Two Roads Worker's Comp Saison
Two Roads Worker's Comp Saison
Rated 2.700 by BeerPalsBrewed by Two Roads Brewing
Stratford, CT, United StatesStyle: Saison
4.8% Alcohol by Volume
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A traditional farmhouse ale made with a very expressive yeast strain that contributes an array of tropical fruit, spice flavors and aromatics. Brewed with a variety of harvest grains including barley, wheat, oats and rye as was likely the case with farmhouse brewers of yore. The result is a complex, refreshing and distinctive example of this esoteric style. Intensely fruity (passion fruit, pineapple, mango, lychee), slightly spicy (clove, white pepper)
ID: 50935 Last updated 1 month ago Added to database 11 years agoKey Stats
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Overall Rank | 54143 |
Overall Percentile | 4 |
Style Rank | 1319 of 1320 |
Style Percentile | 0.099999999999994 |
Lowest Score | 1.8 |
Highest Score | 1.8 |
Average Score | 1.800 |
Weighted Score | 2.700 |
Standard Deviation | 0.000 |
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1 Member Reviews
Aroma: 2 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 5 | Flavor: 2 | Overall: 3
If you have even the smallest soft spot in your heart for Saisons do not taste this Shite! As this is brewed in my home state and as they have several other brews that have just appeared at my local vendor and I am a big fan of Sasions, I had so hoped this would be tasty but alas! Ok, thats out of the way so on with the review. The pale resemblance to the nose of a good Saison is the best part of this beer; clove predominates and not much else there. Terrible Terrible appearance; a pale yellow body (reminiscent of Bud, Pabst, etc) is not topped at all; no head, almost dead still in the glass, zero lace Mouth is very light, some tingle, not slippery. Flavor is clove followed by clove and finishing with clove. No malt, tiny bit of hops bitterness, the initial taste is close to right for a Saison but thats all there is; no barnyard funk, no grass, no fruit, no sour...OK that might rate a three but this gets a two because it ends with an awful chemical medicinal nastiness that is just awful. (yes I think this beer sux!) My local supplier has two more of their brews which, as I grabbed this six, I had hoped to review in the future. Now the thought of buying 6 of anything from these folks scares the hell out of me. Maybe I can talk them into selling me a mixed 6. Oh yes,one more thing, a Saison at 4.8 ABV....WTF!