Bøevnovský Benedíct Klášterní I P A
Bøevnovský Benedíct Klášterní I P A
Rated 3.325 by BeerPalsBrewed by Bøevnovský Klášterní Pivovar
Praha 6, Praha, Czech RepublicStyle: IPA
6.5% Alcohol by Volume
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Specialní pivo polotmavé svrchnì kvašenì nefiltrované. Klášterní IPA je svým charakterem na pomezí anglického a amerického stylu. Plné tìlo,vyšší, mírnì drsná ale pøíjemná hoøkost a znatelný citrusový buket pocházející ze speciálních odrùd chmele zajišt'ují tomuto pívu dobrou pitelnost pøi každé pøiležitosti. Optimální teplota 10°-12°C.
ID: 50299 Last updated 1 month ago Added to database 12 years agoKey Stats
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Overall Rank | 9437 |
Overall Percentile | 83.3 |
Style Rank | 896 of 6332 |
Style Percentile | 85.8 |
Lowest Score | 4.3 |
Highest Score | 4.3 |
Average Score | 4.300 |
Weighted Score | 3.325 |
Standard Deviation | 0.000 |
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1 Member Reviews
Aroma: 10 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 9 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8
700 ml swing-top bottle, bought at the brewery. Poured in the original Břevnovský Klásterný beer mug an unfiltered and light hazy red copper-brown coloured IPA with a generous two fingers beige and dense foamy head that had a very long retention and tons of micro bubbles. Low carbonation Some lacing. The aroma is sweety caramel malts and intense hoppy with a grassy backbone and a well prononced aromatic resinous and fruity, citrus, passion fruit, touch. The flavour is sweety toasted malts, caramel and a deep hoppy bitterness with grassy and piney-resinous hops, notes of fruits, nuts and a spicy touch, pepper. The mouthfeel is clean, fulled and very smooth. This full bodied IPA has a long piney hoppy finish. A very well balanced and convincing IPA, with a Czech touch, from one of the youngest breweries in Prague. I like it.