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# 8
# 8

viagra has been there a month or two. cialis just a day or two. Both longer than four hours, as kinger noted...

11 years ago
# 9
# 9


I need to visit those pages more often - completely missed this.

11 years ago
# 10
# 10

You know in Mexico you can get beercaps w/o a beer rating...easy peasy...

11 years ago
# 11
# 11

quote: Originally posted by Clash
Glad to see they rose up so fast despite the stiff competition.

11 years ago
# 12
# 12

quote: Originally posted by kinger
Were they Idols for more than 4 hours, and if so did they seek medical attention?

11 years ago
# 13
# 13

I can vouche for both of them, stand up guys that came up the hard way. Took the dirt road, really road it hard to get where they are today. No complaining, just bore down and stuck it to the task at hand, dedicated beer idols for sure. A little spunky, but good guys that like a good time. Some might think them a bit stiff but sometimes you need a more serious, rigid perspective. One thing is for sure, they stay up late and come back tome and time again.

11 years ago
# 14
# 14



I think they each deserve a hand.

11 years ago
# 15
# 15

quote: Originally posted by heybeerman
I can vouche for both of them, stand up guys that came up the hard way. Took the dirt road, really road it hard to get where they are today. No complaining, just bore down and stuck it to the task at hand, dedicated beer idols for sure. A little spunky, but good guys that like a good time. Some might think them a bit stiff but sometimes you need a more serious, rigid perspective. One thing is for sure, they stay up late and come back tome and time again.
You thought long and hard about that, didn't you...

11 years ago
# 16
# 16



quote: Originally posted by beerdog
I think they each deserve a hand.

11 years ago
# 17
# 17

what a bunch of boners

11 years ago
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