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Budweiser "Day Fresh Beer"

General Beer Discussion by MRBUCK

The latest marketing ploy by Bud. Available through select restaurants and bars. I am not a Bud fan (for obvious reasons) however, has anyone tried this stuff. Does it taste any different than regular Bud.

20 years ago
# 3
# 3


Wonder when they'll just start charging a flat rate to let people lie on the conveyor belt and just suck it down before bottling ala Homer Simpson at the Duff factory. Wouldn't that save on bottling (canning?) expenses?

20 years ago
# 4
# 4

I used to drive for Budweiser and not only is the born on date a joke but to think someone is going to buy this crap because it was born yesterday. My advice is to stay away from A/B products until they come down to earth with a nice gimmick like a good tasting brew... Kissmybass Long live the Ales!

20 years ago
# 5
# 5

budweiser taste like shit, and worst of all it has an even worse buzz. I mean considering these factors, why do people even bother with this shit

20 years ago
# 6
# 6

Buttwiper is not about bier. Butt is however THE BEST IN the WORLD when it comes to advertising! The ads are a crack up at times, and others, become cultural icons. Bud makes the folks that drink it feel welcome into a community that does the things they do (what drink shitty bier?), have a brew at the game or the race track. This is not bier for biers sake, it is brew for mass consumption, and at that level Buttwiper's the BEST!

20 years ago
# 7
# 7


Does best equal most available? hmmmmm just a point to ponder as if the beer aficianado's here need to.

20 years ago
# 8
# 8

hey, you guys are right, anheuser-busch may spend a ton of cash on marketing, but they also make the best-tasting domestic brews!! BUD rules!! ... just my opinion!

20 years ago
# 9
# 9


T-bone...have you tried many domestic brews? Just curious as to what you are using for comparison. I gather you haven't tried many micro brews or some lesser widely distributed brews.

20 years ago
# 10
# 10



In Reply To #9 I just had a Rogue American Amber and it tasted a bit better than Bud, just my opinion.

20 years ago
# 11
# 11



In Reply To #9 T-Bone, if you seriously think that budweiser is the best domestic then you really need to shop around a little more. Try some of the Sierra Nevada beers or even most of the Sam Adams and think twice about your love of bud.

20 years ago
# 12
# 12


For #11: If you liked Rogue's American, try a Rogue Hazelnut Brown. If nutty beers tickle your palate, you will love it. My only negative about it is that it's not available in my area.

20 years ago
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