Seriously?: Alabama bans beer brand over ...
General Beer Discussion by RAINMAN
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – You can buy Fat Bastard wine in Alabama, but you'll have to go elsewhere for Dirty Bastard beer. The state alcoholic beverage control agency said Thursday it has banned the sale of Dirty Bastard beer in the state because of the profanity on its label. Beer and wine are commonly sold in grocery and convenience stores and anyone can see the labels, so staff members rejected the brand because parents may not want young people to see rough language on the shelves, said Bob Martin, an attorney with the Alabama Alcoholic Beverage Control Board.
12 years ago
In the USA we overplay to the "think about the children" idea. I just saw a warning label on a kiddie pool that said "Warning: This object may be drowning hazard." Duh... I couldn't think of that on my own...
More here: [url=""]Alabama Beer Legislative Update [/url] fargingbastige is grimacing somewhere
Just change the name to "Unwashed Bachelor Just Like My Daddy" Scottish Ale! No problem! [:D]