Party Killers
Non-Beer Discussion by CLASH
*Scenario* You've thrown a party and it's not going well. Three ex girlfriends are there and they're swapping stories about you. Your best friend is puking in the sink. Someone has taken over the TV and there is a Kardashian reality show on at full blast. Someone's kids are jumping on your furniture. Your neighbor has shown up with his dog and it's barking non stop. The crazy bitch from your workplace is there uninvited. She looks like MiMi from the Drew Carey Show and she's got her eye on YOU! You want this party to end right now but you don't want to be rude. have an idea! You'll loudly play music that kills the party mood and everyone will leave! So what "party killer" song would you play? Provide a youtube video if possible
12 years ago
62727 1:25 for my favourite part.... [B)]
OK, if no one else will, I'll grab the low-hanging fruit!
OMG, the German Shepherd's are still online Here is a great example of music to annoy people [url][/url] I love it, but I have had people run out of the room plugging their ears and on man yelled "This music sucks $h!t!!" Not bar closing music, more like evacuate the premises music.
Y'all got it all wrong. Clash needs to play this: [url=""] Dead Kennedys - Too Drunk To Fuck[/url] Oh, how I remember the DKs of my youth... And The Cramps, and The Sex Pistols, The Clash, Bauhaus, early Red Hot Chili Peppers... Lots of intense music.
da Clash be needin sum shit t'tell to all him Ho's dat he ain't down wif dat. AlL Y'aLl GEt oUt mY fuCKin' HouSe!
The Cramps! I love their song, "Bikini Girls with Machine Guns!"
quote: Originally posted by bluesandbarbq
Y'all got it all wrong. Clash needs to play this: [url=""] Dead Kennedys - Too Drunk To Fuck[/url] Oh, how I remember the DKs of my youth... And The Cramps, and The Sex Pistols, The Clash, Bauhaus, early Red Hot Chili Peppers... Lots of intense music.