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The Best Job You've Ever Had.....

Non-Beer Discussion by OIZNOP

Contrary to popular belief among my family and friends, I did hold employment that I acutally liked and did not want to leave, but due to circumstances beyond my control (a.k.a. Layoffs), they came to an end....they were my jobs at Westinghouse as a Project Paralegal, A Tower Services Analyist for an Engineering firm called SSI Services where I was surveying cell tower site audits...that job was really cool....and working at a radio station as a news anchor and reporter....I would have stayed doing that if the pay wasn't so lousy..... What say yinz???

19 years ago
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The radio gig sounds pretty fun, but yeah, I've always heard it don't pay dick. I'm currently very happy in my present position. Worked like a dog to get here, and now enjoying the fruits of my labor. Don't ask what I do, please, but suffice it to say, I'm at the top of my game.

19 years ago
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Swim coach, the hours were awful. Some days from 6am to midnight. Dealing with parents can be a gigantic pain, as well. But it was great to be outside all day, get to play around with kids and of course it was quite rewarding.

19 years ago
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I have it now. My part time job is running the matrix board at Arrowhead Stadium for all events (including Chiefs games). The people I work for and with are great, the give me pre-game and halftime meals, and the pay is great. All that, and I get paid to sit in great seats (mostly climate controlled) and watch sports. Not too shabby.

19 years ago
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Assistant manager of a photo lab. This was when I was barely 21 and it was such a slacker job. I used to be able to drink and "smoke" in the back room while I was working. I brought in a bunch of friends to work there with me. Perfect job for a college dropout with no direction. Unfortunately I grew up, but it was fun while it lasted.

19 years ago
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Well, I used to have game roosters that I fought. Me and another homeless fellow had a ten mile stretch of Interstate 20 that we went in halves on for aluminum cans as a side-line. Not bad money. Seriously, the one I'm doing now is the most rewarding. I'm in law enforcement and while the money isn't gonna land me on Forbes, I do get job satisfaction.

19 years ago
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the evil gingivitis. trying to out-wit listerine man and tooth brush guy is fun(god i hope the people in the states know what i'm talking 'bout, as i have a feeling this is just a canadian ad campaign). seriously though, i too am lucky enough to currently hold down the best job i've ever had.

19 years ago
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my last job was as an engineering manager for a high tech company. It was fun seeing the various products we built (routers, DSL equipment, network security devices) been used in large networks. We were paid well, had great benefits, received bonuses & stock options and all of us had earned patents, but then the company moved all of our jobs to India (but we did get some very nice parting 'gifts').

19 years ago
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I never thought Id say it but Movie Gallery It was a really easy job. I got free movie rentals. And we spent alot of our time watching movies in the store, playing the Playstation in the games section, and having some beer in the back after hours. I was friends with most of my coworkers and we'd hang out after work etc. It was definitley not the "real world" at all.

19 years ago
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quote: Originally posted by Dansting
I have it now. My part time job is running the matrix board at Arrowhead Stadium for all events (including Chiefs games). The people I work for and with are great, the give me pre-game and halftime meals, and the pay is great. All that, and I get paid to sit in great seats (mostly climate controlled) and watch sports. Not too shabby.
Wasn't that great of a job yesterday though.

19 years ago
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My best job was the one working the counter At yankee stadium'd upper deck. well the First few years were cool, got to Drink, make fun of red sux fans, watch the game AND make like 60 bucks a night in tips. this job kicked ass untill they decided to make it suck and then fire me. but hey i had a good run.[:D]

19 years ago
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