Beer Reviews by DREWSESLU

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  • Arcadia Nut Brown Ale
    rated 3.3 17 years ago

    Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 6

    Caramelly and mild roasty accent the heavily malt oriented aroma, some diacetyl. Brown, tiny head, little lace. Slick...darn that D...and coating mouthfeel. Cleanly malty, roasty and caramelly flavor. Not bad, just not my cup of brew.

  • Goose Island 312 Urban Wheat
    rated 3.1 17 years ago

    Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 6

    Well, a rather underwhelming beer from an outstanding brewery in a sometimes lackluster style. Grainy, mildly citric aroma, hazy gold body with a thin film of head that didn't stick around. Thin mouthfeel, but where's the wheat creaminess? Mild grainy and citric flavor. Not bad.

  • Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 6

    Had a bottle of this at Trinity Hall in Dallas, TX. After reading Brett and Hannah's reviews I was pretty psyched for it, however this must've been past its prime, or just didn't start out quite right. Mellow aroma, light roast, light malt. Dark brown with a bit of foam...but only for a short while. Thin and kinda slick mouthfeel (was it the D?), a bit watery. Some diacetyl, bit of chocolate and cara-malts, some grain, on the watery side and nothing special, unfortunately. Not bad and drinkable, but not memorable.

  • Lost Coast Winterbraun Ale
    rated 3.7 17 years ago

    Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8

    Pours with a malty, toasty, mildy roasty and nutty aroma. Clear brown with a stand of eggshell foam. Full and soft carbonation and palate. Toasty and malty sweet, slightly spicy hops, balancing bitterness. A nice beer for keeping the frost off.

  • Bell's Hopslam
    rated 4.2 17 years ago

    Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 9 | Overall: 9

    A very good DIPA with everything you would expect. Backing malts, way behing lots and lots of resinous, citrusy and piney hops, I'm having a hard time identifying them they're so dominant, some fruitness peeking between the tropical fruit and Christmas tree hop flavor and aroma. Thanks to Comstock, MI for showing San Diego, CA they can play the game, too.

  • Rogue FestiveAle (Saison)
    rated 2.2 17 years ago

    Aroma: 5 | Appearance: 5 | Mouthfeel: 4 | Flavor: 4 | Overall: 4

    Eh, I want to blame this one on the Mytrle leaves, so I will. Rough bitterness and out of whack herbal, citrus and spicy (phenolic) flavors were just generally disjointed and unpleasant. Pours deep gold with no foam after just a few seconds despite lots of CO2. Not an excellent work, but I like the offbeat effort, for sure, but I'll be sticking to Santa's Private Reserve.

  • Rogue Oregon Golden Ale
    rated 2.9 17 years ago

    Aroma: 5 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 6

    Eh, I'd call it more of a misguided pale ale than a blonde ale, but regardless it seemed unbalanced...and to the malty side, no less. How unRogue is that? The cascade bitterness and willamette aromatics peeked through beyond the base and munich malts, however, it just didn't work together. Dark gold body and no foam despite the carbonation. Eh, it just didn't work, but that happens sometimes...

  • Square One Imperial Stout
    rated 3.4 17 years ago

    Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

    Well, this is a FES, no doubt about it, an Irish Extra Stout or something along those lines, but not a true RIS, unfortunately. However it is good at what it does, despite not living quite up to the name. Creamy mouthfeel, sure, but its on N, and I really, really hate seems like such a shortcut and I find it detrimental to the true character to the beer...big deductions just for that. Nice and roasty, slight caramel, balancing bitterness. Again, a nice beer, but not a true RIS.

  • Square One Imperial IPA
    rated 3.9 17 years ago

    Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 9 | Overall: 8

    A nice piney, resinous aroma floats over the cloudy, full body, full of hop proteins and not an overly sweet body. The foam stand clings nicely and the mouthfeel coats yet washes away in the hops and carbonation. Huge hop flavor, lots of C hops and loads of resin and oils, a very nice DIPA, but not too far over the top...however big that really is. Well played.

  • Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 9 | Flavor: 9 | Overall: 9

    Woody, chocolately, smokey aroma with vanilla, coffee, toffee and rich malt. Dark, dark brown, but not black, oak bark brown foam and rather clear for being so dark. Very smooth and lower carbonation make for a velvety texture. Rich and full flavor totally reflecting the aroma with more smoke, that nice beechwood smoke, not a nasty peaty phenolic...but smooth and warming, along with some alcohol, but its not obtrusive. A very nice, big smokey porter aged in wood. Well played.