Herrnbrau Kristall-Weizen
Herrnbrau Kristall-Weizen
Rated 2.780 by BeerPalsBrewed by Herrnbräu Bürgerliches Brauhaus
Ingolstadt, GermanyStyle: Krystal Weizen
? % Alcohol by Volume
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Offene Bottichgärung, die klassische Reifung und das extrafeine Filterverfahren geben HERRNBRÄU KRISTALL-WEIZEN seinen unverwechselbaren, besonderen Geschmack: HERRNBRÄU KRISTALL-WEIZEN
ID: 11355 Last updated 2 months ago Added to database 20 years agoKey Stats
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Overall Rank | 53585 |
Overall Percentile | 5.7 |
Style Rank | 61 of 63 |
Style Percentile | 3.2 |
Lowest Score | 2.2 |
Highest Score | 2.7 |
Average Score | 2.450 |
Weighted Score | 2.780 |
Standard Deviation | 0.000 |
Rating Distribution
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2 Member Reviews
Aroma: 5 | Appearance: 5 | Mouthfeel: 4 | Flavor: 4 | Overall: 4
This one smells like a horse would love it. Sweet Feed all the way! Mouthfeel and flavor are the shortcomings here...little body and very mild malt, very mild hops, very light everything.
Aroma: 5 | Appearance: 5 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 5
Sampled from bottle. This straw colored wheat pours with only a faint haze and a collar head. The sweet, wheat aroma is followed by a balanced wheat and spice flavor. Gassy and light- bodied. This beer is refined yet uninspired.