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100,000 Beer Caps

Website Comments by LENUSIK

Chopz, a fellow Quebecker, has become only the second person top reach this magical level.

7 years ago
# 2
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Nice !! Thanks, just noticed. Wish someone would be reviewing the images... as I added a shitload LOL.

7 years ago
# 3
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7 years ago
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quote: Originally posted by Chopz
Nice !! Thanks, just noticed. Wish someone would be reviewing the images... as I added a shitload LOL.
I wonder how many beer caps you REALLY have......

7 years ago
# 5
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quote: Originally posted by cyrenaica
quote: quote: Originally posted by Chopz
Nice !! Thanks, just noticed. Wish someone would be reviewing the images... as I added a shitload LOL.
I wonder how many beer caps you REALLY have......
Ah yes, the images. If only indeed...

7 years ago
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Drink more local beer! That's about it for me.

4 years ago
# 7
# 7

Drink less shit, more quality visit more breweries maybe find an beer industry job go back to Wisconsin to visit PfoxyJohn go back to Portland,OR to visit Phishpond brew more share more pass 5,000 unique beers on Untappd

4 years ago
# 8
# 8

Portland Orygun??!! Bridges, Bikes, Ugly Dikes? That Portland??!! Horse Brass is a good watering hole, Amnesia brewer its forgettable,and LOTS of Awful Ale...and weak ass bud. Forgot you all in the Blues...that damn town give em to ya it will. Work in the beer industry? the T shirt Hirsh in Deutschland was wonderful, Mt. Shasta Brewery in Weed mad me NEVER want to work in a brewery ever again..people there were all assholes and the bier it is the worse, when Iran gets the atom bomb hope they go there First...hope you have a better experience, sales I think best. My goals are to drink less grow more bud make $ not spend I have geld for Oktoberfest...drink NO ipa..stay outta prison. Good luck folks!

4 years ago
# 9
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quote: Originally posted by bluesandbarbq
Drink less shit, more quality visit more breweries maybe find an beer industry job go back to Wisconsin to visit PfoxyJohn go back to Portland,OR to visit Phishpond brew more share more pass 5,000 unique beers on Untappd
What about 5000 unique beers on BeerPal?

4 years ago
# 10
# 10

quote: Originally posted by lenusik
quote: quote: Originally posted by bluesandbarbq
Drink less shit, more quality visit more breweries maybe find an beer industry job go back to Wisconsin to visit PfoxyJohn go back to Portland,OR to visit Phishpond brew more share more pass 5,000 unique beers on Untappd
What about 5000 unique beers on BeerPal?
Yeah, that Beerpal boat left the port long ago... By the way, didn't get a job in the beer industry but I do have gainful employment in the grill/BBQ industry - National Sales Professional - Brand Ambassador for Traeger Grills. Perfect fit.

4 years ago
# 11
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quote: Originally posted by bluesandbarbq
quote: quote: Originally posted by lenusik
quote: quote: quote: Originally posted by bluesandbarbq
Drink less shit, more quality visit more breweries maybe find an beer industry job go back to Wisconsin to visit PfoxyJohn go back to Portland,OR to visit Phishpond brew more share more pass 5,000 unique beers on Untappd
What about 5000 unique beers on BeerPal?
Yeah, that Beerpal boat left the port long ago... By the way, didn't get a job in the beer industry but I do have gainful employment in the grill/BBQ industry - National Sales Professional - Brand Ambassador for Traeger Grills. Perfect fit.
Nice one. Now you just gotta work blues and beer into the equation.

4 years ago
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