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I finally get a chance to watch NASCAR

Non-Beer Discussion by GEZATRON

First race I've been able to sit & watch since 2008. And of course it's red flagged for rain. *sigh* Oh well.

10 years ago
# 8
# 8

Mildly cheering for Manning and against another second rate city beating Philly to a Superbowl, but really no strong rooting interest. No beer planned, probably draw a pint or two from the Sculpin keg. Might not drink anything. First time in a long while (ever?), no big plans. Liking that concept.

4 years ago
# 9
# 9

quote: Originally posted by eaglefan538
Mildly cheering for Manning and against another second rate city beating Philly to a Superbowl, but really no strong rooting interest. No beer planned, probably draw a pint or two from the Sculpin keg. Might not drink anything. First time in a long while (ever?), no big plans. Liking that concept.
Water it was, indeed.

4 years ago
# 10
# 10

My entire night consisted of: 2 Sierra Nevada Pale Ales 1 New Belgium Snapshot (shared) 1 Young's Double Chocolate Stout (shared) 2-3 pints of water, iced Some very good homemade hot wings with sauce varieties sausage balls pigs in a blanket chili a Goody's headache powder Tums

4 years ago
# 11
# 11

Now that Deschutes is available in KY, I had a few before the game. I didn't really have a rooting interest going in, but the beer seemed to have put me in a Pacific Northwest frame of mind, and I found myself favoring the Seahawks more and more as kickoff approached. I continued through the game with Inversion, Red Chair and Black Butte. Seahawks' D was as delicious as the brew!

4 years ago
# 12
# 12



I was favoring the Seahawks and drinking some Mad Fox Crazy Ivan (imperial stout).

4 years ago
# 13
# 13




4 years ago
# 14
# 14



BEAT EM DOWN! Way too happy about the Seahawks win to be drinking. Natural high.

4 years ago
# 15
# 15



quote: Originally posted by fretwalker
I continued through the game with Inversion, Red Chair and Black Butte.
Red Chair is exceptional.......very delicate with hidden layers of goodness. It has re-ignited my fire for the American Pale Ale. As for Mrs. King and myself, we both sipped on assorted homebrews while munching on homewings, homepizza, and homecheesesticks

4 years ago
# 16
# 16

one of the most one sided sports games i've seen on US soil. crazy. Cranberry SAUCE!!!

4 years ago
# 17
# 17



quote: Originally posted by Clash
Natural high.
*insert obligatory/meme joke*

4 years ago
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