damn!! .... football!!!!!!!!!
Non-Beer Discussion by SUDSMCDUFF
. .. . some great games tonight!! first MY Texans kick the Bengals butt and the much anticipated Lions V Saints game is living up to a high scoring billing!!!.. . . i like the Saints and picked them to win (money on both games, won a bill on the texan game) but i want the Lions to win just for future games... ... [8D]
13 years ago
So Oi Boi (that's you, by the way), I was reluctant to comment back after you smoking my last comment so brilliantly with "Yeah Yeah Yeah, blabbity blabbity blabbity", but I will try. Let me get this straight. Six trophies that you have a picture of and posted here over the last 37 years is better than the 13 that the Packers have over the history of the league? (I think 11 of which they got since the Steelers joined the NFL, btw). Is that also better than the nine championships that Green Bay has won in the past 50 years? Six in the last 37 years is better than winning nine in the last 50 years? I just want to get this right so I know how to argue better in my favor. "What have you done for me lately" = "What has your team done in the past 37 years" Also, this isn't venom. I just think your attitude and arguments are garbage. I'm also not political, so any Obama comments don't effect me [:0] (YEAH! EMOTICON!!!!!) If I can't beat you, I might as well close my arguments like you....(here it comes)....(get ready for it).....(pretty dramatic, huh?)....Bye Now!!!!! [xx(][:o)][:I][8D][}:)][:p][B)][:0][:X][^][:(!][8][:)][:D][:D][:X][:X][:X]
For once, fan, we finally agree on something....What a terrible thing to happen starting off a new year and the playoffs.....Oh, man...that's got to be gut wrenching for a whole lot of Green Bay people..[:(][V]........
quote: Originally posted by eaglefan538
What a sad thing to happen to the GB family. Awful news about the o-coord's 21yr old son.
A Bengals fan born during the team's last playoff win (coincidentally against the Houston Oilers) is now old enough to legally drown his sorrows over Saturday's loss to the Texans.[B)] I'm not so youthful as that; Hell, I'm old enough to remember winning! 30 years ago today, Bengals v. Chargers, AFC Championship game, the Freezer Bowl [:0] I went to a party for the game... the next morning, my car wouldn't start. When a '66 Volvo won't start, you know it's COLD! The oil had the consistency of Jello! Win or lose, I can deal with it, though I'm sure the Black Ops would've tasted better in victory [:D]
Good job, Dano. You shut him up. I will conclude who is miserable by the silence. I bet you feel free too. Nice. Bye now.... Yes, how appopriate. I've been smoked, my butt kicked, and have no rational basis for 99% of what I spew.... Bye now.... I shall run away from all this venom - the truth.
quote: Originally posted by Dansting
So Oi Boi (that's you, by the way), I was reluctant to comment back after you smoking my last comment so brilliantly with "Yeah Yeah Yeah, blabbity blabbity blabbity", but I will try. Let me get this straight. Six trophies that you have a picture of and posted here over the last 37 years is better than the 13 that the Packers have over the history of the league? (I think 11 of which they got since the Steelers joined the NFL, btw). Is that also better than the nine championships that Green Bay has won in the past 50 years? Six in the last 37 years is better than winning nine in the last 50 years? I just want to get this right so I know how to argue better in my favor. "What have you done for me lately" = "What has your team done in the past 37 years" Also, this isn't venom. I just think your attitude and arguments are garbage. I'm also not political, so any Obama comments don't effect me [:0] (YEAH! EMOTICON!!!!!) If I can't beat you, I might as well close my arguments like you....(here it comes)....(get ready for it).....(pretty dramatic, huh?)....Bye Now!!!!! [xx(][:o)][:I][8D][}:)][:p][B)][:0][:X][^][:(!][8][:)][:D][:D][:X][:X][:X]
You can't handle the truth, Slappy...As you choose to believe hearsay and propaganda......Glo-BULL make me laugh.....[:X][:D][:0][:p][:p][:p][:p][:p]......Oh, and once again, the truth....I refer you to the pictures that I posted earlier.....1960!!!!!!....1960!!!!!....1960!!!!!!!!......HEEE HEE HEE....Have a happy slappy day!......
