
Robinson's Trooper

Robinson's Trooper

Rated 3.157 by BeerPals

Brewed by Robinson's Brewery / Frederic Robinson and Sons Limited

Stockport, Cheshire, United Kingdom

Style:  Extra Special Bitter

4.7% Alcohol by Volume

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Onward, onward rode the 600... The Charge Of The Light Brigade, which inspired the Iron Maiden song The Trooper, took place at the Battle of Balaclava (1854) during the Crimean War when 600 Bristish cavalry courageously charged the massed Russian artillery. This gallant but foolhardy assault resulted in a massive loss of life and came about due to a misunderstanding of an order given by the commanding officer, Lord Raglan. Trooper is a Premium Bristish beer inspired by Iron Maiden and handcrafted at Robinsons brewery. Being a real ale enthusiast, vocalist Bruce Dickinson has developped a beer which has true depth pf character. Malt flavours and citric notes from a unique blend of Bobec, Goldings and Cascade hops dominate this deep golden ale with a subbtle hint of lemon. Contains malted barley and wheat.

ID: 54416 Last updated 2 months ago Added to database 11 years ago

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Overall Rank27865
Overall Percentile51
Style Rank330 of 747
Style Percentile55.8
Lowest Score2.9
Highest Score3.7
Average Score3.200
Weighted Score3.157
Standard Deviation0.283

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11 Member Reviews

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CYRENAICA 2418 reviews
rated 3.0 11 years ago

Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 6

500ml bottle
4.7% ABV
King/Spadina LCBO Outlet (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
October 8, 2013
The Iron Maiden inspired beer. It pours a translucent light copper colour with a very thin white head that quickly disappears. The aroma is grains, caramel, and cardboard. Mouthfeel is medium bodied with average carbonation. Flavout is light caramel, grass, and peppery spiciness in the finish. Average beer.

  • RICHSBEER 1967 reviews
    rated 3.0 9 years ago

    Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 6

    Pours a clear orange amber body. The off white head builds to a small frothy consistency and decent retention. Lacing consists of a few sheets but not much in the end. The aroma is lager yeast and spicy Euro hops. Grassy, herbal and earthy tones some fruits from the yeast as well as slight butter. The taste is same general feel as the aroma with yeast and hops carrying it but malts do wake up some on the taste buds. Spicy, herbal, floral and earthy notes lead to pale apple, slight medicinal cherry, toasted nuts, cereal, caramel, a hint of butter and lager yeast. The mouthfeel is just under medium overall body thickness. Slightly bitter.

  • CHOPZ 7623 reviews
    rated 3.7 9 years ago

    Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 8

    Bottle been in the cellar for a while, as I forgot this one. Lots of particles formed and haze the amber colour. The head is on the warm-side, has good retention and lovely lacing. Aromas of fruity malts (oranges, plums) with caramel notes, grassy hops and a touch of honey. Oily mouthfeel with a tiny tart and dryness in the finish. Fruity malts again for flavours, with some nice bitterness. Not too much and the caramel base. Quite surprised at this one, as usually these band (or celebrity) brews are boring blondes. Not this one. A real good English ale. A super nice session. A beauty for the style.

  • FISHINGFAST 685 reviews
    rated 3.0 10 years ago

    Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 6

    Pours out dirty brown color and with out a head. The aroma is mild with a note of lemon. The mouthfeel is only average. The taste is very slightly bitter with a noticeable lemon flavor. As great as band as Iron Maiden is I was hoping for something better.

  • CYBERCAT 13559 reviews
    rated 2.9 10 years ago

    Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 5 | Flavor: 5 | Overall: 6

    Pours a clear amber with a thick, pale buff head. Aroma is crisp and fruity, a little malty, not strong but inviting. Malty flavor has woody and fruity hints, not very impressive. Texture is on the thin side, not very fizzy. Iron Maiden? More like Aluminum Maiden. ;) Still, be a trooper and give it a fair shake.

  • PALEALERIDER 2314 reviews
    rated 3.2 11 years ago

    Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

    Awesome to finally find a bottle! Pours a nice frothy white cap but doesn't stay very long. Leaves some pretty thick dirty lacing though. Has a clear pale amber appearance. Aromas of floral hops and light malts, hints of caramel. Flavours are mainly roasted malts and floral hops. Somewhat grassy, light grains, and spices. Fairly smooth mouthfeel, light creaminess. Average retention. Not too bad and much better than expected, thinking this may well be another experiment with a familiar name tagged on (a la AC/DC). This one is very good indeed.

  • AIRFORCE1 685 reviews
    rated 3.0 11 years ago

    Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 5 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 6

    Ed Force One bitches! A gimmick beer I know but I had to try it. Pours a clear light amber with a one finger head that goes down after a short bit. Aroma is of light lemon with a grainy backing. Almost industrial with the aroma. Light carbonation coming from the bottom of the glass and it slowly makes its way up. Taste itself isn't really bitter like the style should be. Somewhat a honey taste to it with a rye like backing. Tends to linger a bit before subsiding in your mouth. Too light in my opinion.

  • JABAH 1780 reviews
    rated 3.1 11 years ago

    Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 6

    Got in a sample flight @ The Hourglass Brewery. Not much going on here, though this is something that you could drink a lot of. Light brown , clearish appearance. Ok flavor, but on the weaker side. ESB is not a style that I've had a lot of, but this just seems about average, as I've had better.

  • CYRENAICA 2418 reviews
    rated 3.0 11 years ago

    Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 6

    500ml bottle
    4.7% ABV
    King/Spadina LCBO Outlet (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
    October 8, 2013
    The Iron Maiden inspired beer. It pours a translucent light copper colour with a very thin white head that quickly disappears. The aroma is grains, caramel, and cardboard. Mouthfeel is medium bodied with average carbonation. Flavout is light caramel, grass, and peppery spiciness in the finish. Average beer.

  • JERRYMORRISON 2130 reviews
    rated 3.4 11 years ago

    Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

    A clear rich golden body with a thin wispy head that was gone in a flash.Aromas of caramel biscuit and hint of brown sugar,a faint green apple-like sourness as well.A light mouthfeel near being watery but not quite.Nice flavors for what it is,a subtle English ESB,caramel and buttery tones with green apple notes come through in the finish along with a light grassy hops.

  • JNE5HUSG 1814 reviews
    rated 3.7 11 years ago

    Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 7

    500 ml capped bottle. Poured in an English tulip pint glass a clear and orange-brown coloured ESB with a generous one finger light beige, dense and creamy foamy head that had a very long retention and tons of micro bubbles. Low carbonation. Good lacing. The aroma is caramel malts, flowery, roses, grassy and fine aromatic hops, notes of honey. The flavour is caramel malts, honey, flowery, roses and violets, fruity, apricots, raisins, citrus, earthy and grassy hops. The mouthfeel is creamy, a bit liquory and smooth. This light to medium bodied ESB has a sweety and light bitter finish. Although a too sweety level, makes the sweety-honeyish way from this ESB an original brew.

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