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Non-Beer Discussion by MITCHFORGIE

My wife and I are thinking of travelling to the Red River Gorge for climbing and doing a road trip about that area of the world next fall... Want to check out Asheville, looking for other suggestions, but also I want to ask a fairly sensitive question and I must profess my ignorance... I am white Canadian and married to an East Indian. I have heard horror stories which I expect are greatly exaggerated, but is there places we should avoid as a mixed race couple in the southern states?

12 years ago
# 9
# 9

Great new pic slow!

12 years ago
# 10
# 10

I'm almost from Georgia; grew up right across the Chattahoochee River (AL-GA border)... but, nah, Georgians have more teeth...

quote: Originally posted by slowrunner77
quote: quote: Originally posted by bluesandbarbq
are Mounties really as cool as they seem in Dudley Do Right? [;)][:o)]
Of course they are! As an almost Canadian (grew up in Niagara Falls, a mile from the border) I feel I can chime in here [;)]

12 years ago
# 11
# 11

While I'm excited to go! Second part, where else should we go!! And most mounties are quite nice, mostly cause they are largely actually tourism liasons rather than active police officers. And for beer/maple syrup I vote Quebec. For beer #2 is BC (biased probably though). I have been many places in the world but not the south states (been to Dallas). Its just the movies, although Canadian Bacon was very accurate!

12 years ago
# 12
# 12

quote: Originally posted by mitchforgie
While I'm excited to go! Second part, where else should we go!!
Driving? Flying? How much time?

12 years ago
# 13
# 13

quote: Originally posted by pfoxyjohn
quote: quote: Originally posted by mitchforgie
While I'm excited to go! Second part, where else should we go!!
Driving? Flying? How much time?
Flying there but will rent a car, expect Octoberish, be around for 2 weeks probably with 6 or 7 days in Red River Gorge

12 years ago
# 14
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quote: Originally posted by fargingbastige6
quote: quote: Originally posted by Stoutlover72
I think stereotypes suck.
Yep... try being from Alabama.

12 years ago
# 15
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What others have said. I've had interracial relationships in the deep South without problems (other than my dad's opinions [:D]). Not to discount historical and cultural realities that do exist in the South, but assholes exist everywhere.

12 years ago
# 16
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quote: Originally posted by mitchforgie
While I'm excited to go! Second part, where else should we go!! And most mounties are quite nice, mostly cause they are largely actually tourism liasons rather than active police officers. And for beer/maple syrup I vote Quebec. For beer #2 is BC (biased probably though). I have been many places in the world but not the south states (been to Dallas). Its just the movies, although Canadian Bacon was very accurate!
Mounties - just don't carry a stapler and you should be alright.

12 years ago
# 17
# 17

For refreshment in Lexington KY, West Sixth Brewing will tickle your palate. They brew a fine IPA, and it's canned... easy to camp with. If you fly into Cincinnati (CVG) let me know; I'll buy you a beer and welcome you to KY!

12 years ago
# 18
# 18

quote: Originally posted by fretwalker
For refreshment in Lexington KY, West Sixth Brewing will tickle your palate. They brew a fine IPA, and it's canned... easy to camp with. If you fly into Cincinnati (CVG) let me know; I'll buy you a beer and welcome you to KY!
Thanks very much!

12 years ago
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