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Mix packs

General Beer Discussion by SLOWRUNNER77

I love em. Not that they're always perfect. The Sierra Nevada 12er had 2 beers that were letdowns (for me anyway) but I think it's a great idea for those of us that don't want 12, or even six, of the same beer at once. I know both these brewers already have mix packs, so this is unlikely. But, if love to see "Hopology" packs from Stone: Go To, IPA, Ruination, Sublimely Self Righteous & Firestone: Easy, Union & Double & Wookey Jack

10 years ago
# 47
# 47

[:0] After drinking and enjoying some Two Hearted Ales, I discovered that the package date was 11/01/2016! Thanks to Ron Theriot's review, which prompted me to look for it. Kudos to Bell's. If their nine month old brew is this good, how would it have been when it was nine days old? [:p] [^] Beer looks, smells, and tastes just fine.

7 years ago
# 48
# 48



Got a (hopefully) good 12-pack a couple of months back, from my local Central City. It's a collaboration with 12 other Canadian craft brewers (nation-wide) to observe Canada's 150th birthday. Haven't got into it yet, let alone adding the beers (my bad), but reviews from other sources suggest some goodness awaits.

7 years ago
# 49
# 49

[8)] {sigh} This poor ol' site does have its problems, doesn't it? About a week ago I tried to post a completed review, but it didn't "take". I won't try to do it all over again. Here's the basics. [^] Nice selection; six different varieties. However I didn't like the Tropic of Yuzu. I guess SA wasn't sure what kind of beer it should be before it went into production. **** out of *****.

7 years ago
# 50
# 50



Isn't Blue Mountain one of those outrageously expensive coffees? I have a hard time believing that Speedway could be any better than it already is, and that coffee must really jack the price up. I have no doubt that it is delicious (it is made by Alesmith, after all), but is it really that much better than the regular version and/or worth the price?

4 years ago
# 51
# 51

Is it that much better? Yes and no. Speedway can be one of my very favorite beers, but it also varies batch to batch more than most beers I've had. This bottle was easily better than the Speedway we just had at Alesmith, but I've had bottles of Speedway that were close to a perfect 5 as well. This is a distinctly different, smoother coffee, and I do think that makes a difference. Nobody can tell me Beer Geek Brunch Weasel ain't.the shit (see what i did there [;)]). It also seems to be more coffee forward. That being said, since I've only had it once, I will probably score it the same as classic Speedway...only a 4.7. It was $18 instead of $12 for a 750. Worth every penny.

4 years ago
# 52
# 52



I guess I didn't realize that Speedway was so cheap in other parts of the world. It runs closer to $20/750 when I can find it. I figured this was going to be a $30 bottle of beer from the looks of it, and that is REALLY difficult for me to justify.

4 years ago
# 53
# 53

Has to beat the gerbil pooping version!

4 years ago
# 54
# 54

Idunno. Richard Gere bought all that shit up...

quote: Originally posted by eaglefan538
Has to beat the gerbil pooping version!

4 years ago
# 55
# 55

Selective mark-up drives me nuts. In the SD area, there were stores were lots of beers were right at retail, others were 10-20%, then a few random ones were as much as 50-60%. Anyway, back to topic. You made great points. Worth thinking about even in a broader sense. I compare a lot of bombers (when considering when to purchase) to what I can get (some awseome stuff from severa brewers) in the $6-8 range. I don't have to think a bomber of equal or higher price will be better than those (wouldn't get to have much variety if I did) but it does affect the thought process...just not a hard line stance. Hell, if I compared everything too strictly, I'd never buy a stout that costs more than Obsidian at $6.99-7.99 a sixer. On a side...I LOVE having variations of the same beer. Makes my inner beer geek very happy. Especially a world beater like Speedway.

quote: Originally posted by jlozier
I guess I didn't realize that Speedway was so cheap in other parts of the world. It runs closer to $20/750 when I can find it. I figured this was going to be a $30 bottle of beer from the looks of it, and that is REALLY difficult for me to justify.

4 years ago
# 56
# 56

So it turns out, I love Blue Mt. Coffee and the real stuff is about 30.00/8oz. There are only 4 coffee bean farms that can be said to grow true blue mountain coffee. It is political bs determined by a government agency (the Coffee Industry Board). Only coffee beans harvested at certain elevations and certain climates can truly use the label "Blue Mountain" (as regulated by the Jamaican government) even if the coffee was grown in the .... Blue Mountains. There are, however, many places that claim to sell blue mountain coffee but it really isn't according to government definition. Most of the real stuff goes to Japan and if you want it in the US, you have to order it. I think Old Tavern and Wallenford Estate are the best.

4 years ago
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