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clear beer?

General Beer Discussion by MATTFUNGUS

I just finished an IPA that isnt clear, its cloudy and tastey, but I know of a few friends that if you can't see through the glass (other than stouts and guiness) they kinda get squeamish. So which is it for you. Is beer being clear a requirement.

11 years ago
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Depends on the style. I like to see through and IPA. Strong ales are nice translucent as well. A hefe? There better be no light passing though that sucker.

11 years ago
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quote: Originally posted by jlozier
Depends on the style. I like to see through and IPA. Strong ales are nice translucent as well. A hefe? There better be no light passing though that sucker.
That. My dark beers need to be dark, wheats and some Belgians cloudy, but a murky iPa or amber is kind of a turn-off.

11 years ago
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I only care about a beer being clear if it's some type of lighter lager.

11 years ago
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Murky brew don't bother me as long as it isn't full of suspended floaties. Columbus Brewing makes an unfiltered IPA and it's delicious. I'd rather have a cloudy beer full of character than a clear beer that's had the life sucked out of it.

11 years ago
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as Southern Star Brewing says "Clarity is Overrated"

11 years ago
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quote: Originally posted by mattfungus
Is beer being clear a requirement.
I tend to prefer styles that generally aren't. [:D]

11 years ago
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Some styles require filtering (who wants a cloudy pilsner?) or when a brewer uses a yeast that doesn't flocculate too well. Unfortunately, filtering also gives a beer that over-processed/stripped flavor. If I have an option, don't filter. A lot of the time, brewpubs are often too small or don't have the time and money to have a filter. These are the beers I have grown to love. Because of this, it's influenced my taste and love of unfiltered beers...I associate it my local guy/gal and that makes me happy. To me, an filtered IPA at a brewpub seems wrong. Guess I prefer it old school. An unfiltered IPA seems to be more bitter. I have no scientific proof to back it up...just my tastebros telling me it's more bitter. I guess, for me, very few styles should be filtered.

11 years ago
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I tend to like beers that can block out the sun. [:D]

11 years ago
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Depends on style for me. Recently got a cloudy barleywine and first thing I said was oh no here we go. And yup it sucked. Some styles like wheat beer and some belgians I kind of expect to be cloudy.

11 years ago
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