Theresianer Pale Ale
Theresianer Pale Ale
Rated 2.725 by BeerPalsBrewed by Theresianer Antica Birreria di Trieste (Alte Brauerei Triest)
Nervesa della Battaglia (Treviso), ItalyStyle: English Pale Ale
6.5% Alcohol by Volume
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It is a typical Victorian Pale Ale with an auburn-yellow colour and a persistent froth. Full-bodied distinguished by the fruity scent of its superior fermented yeast. As tradition has it the Theresianer Pale Ale is well balanced and ideal with fresh and persistent flavours.
ID: 44892 Last updated 2 days ago Added to database 13 years agoKey Stats
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Overall Rank | 54150 |
Overall Percentile | 4.4 |
Style Rank | 449 of 462 |
Style Percentile | 2.8 |
Lowest Score | 1.9 |
Highest Score | 1.9 |
Average Score | 1.900 |
Weighted Score | 2.725 |
Standard Deviation | 0.000 |
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1 Member Reviews
Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 3 | Mouthfeel: 3 | Flavor: 3 | Overall: 3
330 ml bottle, from Vinmonopolet Vika. ABV is 6.5%. Golden colour, large to moderate head. Aroma and flavour of unhopped pilsener wort, cooked vegetables and baby porridge. Remarkably bad and boring. The Norwegian importer has apparently decided to import the entire Theresianer range without tasting all the beers first. This one (and the Bock) is not something I would buy again. Ever.