Russian River Wins Again
Industry News by FOAMDOME
American Homebrewers Association Names Top 50 Beers In America--
13 years ago
Compare. Discuss. Enjoy. AHA Top 10 1. Russian River Pliny the Elder 2. Bell’s Two Hearted Ale 3 (tie). Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA 3 (tie). Founders Kentucky Breakfast Stout 5. Bell’s Hopslam 6. Stone Arrogant Bastard 7. Sierra Nevada Celebration 8 (tie). Sierra Nevada Torpedo 8 (tie). Stone Ruination 10. Sierra Nevada Pale Ale BP Top 10 (US only) 3. AleSmith Speedway Stout 6. Goose Island Bourbon County Stout 9. Stone Double Bastard 10. Dogfish Head World Wide Stout 13. Three Floyds Dreadnaught Imperial IPA 16. Stone Imperial Russian Stout 17. AleSmith YuleSmith - Summer 18. New Glarus Belgian Red 21. Bells Hopslam 22. Bells Expedition Stout
I thought the exact same thing. Noticed a lot of hoppy beers...
quote: Originally posted by FoamDome
The AHA are clearly hop-heads!
rearranged the 10 on each list... If you're gonna be a whore for Sierra Nevada, at least put Hoptimum on here. Pale Ale? Really? Hasn't that ship already sailed?
quote: Originally posted by FoamDome
Compare. Discuss. Enjoy. AHA Top 10 2. Russian River Pliny the Elder 5. Bell’s Two Hearted Ale doesn't belong - Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA 3T Founders Kentucky Breakfast Stout 1. Bell’s Hopslam doesn't belong - Stone Arrogant Bastard doesn't belong - Sierra Nevada Celebration doesn't belong - Sierra Nevada Torpedo 3T (tie). Stone Ruination doesn't belong - Sierra Nevada Pale Ale THIS LIST IS MUI MACHO! BP Top 10 (US only) 1. AleSmith Speedway Stout 5. Goose Island Bourbon County Stout 6. Stone Double Bastard 4. Dogfish Head World Wide Stout 3. Three Floyds Dreadnaught Imperial IPA 1. Stone Imperial Russian Stout 3. AleSmith YuleSmith - Summer 1. New Glarus Belgian Red 1. Bells Hopslam 2. Bells Expedition Stout
Russian River is one of my favorites because they do hoppy and sour very very well. If they had some world class dark beers in there as well, they might be my favorite...
Sure it does.... "Top 10 best examples of how cara-malts clash with piny hop flavors:" #1 Double Bastard #2 Arrogant Bastard #3 Oaked Double Bastard #4 Oaked Arrogant Bastard #5 Whiskey Barrel Double Bastard #6 Lukcy Basartd #7 Double Bastard with Chipotle #8 Another confused bastard mix #9 Arrogant bastard infused with more muddled flavors #10 Stone is terrible See?
quote: Originally posted by jlozier Arrogant Bastard doesn't belong any where near a top ten list.
quote: quote: Originally posted by FoamDome
Si. You missed Angry Bourbon Barrel Oaked Chipotle Lukcy Belgo Double Bastard Vertical Anniversary Collaboration Ale.
quote: quote: Originally posted by Cottrell Sure it does.... "Top 10 best examples of how cara-malts
quote: quote: Originally posted by jlozier Arrogant Bastard doesn't belong any where near a top ten list.
quote: quote: Originally posted by FoamDome
Discuss.clashcan mesh with piny hop flavors:" #1 Double Bastard #2 Arrogant Bastard #3 Oaked Double Bastard #4 Oaked Arrogant Bastard #5 Whiskey Barrel Double Bastard #6 Lukcy Basartd #7 Double Bastard with Chipotle #8 Anotherconfusedfun bastard mix #9 Arrogant bastard infused with moremuddledexotic flavors #10 Stone isterriblepretty damned good. See?
You missed Angry Bourbon Barrel Oaked Chipotle Lukcy Belgo Double Vertical Anniversary Collaboration Ale. Will you trade me one of those Lou?! [;)] Yeah, them 99th percentile breweries sure are terrible...
quote: Originally posted by jlozier Arrogant Bastard doesn't belong any where near a top ten list.
quote: quote: Originally posted by FoamDome