of skunk, the sweet and tart are balanced pretty nicely, leaves no aftertaste. I have graded this pretty low but on a hot day when you want to drink a LOT of beer this is a decent choice. Whenever I am having a massive cookout I make sure to have Yuengling around for those friends who only want American mass-produced beer.

Jul 7, 2006
09:27:07 PM
523 Leffe Blonde Belgium Belgian Ale 4.2

Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 9 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 9

Pours a great big head with oversized bubbles clinging to the outside of the glass and a lovely soft merengue textured mass floating atop the head. A soft copper colored body slightly fogged with a steady procession of carbonation makes up the body. Amazing Lace! I had to let the head receed a bit to get the aroma of the beer (my fault for pouring it into a tall galss instead of a chalice)which is just coming through now. Vanilla, orange peel, black pepper, yeast,clove, cinnamon, and a hard subtle hard to identify low note, figs perhaps. Mouthfeel starts clean, tingly, and crisp but leaves a sinuous soft coating, absolutely delightful. The flavor starts out upfront and then suprises with a continued complexity. It hits the palette with sweet yeast and round ripe tropical fruit full of esthers... mango and grapefruit and bombards with a peppery zing including clove and cinnamon at almost the same time which predominates in midtaste as it leads to an end note of tart citrus. Aftertaste is vaguely melon leading to grain and now a bit of sour yeast. These components are all incredibly well balanced and present themselves not as seperate stages but as an almost contemporaneous bursting of flavors. This is jsut a very intelligently crafted ale almost impossible to improve upon.

Jul 7, 2006
01:38:07 AM
524 Boulder Mojo India Pale Ale United States IPA 3.4

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

a whole lotta pine in the nose with some citrus overtones. A moderately pale golden color slightly foggy with a white frothy head and decent lace. Mouthfeel is fuzzy, tingly and nice. Flavor.. hops, hops, hops! Oragne peel, pine tar, coal and just a hint of figs. Bitter bittr bitter! Not complicated at all, straight up front hops, followed by hops and ending with hops.The alcohol is well hidden but its got a good kick. this one is for hop heads. (burps grapefruit)

Jun 28, 2006
11:35:28 PM
525 Green Valley Wild Hop Lager United States Pale Lager 1.5

Aroma: 4 | Appearance: 4 | Mouthfeel: 3 | Flavor: 2 | Overall: 2

Just God awful, didn't know it was AB till I tasted it. Aroma very minimal but acceptable (though not for a beer with Hop in the name. Decent clear copper color with poor head and really poor lace. I should have known when it said USDA organic istead of just organic that it was gonna be a bogus experience, oh well. Mouthfeel is non-existant... picture seltzer water gone not quite totally flat. Flavor! Complete crap!There is a tiny initial hit of hops that very rapidly turns to mettalic ugliness. It tastes like the old deoderants that had aluminum chlorhydrate as thier main ingredient.Somehow they have managed to give it an aftertaste that is even worse. This crap almost makes Bud taste good! How can a company like AB with tremendous financial resources make such a terrible terible brew? Certainly this went through some corporate taste testing program...who the hell were the tasters? Review this one quick. It won't be around long!

Jun 28, 2006
10:28:28 PM