Lagunitas Little Sumpin Sumpin Ale
Lagunitas Little Sumpin Sumpin Ale
Rated 3.867 by BeerPalsBrewed by Lagunitas Brewing Company
Style: IPA
7.3% Alcohol by Volume
64 International Bittering Units
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Way smooth and silky with a nice wheaty-esque-ish-ness. Just the little sumpin' sumpin' we all need to kick Summer into full swing! Approx. Release – May
ID: 36404 Last updated 1 month ago Added to database 15 years agoKey Stats
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Overall Rank | 489 |
Overall Percentile | 99.6 |
Style Rank | 15 of 14685 |
Style Percentile | 99.9 |
Lowest Score | 3.2 |
Highest Score | 4.8 |
Average Score | 3.944 |
Weighted Score | 3.867 |
Standard Deviation | 0.336 |
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34 Member Reviews
Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7
Pours a clean golden colour with a frothy warm cap, good stay with some foamy lacing. Grassy hop smell with some sweetness from the malt. Kind of fruity actually with hints of spices. This appears in the taste as well. Goes down smoothly. A nice balance of fruitiness and grassiness.
Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 7
Clear golden colour pour. Foamy white head thins a little too quickly. Leaves oily lacing. What aroma there is, is floral and sweet malt. Flavour is very refreshing and a little different. It'seems a little on the sweet side but still has some decent hop flavour to it. Peach, melon and honey in the background.
Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8
Pours a clear, light amber color with a fluffy white head that leaves some impressive lacing on the sides of the glass. Hoppy citrus aroma (grapefuit and lemon) with sweet malt. Citrus leads the flavors with the sweet malt round out the flavor. The finish is not really dry and bitter like most IPA's. Alcohol is undetectable and one would think that this is a sessionable IPA. Alas, it's not. Very refreshing beer on a warm spring afternoon.
Aroma: 9 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8
A solid beer with great appearance. The overall taste of this ale is like many of the classic craft brews like Sierra Nevada's Pale Ale or Redhook Brewery's ESB (the original version, not the new recipe) where you get the unique yeast taste at first, then a burst of the other flavors on swallowing - in this case there seems to be some nice bright citrus tones (like the more expensive Ballast Point Sculpin ale), and then the tail (the taste that lingers) which is pretty smooth. Most craft beers fall flat on the tail. There's often a lingering odd taste, and it's what makes a beer undrinkable as it gets closer to room temperature. This ale is fairly easy to drink if you let it lose its chill. Very well made. I often make note of craft beers that are good to give to friends who never had one, and this is one of them. Appearance-wise, this beer has a nice, long-lasting foamy head if you pour it into a pint glass vigorously (don't tilt the glass and pour it right into the bottom center) and it looks great when you're pouring it for guests with a nice dinner. Recommended!
Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 9 | Overall: 8
Golden pour with a thick white head. Fair amount of lace on the glass. Citrus and grass notes. Mild amount of hop bitterness to it. Enjoyed this one very much.
Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7
I don't much care for IPA but I wouldn't have known this one was unless I read the label. Very little bitterness and better flavor than other IPAs I've had. Paired quite well with the cigar I was smoking.
Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 8
A golden color with a white head. The aroma contains lemons, perfume, pine. The flavor is quite bitter with lemons, pine, oddly some bready notes. Palate is bitter but not too much. There is a malt presence if you use your imagination. Overall pretty good.
Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 9
Smells of pine and trupintine.. taste like airplane glue smells, with a sour grapefruit back. Very good, abuse it and it don't kill ya too bad!!! Lagunitas, gotta love em (mostly!)
Aroma: 9 | Appearance: 9 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 9 | Overall: 9
Re-rate: 2023 not going to change the score but I sure do miss the old label. Some pine and citrus in the nose; apricot, rose petals, and grapefruit. Pour is gorgeous. Quite a pale amber body topped by a rocky, frothy head with great retention and good lace. Medium bodied slightly slippery mouth. Flavor is unique IMHO. With no malt in the nose this has a pretty strong malt backbone. Malt is neutral, neither toasty nor sweet. This beer is bitter! Great job using some hops for nose and others for bittering. The citrus and pine are not nearly as strong in the flavor profile as they are in the nose. Just a really big bitter clean finish with a hint of sour. Some peppery notes detected and once I thought I tasted coffee. Also some pineapple. And wheat, I taste the wheat. Alcohol is a significant part of taste profile. Did I mention fantastic lace? Did I mention bitter? How did they make this beer as pale as it is (all wheat.) Lagunitas never disappoints. This is an extremely well made brew! Rerate 1/21/13 I just adore this brew, there is a lot of pine and citrus in the taste and also some apricot ... wonderful stuff!
Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8
Pours a nice dark amber with a white fluffy head. Aroma is what hit me right away, heavy on the hops and has a bit of a pine scent to it. Taste is somwhat creamy with a lot of hops. Finishes off somewhat dry. A delight to drink. Reminds me of a good IPA.