Two steps forward, one step back.
Industry News by BLUESANDBARBQ
So back last May, Tennessee legislatures passed a bill allowing brewers in TN to make beer over 6.25% WITHOUT having to obtain a distillers' license. Now the same legislature want to limit how much high grav beers we buy: [url=""]Tennessee Legislature Introduces Bills To Limit Sales of High ABV Beer[/url] This is why many brewers that sell mostly big beers stay away from TN all together. No Great Lakes, Founders, Bells, and many of the West Coast brewers are sold here. We can make and sell cases and cases of Jack Daniels but you can't buy too many Imperial Stouts or Barleywines? I love Tennessee but our beer laws are flat out archiac.
12 years ago
Like the Bourbon lobby is strong in KY (and all-inclusively alcohol-friendly), the Jack Daniels/George Dickel Sour Mash Tennessee Whiskey lobby is strong in Tennessee - but NOT apparently beer/wine friendly. Another ironic tibit is that just within the last couple of years they've started allowing "legalized" moonshine to be distilled, bottled (Mason Jarred!) and sold under Popcorn Sutton's name - trademarked I'm certain - and Ole Smokey Moonshine Distillery. So, they're allowing a damn near clone of serious moonshine to be sold and are worried about a little bit of strong beer etc. It's all about the tax revenues and stepping on Brother Jack's toes. I agree with that assesment. REmember, in Tennessee you cna't even buy wine in grocery stores because the liquor stores lobby is so strong ( and wealthy.) Jack and the liquor stores are in bed together. Maybe Jack needs to, or is planning to, get in the brewing business also. Then they could get more laws passed...
[url=""]Ole Smoky Moonshine[/url] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
Is the economy in Tennesse really that tied to Jack Daniels and the drive to make sure Tennessean's have limited purchasability? Man, that's just hard to fathom. Is Jack Daniels worried about a cut in revenue? Surely, JD is such huge name in the Western civilization, that their books aren't centered round a small drop in what consumers in Tennessee buy...right? So let's say consumers in Tennesse are able to buy big ABV beers and as much as they want. That doesn't affect how muh JD is bought in California. Their profit wouldn't change that much...woud it? Seems like a drop in the bucket to me.
quote: Originally posted by bluesandbarbq
Like the Bourbon lobby is strong in KY (and all-inclusively alcohol-friendly), the Jack Daniels/George Dickel Sour Mash Tennessee Whiskey lobby is strong in Tennessee - but NOT apparently beer/wine friendly. Another ironic tibit is that just within the last couple of years they've started allowing "legalized" moonshine to be distilled, bottled (Mason Jarred!) and sold under Popcorn Sutton's name - trademarked I'm certain - and Ole Smokey Moonshine Distillery. So, they're allowing a damn near clone of serious moonshine to be sold and are worried about a little bit of strong beer etc. It's all about the tax revenues and stepping on Brother Jack's toes. I agree with that assesment. REmember, in Tennessee you cna't even buy wine in grocery stores because the liquor stores lobby is so strong ( and wealthy.) Jack and the liquor stores are in bed together. Maybe Jack needs to, or is planning to, get in the brewing business also. Then they could get more laws passed...
Nuttin like selling a stereotype.
quote: Originally posted by bluesandbarbq
[url=""]Ole Smoky Moonshine[/url] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
Tennessee actually passed laws last year that would help Sierra Nevada (allowing brewing of high ABV beers without distillers license) and the water is pristine where they wanted to locate, plus I'm certain they would offered tax incentives BUT Asheville, NC and the brewing laws already in place in NC are more attractive. By the way, New Belguim is also looking at building a facility in Asheville. Beer City is getting even bigger and better. Blount County, Tennessee was really selling the area and available wrokforce to SN but looks like they're going to NC - which is just over an hour from me so it's ok. Would rather them be in TN but I understand their business and beer decisions.
quote: Originally posted by cyrenaica
Did the lobby group have any influence on Sierra Neveda's decision not to choose Blount? (I've read a press release where they said the brewing process wasn't conducive to the area - but was that REALLY the case?)
I agree. My off the cuff remarks about JD were just that - a kneejerk reaction. Just pissed that our shortsighted legislatures are idiots. The BMC distributors in TN are very strong in each of the five larger cities and areas: Nashville, Memphis, Knoxville, Chattanooga and the Tri-Cities area: Bristol-Johnson City-Kingsport. Plus they distribute most of the craft beers. The beer distributors for BMC have also obtain licenses to distribute the higher gravity beers too as to not miss out on the sales in the liquor stores. I now see the big Bud trucks delivering to the liquor store next door to my business. But I also see the SweetWater van there now too. I've talked to the sales reps for Eagle (Bud) and the SweetWater rep and they are very approachable but it's all about the greenbacks. As the sales of the macros wane a bit the only way they have to grow is to distribute crafts and to push their products more while limiting the little guys sales.
quote: Originally posted by eaglefan538
Don't be surprised if bmc is a bigger factor than jd.
Ya Know I would like to be able to try Jack Daniels in their tasting room. I went on the tour, but heaven forbid I could try their product there.