So Flash...a commentary on married life thus far??
Non-Beer Discussion by SURFSLEEZ
So Flash...a commentary on married life thus far??
20 years ago
In Reply To #2 Being married is a LOT more expensive than being single. Being divorced is a LOT more expensive than being married. Now, if you marry someone who makes 10 times more money than you, you're theory might have a shot. If you are the one making 10 times more, you're screwed!
I started reading this thread and my first thought was "Who the f&%# is Matta?" Do NOT ask my advice on married life although I have plenty of experience with it. I will say my wife is awesome. Very good to me.
Getting married for health benefits? Awesome! Alternative: move to every other first world country in the world for public health care. But actually, married life probably rules
and I wouldnt have had that upper income for you to buy all your beer..... hmmmmm jjjjjjjjjjeeeeeeeeefffffff?
Wow this is an old one. Coming up on 7 years now and still the same old thing but with 3x the mortgage and a kid. Oh, and I'm not on her health insurance plan anymore because her new job makes me pay extra lol. But mine is less than $50 a month now (less than my beer ha)
i would be worried if you ran a beer website and spent less than $50 a month on beer