Beer Reviews by DREWSESLU

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  • Budweiser
    rated 1.7 19 years ago

    Aroma: 3 | Appearance: 4 | Mouthfeel: 4 | Flavor: 3 | Overall: 3

    Well its about average. This is better than Bud Light in every way, and better than Miller Lite and MGD. But for the price its totally not worth it, for a few cents more you can get a nice Boulevard or Schlafly brew most places around this town. It is still clear, watery and sometimes flat, but it is better the majority of mass produced swill (I think I'm required to write that in every macro review, right?). If its all you find at the bar/game/friend's house, just drink it, its no porter or IPA but it ain't that bad.

  • Natural Light
    rated 1.1 19 years ago

    Aroma: 2 | Appearance: 2 | Mouthfeel: 3 | Flavor: 2 | Overall: 2

    I would say its a great cheap beer, but is not, that is PBR. This beer has two redeeming qualities, one of which does not apply. This is a cheap beer, but not in St. Louis. For some reason even though I can nearly see the brewery from my apartment, all AB products are rediculously expensive. For the price of "Natty" you can get MGD or something of somewhat better quality. Secondly, beechwood aging, thank the Lord for beechwood aging, this is all that keeps this watery "lager" from tasting the same going in as out (I assume). In summary, if this cheap beer is cheap where you live (the best I've seen $4.79 for 12 cans) and you are playing beer pong all weekend go for it.

  • Michelob Honey Lager
    rated 3.0 19 years ago

    Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 5 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 6

    Well, to start, for the price of this beer, just do yourself a favor and get whatever pale ale or wheat beer is next to it on the shelf (because you're probably not going to find this on tap). With a color better than any other AB product I've yet had and a genuinely flat pour, I still enjoy this brew. The addition of honey is good, well, it is honey and it can turn plain toast delicious. This is exactly the case here. Michelob is the Wonderbread of the brewing industry. And the results are good, but if you want a better honey brew, find a honey wheat, you'll pay the same price and be rewarded for your wisdom.

  • Pabst Blue Ribbon
    rated 2.4 19 years ago

    Aroma: 5 | Appearance: 4 | Mouthfeel: 4 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 5

    The cream of the crap! When it comes to yard-beer or cheap swill, as opposed to the overpriced Bud Light and Miller Light, this outshines even the juggernaut that is the High Life. It may pour pale, have little aroma and a simple flavor, but it does pour to a decent head (from our keg, anyway) and the simple flavor is a good one with a better bite than any other macro "brew". How it won a Blue Ribbon, I have no idea, but when playing washers, horseshoes, fishing or shooting of fireworks, I'll take my PBR with my Art's and Mary's jalepeno chips.

  • Schlafly Pale Ale
    rated 3.4 19 years ago

    Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

    One of my favorites, yes it is a bit inconsistent, but when they nail it, Schlafly really nails it. This is hoppy, yet balanced and I could drink every day (if I could afford it). Absolutely delicious, especially when on tap, it is a wonder to enjoy. RERATE: After having this many times, and many, many other beers I've come to the conclusion that this is a good training wheels beer, and still a solid session ale, but not as great as I'd remembered it.

  • Boulevard Bob's 47 Oktoberfest
    rated 4.4 19 years ago

    Aroma: 9 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 9 | Flavor: 9 | Overall: 9

    This is simply delicious and one of my favorite beers. I once spent four hours of my weekday afternoon driving around St. Louis looking for this seasonal offering (quit holding out on us and offer it year 'round!). The color a beautiful translucent dark amber/brown. Pours a quickly fading head with some lacing, but the real redeeming quality is the taste, full and rich while mild without a heavy or grainy mouthfeel. Fantastic!