quote: quote: Originally posted by eaglefan538 Good job, Dano. You shut him up. I will conclude who is miserable by the silence. I bet you feel free too. Nice. Bye now.... Yes, how appopriate. I've been smoked, my butt kicked, and have no rational basis for 99% of what I spew.... Bye now.... I shall run away from all this venom - the truth.
quote: quote: quote: Originally posted by Dansting
So Oi Boi (that's you, by the way), I was reluctant to comment back after you smoking my last comment so brilliantly with "Yeah Yeah Yeah, blabbity blabbity blabbity", but I will try. Let me get this straight. Six trophies that you have a picture of and posted here over the last 37 years is better than the 13 that the Packers have over the history of the league? (I think 11 of which they got since the Steelers joined the NFL, btw). Is that also better than the nine championships that Green Bay has won in the past 50 years? Six in the last 37 years is better than winning nine in the last 50 years? I just want to get this right so I know how to argue better in my favor. "What have you done for me lately" = "What has your team done in the past 37 years" Also, this isn't venom. I just think your attitude and arguments are garbage. I'm also not political, so any Obama comments don't effect me [:0] (YEAH! EMOTICON!!!!!) If I can't beat you, I might as well close my arguments like you....(here it comes)....(get ready for it).....(pretty dramatic, huh?)....Bye Now!!!!! [xx(][:o)][:I][8D][}:)][:p][B)][:0][:X][^][:(!][8][:)][:D][:D][:X][:X][:X]
Let me get this straight. Six trophies that you have a picture of and posted here over the last 37 years is better than the 13 that the Packers have over the history of the league? (I think 11 of which they got since the Steelers joined the NFL, btw). Is that also better than the nine championships that Green Bay has won in the past 50 years? REPLY: OK Slap Nuts....I challenge you to show me where I have said this???....Show me, Mr. Know it all...... What has your team done in the past 37 years" REPLY: Um....Excuse me....Recurrent playoff appearances and perenial contender for the Super Bowl...(with many lean years in the process, which EVERY team goes through).....What has YOUR team done in the past 37 years????....Again, Show me.......before you open your PIE HOLE.... Also, this isn't venom. I just think your attitude and arguments are garbage.... REPLY: And yours are just the same, bunky....Especially since you don't have the gonads to back up your garbage attitude and arguement with any evidence......But then again, I consider the source..... GAME ON!....[:0][:X][B)][:D][:p][:p][:p][:p][:p].....Shut him up indeed.....
Um, did you read what I wrote? Your reponse makes no sense. Which is like most of your posts, but you do use CAPS and emoticons, so you have that going for you. Your posts were about the six NFL Championships that the Steelers won over the past 37 years (which is pretty remarkable, by the way. No joke). But then you say something to the affect of "show me what your team has done," basically saying that no team can touch that. What I am saying, is that the Packers (and you could say the Bears and Giants too) have a better history of winning championships than the Steelers, just not over the last 37 years, which is all you seem to be focused on (which maybe makes sense since I am 37 years old). To summarize, you made a comment about the Steelers having six titles and insinuate that someone needs to show you a team who has more. I respond by saying that the Packers have more (as do the Bears and Giants), although the Steelers do have more over the last 37 years, which seems to be the only basis of your argument. You respond with comments about Glo-BULL warming (which, by the way, is hilarious and never stops being funny, especially when you bring that into a football topic) and Obama (who also has little to do with this topic, but man, when he looks like the Joker it is great!!!), and then comments that either make no sense or are something you already stated earlier which still doesn't address anyone else's reponses. Hmmm....not sure how to end it now. "GAME ON" with more emoticons was pretty good. Not sure I have it in me to top that. Let's see, how about "HAVE A NICE DAY!!!!" That is friendly, and in ALL CAPS, although I didn't have emoticons. I probably still have time for that, right? [;)][;)][;)] I taught I taw a putty tat!!! P.S. The Slap Nuts comment hurt.
"slap" and "nuts" should never be used in conjunction. Grounds for losing your man-card.