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good beer days.. .. .

General Beer Discussion by SUDSMCDUFF

When and why was your last really good beer day?? Did you drink a rare treat? Finally cross of a wishlist brew? Share something cool with friends? Today I drank and put 2 new brews in my top ten, Great Divide Espresso Oak Aged Yeti Imperial Stout and New Glarus Raspberry Tart (thanks pfoxyjohn)... enough said.. so.. When was your last really good beer day?

15 years ago
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Yesterday was a fantastic beer day, two friends and myself took an afternoon trip to the Cleveland area as follows: 1. North Court Beverage in Medina for some bottle shopping. 2. Brew Kettle in Strongsville for a couple pints and an appetizer. I had their Dry Stout and Munich Dunkel on tap and left with bombers of Dark Helmet Imperial Schwarzbier, Four C's Pale Ale, and Big Woody 3. Rozi's and Mini Mart in Cleveland for some more bottle shopping 4. The Beer Engine in Lakewood for one of their awesome burgers. Had their Dortmunder with the sandwich and finished the stop off with a Bells Porter served on cask. Hopslam was on cask earlier but they had run out by the time we rolled in. Overall a great afternoon, my plan was to buy and drink some good locally made brews and I succeeded there along with picking up some good stuff not available in the stores near me.

15 years ago
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March 19, 2009 in Colorado Springs Co. For lunch we went to Trinity brewing co. ( recommended by Cotrell, and Chef Chad)and tried three of their brews that I rated 3.4-3.8. On tap at Trinity i tried New Belgium's La Folie, and Pliny the Younger. Later that afternoon i bought and tried some Lion stout, Alaskan stout, and several local brews from Bristol and Ska brew co's, and brought those last ones home. It was a pretty good day, I tried several local brewers and tried some good ones on tap that are unavalible here in Texas. Yes Mr. McDuff i had some rare treats and crossed a few off of my wish list. [:D]

15 years ago
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i went to SF over the weekend and found more good/rare (but frikkin expensive) beers than i can list here...highlights are Port Older Viscosity and Russian River Beatification. Had a Pliny the Elder and a Dogfish Head Chicory Stout on tap, and a Rodenbach Grand Cru at the Toronado. Also visited Healthy Spirits, City Beer, & Jake's.

15 years ago
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Hmm... A good beer day for me would be driving across the state line (over an hour away) to the closest beer store to buy a cart-full of Chimay's or Unibroue's. Thanks Mississippi.[:(]

15 years ago
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March 15, 2009. On my visit to in-laws in Ohio, I made my largest beer haul ever - and plunked down more money than I have ever spent on beer. Bought most of my oHIo beers @ Dorothy Lane Market - Washinton Square. Got several from my wish list and some that are in BP's Top 100. Also stopped by The Liquor Barn in Lexington, KY on the way back home and laid down more coinage and greenbacks for some of the largest selection of beer that I have ever seen. That store is amazing. I have enjoyed many of them already and hope to trade some too.

15 years ago
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bluesandbarbq, next time you do the trek up I-75, take a few hours and drop by Jungle Jim's in Fairfield, OH; there's a BeerPal review on it... good luck getting in & out for less than $200/2 hrs, not just for the beer!

15 years ago
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Now that you mention it, today was a pretty good beer day... Pint Night at the pub... started with Great Lakes Burning River APA and added one to the glassware collection, a Bell's Oberon, and then an Abbey de Leffe, all on tap. Then I came home and mellowed out with a Sierra Nevada Porter. All in all, a pretty nice beer day![:D]

15 years ago
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Another trip to oHIo, another great beer haul from Belmont Party Supply in Dayton. [img][/img] [img][/img] Plus, from Liquor Barn in Lexington, KY: Sierra Nevada Hoptimum Three Floyds Blackheart Hoppin' Frog Turbo Shandy and New Holland Dragons Milk

12 years ago
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roger wilco tango was fantastic!

12 years ago
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Really good beer days come annually...the first weekend in August is the Mammoth Bluesapalooza. I get to try dozens of new beers that I will never see again and take in some awesome music. This year: Johnny Winter, Charlie Musselwhite, Robben Ford, Edgar Winter Group, Leon Russel, Joe Louis Walker...

12 years ago
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