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They didn't teach this in my history class!

General Beer Discussion by SUMMERWINEFAN

According to the Alaskan Brewing Company website (, "By 4,000 BC the Babylonians had made 16 different types of beer from barley, wheat and honey." Let's see, the Babylonians developed an early form of writing (cuneiform), developed the world's first legal code, and were experimenting with various brewing techniques six millenia ago. If they'd had computers and the Internet, BeerPal might be celebrating its 6,000th anniversary now! Any other interesting beer history tidbits out there?

19 years ago
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In Reply To #1 I read about this...I'll try to find the site... You know our school systems suck!...Leaving out beer history...those bastards! ;)

19 years ago
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OH...and let's not forget the role women played in beer history...we were the homebrewers! Damn history books always leaving us out...(kidding)

19 years ago
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In Reply To #3 That's a good point. Without women to wash the wort out of those pots and mop up the mess on the floor it would be much different. And if they didn't nag us daily we might not go to the bar as often to support brewers across the globe! just kidding ;)

19 years ago
# 4
# 4

In Reply To #4 Now that's darned funny. Sorry, Sassy.

19 years ago
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In Reply To #4 "In ancient Babylon, the women brewers were also priestesses. The goddesses Siris and Nimkasi were patronesses of beer, and certain types of beer were reserved exclusively for temple ceremonies." Bow to me! bwhahahahaha :P

19 years ago
# 6
# 6

In Reply To #6 It is not that very surprising. Most ancient civilizations had long period of matriarchal governance and this influenced all important spheres of life. Some sociologists think that slowly matriarchal society is coming back... More to this topic - I can't remember where I found this, but even before Babylon, Sumerians were brewing beer. And also there are few hypothesis that beer was started to produce earlier than bread (also in Sumeria). Well, interesting ideas, but with no answer...

19 years ago
# 7
# 7

Bread, bier yest grain-all the same. Check out Tacitus what the hell you all learned in the university other the drinking and thinking? Here we come over the hills smokin dope adn poppin pills. What will we do when we get back? Make a living sellin crack?

19 years ago
# 8
# 8

In Reply To #1 They taught it in my high school history class and my western civ class in college. I love Jesuit education!

19 years ago
# 9
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In Reply To #9 Do you think the Trappists have a boarding school? You know, learn how to make the stuff and get to sample the product, without actually having to become a monk? I'd sign up!

19 years ago
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