Poll: Beer and Sports
Poll Discussion by CLASH
The big game is on! I'm drinking..... -Nothing, it’s about the game man! -Swill is usually around on game day. -Session beers - 5-6% micros please -High ABV beers - always tasty -Rare stuff from cellar, I rate during commercials. -I don't watch sports. Ok this is not the most exciting of polls but sometimes less is more right? Anyway the big game could be anything...right now we have hockey and basketball playoffs. It might be a big soccer game, World Series, Superbowl, whatever floats your boat. How do you usually roll during these games? Or do you not "roll" at all?
12 years ago
quote: Originally posted by mattfungus
the answer I would have put was 2-3, proabably session, but if I have a good IPA great. It also depends on if I'm at a Packer Game or watching it at home. If at the game 2-3 session beers or weaker, depending on the intensity of the game. Since Lambeau is got a nearly Leinie/Miller monopoly and doesn't allow any other liquor in since 9/11, I'm forced to endure different different beers that I would normally just say pass on. Also, you forgot the additive to swill. "Swill, and yes I annoy fellow fans by forcing them to pass me 20 beers a game, annoy them by getting up 10 times to go to hit the head and disappear for long periods of time, and finally outrage them by passing out halfway through the third quarter, forcing my best friend to cover me with my coat and apologize profusely to the guy next him for throwing up a little on him."
High ABV's if I'm in the Lambeau field parking lot or tailgating in someone's yard before the game. The reason: I'm going to get nice and shitty before the game starts because I'm probably only going to have only one or two inside. Swill= not cool. Overpriced swill = really not cool, turns Travis into Hulk. At the cantina, drinking sessionable shtuff so I can maintain my cool when I otherwise might freak out. And so I can have a couple of tequila shots with my buddies after Packer touchdowns. Sure hope I can find some buddies to do that with this football season in Portlandia..
Beavers and Ducks!
quote: Sure hope I can find some buddies to do that with this football season in Portlandia..
something usually around.... no pattern. sometimes mix it up, sometimes higher abv stuff (heck, ipas aren't low abv), sometimes things more sessionable..... there's normally beer around though.
I rarely have beer while watching something. I am too cheap when at the game or race. As for tailgating, I did it occasionally, but a few beers at 8am always made me ready for a nap. On tv, I am usually just watching a game. I may have a beer or two on occasion, but it's not a regular thing.
Seriously, who watches sports anymore. Real Housewives of Atlanta/Orange County/New York is what's causing competitive beer consumption! Pop a shot for every time someone complains about money...........
Good one! Like the 24 game where everyone drank every time Jack Bauer said "Dammit!"
quote: Originally posted by MissSipless
Seriously, who watches sports anymore. Real Housewives of Atlanta/Orange County/New York is what's causing competitive beer consumption! Pop a shot for every time someone complains about money...........