Ølfabrikken Porter
Ølfabrikken Porter
Rated 4.048 by BeerPalsBrewed by Ølfabrikken
Vejby, Tisvildeleje, DenmarkStyle: Baltic Porter
7.5% Alcohol by Volume
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En mørk og kraftig porter, der er ristet uden at være brændt eller bitter. Smagen og duften er domineret af tørrede frugter med vinøse nuancer. I baggrunden lurer ristet malt, der tilfører noter af bitter, mørk chokolade, suppleret af en lang sød karamelsmag fra bla. brun farin. Gæring ved høj temperatur med en engelsk ale gær tilføjer kompleksitet
ID: 23139 Last updated 1 week ago Added to database 18 years agoKey Stats
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Overall Rank | 107 |
Overall Percentile | 99.8 |
Style Rank | 3 of 225 |
Style Percentile | 98.7 |
Lowest Score | 3.0 |
Highest Score | 5.0 |
Average Score | 4.169 |
Weighted Score | 4.048 |
Standard Deviation | 0.427 |
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26 Member Reviews
Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7
I must have had a bad bottle because this Porter didn;t wow me like it wowed others. In fact, I thought it was average at best as far as beer goes, and below average for a porter. The pour is nice dark brown (I matched it against some coal I have and it certainly failed to be jet black) with a brown head. The aroma was weak chocolate, weak coffee, and noticeable alcohol (a no-no in a 7.5% beer). Flavour is all over the place, a little coffee, a little chocolate, a little licorice, and a little vanilla, but nothing stood out as being supreme.
Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 8
Nice. Pours a nice dark brown black with a generous head, much more so than expected for the style. Nice roasted malt aroma. Mouthfeel is smooooth. Flavor is as expected for a decent porter and this is an all around very good brew.
Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8
Wish list brew from john. Loved the frosted and surprisingly choppy aroma. Licorice, chocolate, smoke...lots going on, and all very good. But not Wow good, so methinks 64th is a bit on the high side.
Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 9 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8
Very good Porter with a big ashy, roasted malt character. This beer isn’t too big or dramatic, but it nails the porter flavor profile (ok, maybe it’s somewhat stout-ish) and hits appropriately hard for the Baltic sub-style. The beer pours black and opaque. The edges barely show a sliver of dark brown. The head is a relatively dark tan-brown that dissipates a bit more rapidly than I’d like. The aroma is primarily sweet and roasty. There’s a touch of burnt molasses and cigar/tobacco flavor. The flavor has a big ashy component with a lot of roasted malt. The finish might have a touch of hops, but it’s hard to tell under all that malt. The malt is really the star and brings flavors of licorice, burnt caramel and molasses in addition to the roast. The feel is nice and creamy but gets a tad astringent for me. I’m not sure if the comparison is apt, but I recently had Beer Here’s Mørke Pumpernickel Porter made by a former Ølfabrikken brewer, and it’s probably the only porter I prefer to this one. The mouthfeel really pushes the Beer Here beer over the top. At any rate, they’re both great beers.
Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 9 | Flavor: 9 | Overall: 9
Picked up a few of these again at my local beerstore. 22 oz bombers, poured one into a tall dunkel glass. Big coffee aroma with some chocolate smoke and bourbonish waifs. Increases as it warms. Coats the mouth with a sweet, oily texture. Big flavor. Roasted coffee to start, chocolate sweet in the middle, and a bread-like favor on the backend. Notes of brown sugar, bourbon, and dark chocolate builds as I drink this. A magnificent porter. One of my all time favorites.
Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 9 | Overall: 9
Aromas of high quality chocolate, expresso, dark fruits like plum,raisins, ect, with some alcohol. Jet black body with some floaters, and a dark tan head, that leaves good lace. Good thick mouthfeel, a little oily even. Robust flavors of smoke, expresso, brown sugar, alcohol and fruit. Overall a excellent beer, it has many stout like qualities, a beer thats worth seeking out.
Aroma: 10 | Appearance: 10 | Mouthfeel: 10 | Flavor: 10 | Overall: 10
Aroma is rich, smoky, with a strong coffee-ish undertone and a firm hint of unsweetened chocolate - the sort of aroma I expect from a good porter. It pours a rich, opaque black - not sable, but solid black - with a thick, frothy tan head. Strong, satisfying flavor lives up to the promise of the aroma and appearance, being strongly smoky with tones of rich roasted coffee, unsweetened chocolate, and burnt caramel, with nutty and butterscotch hints. Texture is satisfyingly smooth and thick, leaving a smoky aftertaste that has touches of both hoppy bitterness and honey sweetness. I know ratings of all 5's are supposed to be rare, but this beer deserves a perfect rating!
Aroma: 10 | Appearance: 10 | Mouthfeel: 10 | Flavor: 10 | Overall: 10
This beer was fabulous! This brew poured a JET BLACK beer. It was absolutely opaque! I held it up to the light and got zero light penetration. On top of that, it smelled of chocolate and coffee and tasted the same. It was thick and silky in the glass. I would HIGHLY recommend this beer to porter lovers. This may be the best one I have ever had. Who knew the Scandinavian countries had such stellar porters?
Aroma: 9 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 9 | Overall: 9
This beer poured with a deep jet black colored body topped off by a medium sized rocky light brown head that left light lace down the sides of the glass. The aroma is rich and sweet with roasted malts, licorice, and chocolate. The mouthfeel is medium to full bodied rich and slightly creamy. The flavor is a very nice blend of licorice, chocolate, a bitting hoppy bitterness, and some nice coffee flavors tying it all together. A great porter.
Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 10 | Mouthfeel: 9 | Flavor: 10 | Overall: 10
When I see these 100/100 beers it makes me wonder. I am not one of those that agree with the general public. I have to see for myself. I can tell you right upfront, this brew is all that. Wow! ............Brew pours close to black w/ a two finger froth. Head retention is good reducing to a full, silky canopy and a thick fluffy ring. The aroma is strong yet airy w/ a defined freshness. It reminds me of putting my head in the chocolate cake batter bowl as a child. Nice! Full nectar w/ ample residual effers that creates a velvety texture that turns to cream as it warms. We’re really getting somewhere folks. Flavor wise this thing hits you hard w/ the cocoa. Theres a defined sweetness but it’s totally balanaced and completely enjoyable. Theres a moderate to strong roast component that throws the decadent cocoa malts into oncoming traffic. Roasted coffee bean, cocoa, iodine, leather, and vanilla. The finish is bittered perfectly w/ roasted nut shells and leaves a lingering cocoa sweetness (although not in the least bit cloying) that sticks around forever. Overall: If there has to be a Baltic Porter that rates 100 this is it. Mega cocoa w/ a balanced roasted sweetness. I highly recommend this to the connoisseur. You can expect to find a small amount of yeast in the bottle.