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And you fit in where?

General Beer Discussion by CYRENAICA

12 years ago
# 7
# 7



The only real difference that I can see between a Gourmand and a Populist is that the Gourmand is willing/likes to drink macro-swill AND quality made beer. That makes me a Gourmand.

12 years ago
# 8
# 8

Geek. Definitely geek. I can't stop wanting to try and to know. Definitely always wanting to know what others like and how I can help them find what they like. Definitely like keeping the conversation going, and also like changing the topic up so it doesn't stagnate. Love little tidbits like what's history of brew terminology, dating beer labels by art, differences in hops. Homebrew and even homemalt.

12 years ago
# 9
# 9


I was in the geek category for years. But then grew tired of chasing every possible new beer and rating every terrible fruit wheat and wit at brewpubs. However, I still think it is awesome to see the enthusiasm of people that are still chasing new and quality brews! I try new stuff, but not with the passion or gusto that I used to have when everything was new to me. Like jlozier, I see very little difference between Populist and Gourmand. I am probably more on the Gourmand side just because I am too cheap to always buy quality.

12 years ago
# 10
# 10

Polulist for sure. At stores I often see people just staring at the micros. I nearly always ask if I could help them. This time of year most of them want a lighter more crisp brew for the beach. I point out 5-6 brews that they might enjoy. Beer is about fun. But I just can't drink those macro brews anymore.

12 years ago
# 11
# 11


quote: Originally posted by slowrunner77
Somewhere between a populist and a geek for me, though maybe 1% snob, as evidenced by my previous strikeout of foam's comment [:D]
Glad you said it, cause I was sure as heck thinking it! [:p]

12 years ago
# 12
# 12


quote: Originally posted by FoamDome
This would make a very interesting Poll Question, no?
That was my original thought, but to answer the question, that requires the article, and I wasn't sure that the link should be included in the poll forum...

12 years ago
# 13
# 13



if i drank a tecate (i didnt buy it) to get a badge on Untappd, and i took notes so i can rate it, does that make me a Geek or Gourmand? [:p] 55% geek, 45% populist

12 years ago
# 14
# 14

O wad some Pow'r the giftie gie us. To see oursels as ithers see us!

12 years ago
# 15
# 15


quote: Originally posted by fretwalker
O wad some Pow'r the giftie gie us. To see oursels as ithers see us!
Thank ye, Rabbie!

12 years ago
# 16
# 16


I guess if I had to choose one I would be leaning towards the gourmand.

12 years ago
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