fargingbastige6 passes 1000 reviews!
Website Comments by BLUESANDBARBQ
I certainly know how hard that is being from our region of the country. Love your 1000th beer too bro. Will share some more pints with you next month Curtis - Big Congrats on your accomplishment!
13 years ago
Thanks, guys. Admittedly, I live in what may be a craft brew wasteland... but we have a couple of up-starts that are making their way. I hope folks around here will continue to support them. Thankfully, I have an opportunity to travel - and that has led to some great finds - and I have some great beerpals who have helped me along my way - Lou, Garrett, Chris & Greg - thanks, guys. My wife is even sporty enough to have joined in and assists with my quest for good/unique brew.
A sporty wife is a good thing.
quote: Originally posted by fargingbastige6
Thanks, guys. Admittedly, I live in what may be a craft brew wasteland... but we have a couple of up-starts that are making their way. I hope folks around here will continue to support them. Thankfully, I have an opportunity to travel - and that has led to some great finds - and I have some great beerpals who have helped me along my way - Lou, Garrett, Chris & Greg - thanks, guys. My wife is even sporty enough to have joined in and assists with my quest for good/unique brew.
...and Jayson - dammit, I always forget somebody...[B)]
quote: Originally posted by fargingbastige6
Thanks, guys. Admittedly, I live in what may be a craft brew wasteland... but we have a couple of up-starts that are making their way. I hope folks around here will continue to support them. Thankfully, I have an opportunity to travel - and that has led to some great finds - and I have some great beerpals who have helped me along my way - Lou, Garrett, Chris & Greg - thanks, guys. My wife is even sporty enough to have joined in and assists with my quest for good/unique brew.