
Blackstone Restaurant & Brewery

Blackstone Restaurant & Brewery

1918 West End Avenue
Nashville, TN, 37203
United States


Year Established: 1994


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We opened Blackstone Restaurant and Brewery in 1994 with the notion that there were more people who wanted good beer than our bathtub would allow us to make with our homebrew equipment. That indeed was the case... and the rest is history. That history continues with Blackstone Brewing Company and the completion of our dedicated brewing and bottling facility in 2011. We have used the finest ingredients and the most meticulous brewing methods to craft these wonderful ales.

ID: 2379 Last updated 3 days ago Added to database 21 years ago

Quick Stats






Most Drunk: None
Highest Rated: Blackstone St. Charles Porter [3.491]
Most Reviewed: Blackstone St. Charles Porter [8]


Beer | Style | ABV Score
Blackhorse Barrel Aged Flemish Sour Ale
Flanders Red| 6.3 %
Blackstone Adam Bomb American IPA
IPA| 7.3 %
3.300 (2)
Blackstone American Pale Ale
American Pale Ale| 5.3 %
3.175 (5)
Blackstone Belgian Trippel
Abbey Tripel| -
3.286 (4)
Blackstone Blackfin Lager
Schwarzbier| -
Blackstone Chaser Pale
Kölsch| -
2.825 (5)
Blackstone Fiery Gizzard ESB
Extra Special Bitter| -
Blackstone German Style Kolsch Ale
Kölsch| -
Blackstone Harvest Ale
Strong Ale| 6.9 %
Blackstone Hefe
American Wheat| -
Blackstone IPA
IPA| -
Blackstone Irish Stout
Dry Stout| -
3.240 (2)
Blackstone Maibock
Bock| -
Blackstone Maris Otter Pale Ale
English Pale Ale| -
3.250 (3)
Blackstone Nut Brown Ale
Brown Ale| -
3.160 (7)
Blackstone Oatmeal Stout
Oatmeal Stout| -
3.150 (1)
Blackstone Oktoberfest
Marzen / Oktoberfest| -
Blackstone Picnic English-Style Summer Ale
Extra Special Bitter| 5.2 %
3.125 (1)
Blackstone Pilsner
Bohemian / Czech Pilsener| -
Blackstone Pumpkin Ale
Spiced Beer| 5.1 %
Blackstone Red Springs Ale
Amber Ale| -
3.000 (1)
Blackstone St. Charles Porter
Porter| 5.8 %
3.491 (8)
Blackstone Stephanie's Dubbel
Abbey Dubbel| -
3.200 (1)

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Rating Distribution

40 Reviews 3.38 Average 3.3 Median

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