2903 beers | 3.590 Avg ScoreRauchbiers ("smoked beers") are smoked beers of just about any German style, which are derived from smoked malt. The original and prime example of the style is specifically a Marzen-based lager that is made from Beechwood-smoked malt. The style dates back to the sixteenth century and to the city of Bamberg in Franconia, Germany. The key added character to this style of beer is obviously the smoky aroma and flavor, although the level of smoking can vary from light to very strong. The overall flavor can be a somewhat balanced and complex blend of malt, hops, and smoke, with some finishing with a gentle sweetness. While the appearance can range in color (depending on the base style), rauchbiers are typically covered with a fairly rich and creamy head. Rauchbiers on average tend to be more "smoked" than beers found in the "Smoked Ale" style on Beerpal.com.