Diekirch Grand Cru Ambree
Diekirch Grand Cru Ambree
Rated 2.917 by BeerPalsBrewed by Brasserie de Luxembourg Mousel
Diekirch, LuxembourgStyle: Vienna / Amber Lager
5.1% Alcohol by Volume
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ID: 26913 Last updated 1 month ago Added to database 17 years agoKey Stats
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Overall Rank | 50092 |
Overall Percentile | 11.2 |
Style Rank | 481 of 616 |
Style Percentile | 21.9 |
Lowest Score | 2.6 |
Highest Score | 3.0 |
Average Score | 2.833 |
Weighted Score | 2.917 |
Standard Deviation | 0.000 |
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3 Member Reviews
Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 5 | Mouthfeel: 4 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 6
Clear light amber color with decent slightly off-white foam head. Lasting and lacing to glass. Aroma is sweet caramel, taste is similar, bit too sweet, no bitter taste at all. Aftertaste is candy. (Echternach 201211)
Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 5 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 6
330 ml flip-top bottle. Poured a clear burgundy brown colored beer with a two fingers slight beige foamy head that had a mid-sized retention. Active carbonation. Good lacing. The aroma is caramel malts, corn, dark fruits. The flavour is roasted caramel malts, molasses, sugary. The mouthfeel is quite watery and sweety. This light to medium bodied beer has a dry malty finish. An easy drinkable beer.
Aroma: 5 | Appearance: 5 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 5 | Overall: 5
Copperish amber colour, small white head. Aroma is caramel malts and some hops. Flavour is some hops, caramel malts and wood. Good and clean vienna. Refreshing.