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General Beer Discussion by GEZATRON

So, who's gonna try Hanson's beer?

11 years ago
# 4
# 4

Maybe it's like that Kid Rock beer... [B)][xx(]

11 years ago
# 5
# 5

Haven't had the privilege. Anyone had The Big Hurt beer?

quote: Originally posted by bluesandbarbq
Maybe it's like that Kid Rock beer... [B)][xx(]

11 years ago
# 6
# 6

Interesting perspective, but there's enough variety out there for everyone. I usually don't go too far in any direction, but for some the hops really rule, so for them, keep pushing the envelope. The rest of us will find where we belong on the scale. Good craft brewers probably realize that not everyone is into hops.

4 years ago
# 7
# 7


quote: Originally posted by fargingbastige6
there's enough variety out there for everyone.
Exactly! I agree that hoppy beers can turn off some people, but so can poorly made craft beer.

4 years ago
# 8
# 8

Most beer rating websites have imperial stouts reigning the Top 25, so hop enthusiasts alienating craft beer lovers? Pff... Alienating is such a crappy descriptive too. Changing perhaps? Trending maybe? But alienating? You hit the target farg with your comment.

4 years ago
# 9
# 9

quote: Originally posted by bluesandbarbq
Different point of view about hoppy beers in this piece. [url=""]Against Hoppy Beer - The craft beer industry’s love affair with hops is alienating people who don’t like bitter brews.[/url] Discuss.
Agreed. Unless there are nothing BUT hop bombs available, this is just petty bitching.

4 years ago
# 10
# 10


The whole 'I gave my buddy from Tennessee a slightly hoppy session ale and it was too hoppy - ergo, hops are ruining craft beer' just reeked of hipster bullshit. As has been stated, there is plenty of variety of lager and ale, hopped and malty, to please anyones palate. Using Jean Van Roy as an inset to the article? Yeah, those hoppy Cantillon are over the top! [:D]

4 years ago
# 11
# 11



Like everyone else said there is plenty of variety. If someone drinks one bitter IPA and immediately runs back to the shelter of a Bud Light they probably weren't that interested anyway. Expensive beer enthusiasts, not really a problem on this site, are what's ruining craft beer IMO. One bitter IPA won't turn a newbie off but seeing $20 bombers of "rare" microbrews as the norm might.

4 years ago
# 12
# 12

quote: Originally posted by Clash
Like everyone else said there is plenty of variety. If someone drinks one bitter IPA and immediately runs back to the shelter of a Bud Light they probably weren't that interested anyway. Expensive beer enthusiasts, not really a problem on this site, are what's ruining craft beer IMO. One bitter IPA won't turn a newbie off but seeing $20 bombers of "rare" microbrews as the norm might.

4 years ago
# 13
# 13

If you don't like it , don't drink it. Easy as that.

4 years ago
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