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Corona: Swill or No Swill?

General Beer Discussion by CHANGEUP45

What's everyone's take on Corona. Is it swill or is it not? I have a pretty good idea where this one will go but I'm still curious.

19 years ago
# 27
# 27


Overhyped swill.

12 years ago
# 28
# 28



I have had Corona, I have never bought Corona, I will never pay for a Corona, I will not pass down a Corona offered to me

12 years ago
# 29
# 29

quote: Originally posted by Sancho
Corona sucks balls, end of story

12 years ago
# 30
# 30

Corona is definitely on the wrong end of the Mexican beer hierarchy. Overpriced,'s generally a sheer status symbol..."oh, hey..a don't mind spending a little extra for the imported stuff!! Nice!". The thread topic is "swill or no swill". Corona, along with BMC and many other Mexican/Euro pale lagers..defines swill.

12 years ago
# 31
# 31

quote: Originally posted by Stoutlover72
Corona is definitely on the wrong end of the Mexican beer hierarchy. Overpriced,'s generally a sheer status symbol..."oh, hey..a don't mind spending a little extra for the imported stuff!! Nice!". The thread topic is "swill or no swill". Corona, along with BMC and many other Mexican/Euro pale lagers..defines swill.
You got that right.

12 years ago
# 32
# 32

eh. Who cares. I would never buy it again even though I probably did close to 10 years ago. But I'd never pass it up if someone gave it to me. Shit is shit. How you can compare shit to shit? "Dude, that shit's bad. But it's not as bad as some of the other shit that blablabla puts out. That's some bad shit. On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the shittiest, Corona is definitely a 7." If any of you mofos have ever been to the most secluded tavern in the backwoods of Wisconsin or wherever you hell you live, you will KNOW that Corona is a luxury. Busch light on tap? You better believe it. Who the hell's Mr. Fancy Pants down there at the end of the bar drinking that non-American beer? That's right. Just itching for a fight with Jim-Bob.

12 years ago
# 33
# 33


quote: Originally posted by Phishpond417
eh. Who cares. I would never buy it again even though I probably did close to 10 years ago. But I'd never pass it up if someone gave it to me. Shit is shit. How you can compare shit to shit? "Dude, that shit's bad. But it's not as bad as some of the other shit that blablabla puts out. That's some bad shit. On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the shittiest, Corona is definitely a 7." If any of you mofos have ever been to the most secluded tavern in the backwoods of Wisconsin or wherever you hell you live, you will KNOW that Corona is a luxury. Busch light on tap? You better believe it. Who the hell's Mr. Fancy Pants down there at the end of the bar drinking that non-American beer? That's right. Just itching for a fight with Jim-Bob.

12 years ago
# 34
# 34

leave home? We're allowed to do that?

12 years ago
# 35
# 35



The swill of swill. Have drank it, have not and will not pay for it. I've turned it down in favour of wine.

12 years ago
# 36
# 36

A few months ago, I was in Shortnecks, (sister bar to Longnecks, go figure!) sitting next stool to a guy who had a bucket of Coronas. He got a phone call, had to leave, and offered me the last 3 in his bucket. Yes, I do turn down free Corona!

12 years ago
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