
East End S.W.I.L.L

East End S.W.I.L.L

Rated 2.850 by BeerPals
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Brewed by East End Brewing Company

Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Style:  Lager

6% Alcohol by Volume

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A beer that is neither a Session-er (clocking in at nearly 6% abv due to the corn - we call it "flaked maize"), nor is it an ale. It’s S.W.I.L.L., which stands for Stigmatized Wholly Indegenous Local Lager... "Stigmatized" because it’s the pre-prohibition ancestor of the big American Macro lagers. It’s what beer tasted like before prohibition and bad marketing turned them into what they are today. "Wholly Indegenous" because it’s one of a handful of truly American beer styles. And "Local" because it’s brewed with the humblest of local ingredients (corn), and "lager" because, well, it’s our first commercial lager.

ID: 33395 Last updated 2 months ago Added to database 16 years ago

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Overall Rank52065
Overall Percentile7.9
Style Rank825 of 1107
Style Percentile25.5
Lowest Score2.4
Highest Score2.4
Average Score2.400
Weighted Score2.850
Standard Deviation0.000

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1 Member Reviews

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  • CHEAPDARK 389 reviews
    rated 2.4 16 years ago

    Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 3 | Flavor: 4 | Overall: 5

    S6L3F2T4O9 From growler and poured into a big clear 24 oz heavy glass mug. I filled the growler yesterday at the EE brewery. Cloudy for a lager, makes this very interesting, optically. No head on the first pour and I don’t see any signs of visible carbonation. This brew looks somewhat like a darker wheat or hefe, but it is not quite plain cloudy light brown, there is an orange color appeal to it. It has a fairly sweet or mild floral aroma. Very little mouth carbonation and as I recall, there was not much pressure release when I undid the lid. Comes across as nearly flat on the palate. Taste has plenty of personality for a lager. If I didn’t know better, I’d say this was ale. It is really ale-ish. A lager an ale lover will love. Most macro lagers are designed to keep outttah yer face, this is not. It regularly lets you know that it is in your mouth. Quite strong and supposedly this is 6%, but I bet yer bippy it’s certainly more! How dare this be called a session brew, heheh. This beer is quite reminiscent of a dubbels I’ve had from EE. There is this gnawing provocative taste ever present during the session. More persona than most lager lovers will tolerate. Interestingly, I think I detect some higher alky macro-brew attributes, which could be good or bad, depending on your attitudes toward macro lagers. At times this ‘S.W.I.L.L’. is a little easier said, than done. The most ale-ish flavored lager I have had in some time. Lacks many of the common courtesies we have come to know with yer typical American lager. Mixed emotions on this one, primarily because I was expecting another smooth laid back EE session brew for some reason. Smooth, yes but not totally qualifying as a session-able brew, heheheh, I’m a little off my sharpness by now. Second pour generates some foamy head, much more than the first. There is a weird animosity of uncanny lager, but in a good way. In summary, moderately diverse when compared to any other ‘lager’ I‘ve tasted. Quite an impressionable brew fer sure. An ale like lager with plenty of that EE attitude in there. Overwhelming in some aspects. Finish leaves you wondering what happened. Overall, pretty strong, did I say that already?

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