
Boxing Rock Bottle Blonde

Boxing Rock Bottle Blonde

Rated 3.100 by BeerPals

Brewed by Boxing Rock Brewing Company

Shelburne, Nova Scotia, Canada

Style:  Rye Beer

5% Alcohol by Volume

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Summer is finally here. It was one of the worst winters anyone can remember, and spring never really arrived - It was cold. Then it was hot. And here we are. Well, if you can’t take the heat, have a beer. A nice cold refreshing one. We’ve got it. Introducing Bottle Blonde Rye Ale. It’s malty. It’s got that spicy hint of something in the background you just can’t put your finger on. The hops are there and signal their presence but in a way that lets the malt come through. And with over 35% rye malt, it’s different enough to grab your attention. It’s summer beer with just a bit of attitude, yet mild, easy going and eminently drinkable. Like some of our favourite bottle blondes: Gwen Stefani, Lady Gaga, or even, dare I say it, Dee Snyder or Guy Fieri (You might not admit it, but admit it, you secretly like these guys.) it’s got a bit of attitude and doesn’t take itself too seriously. ;-D It might just be the perfect summer beer.

ID: 60731 Last updated 1 month ago Added to database 9 years ago

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Overall Rank62002
Overall Percentile43
Style Rank296 of 469
Style Percentile36.9
Lowest Score3.4
Highest Score3.4
Average Score3.400
Weighted Score3.100
Standard Deviation0.000

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1 Member Reviews

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  • CHOPZ 7720 reviews
    rated 3.4 9 years ago

    Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 7

    Purchased at a NSLC on my trip to Nova Scotia. Pours a clear golden colour with a light amber hue. The head is big, close to white, staying up long and with good lacing. The aromas are spicy with some mild fruity yeast. The taste is where the rye shines, quite cereal-like notes with some grassy hops in there. Hints of citrus. A litte too much of this grain for my likings, but a good rye brew overall.

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