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Surfsleez, what happened to your picture?

Website Comments by KISSMYBASS

OK Surfsleez now your going to have to come up with good topics and forum comments? You cant rely on your picture anymore to get you by... What happened to freedom of picture, or speech, or whatever etc. Kissmybass

This message was edited by kissmybass at 7/12/2004 3:21:51 PM.

20 years ago
# 8
# 8


I just got back from my trip. The reason I had to do something about it is because many people use this site from work or at home where co-workers or others may catch a glimpse of the screen. A few people told me they were afraid of loading a forum page at work because they didn't want to get in trouble for having a naked woman on the screen. I'd be saying the same thing if the pics worked on my office computer, but they don't. I'll probably adjust the rules for pics to specifically say no nude pics. I'm not trying to cause trouble. If you really need to see pics of naked chicks there are a million other sites better than this one for that.

20 years ago
# 9
# 9

In Reply To #9 Geez, it started out as a joke, and look where we are now... Anyways I was just kidding, although I certainly didnt mind. It got some ink time anyways... Kissmybass P.S. End of topic!

20 years ago
# 10
# 10



In Reply To #5 Agreed. That stuff doesn't belong here because... 1) It offends some people 2) It causes people to not be able to access this site at work 3) It makes some people using this site for beer info to not take it seriously. If someone is dying to see boobs, beermail me I can hook you up with some links :)

20 years ago
# 11
# 11

In Reply To #10 I know, I was joking as well (refer to previous posts). Seems to happen often in here. No problem Flash - I'd agree if someone needs beerpal to see naked chicks than they may have issues. You're right kissmybass, it was fun to talk about and got some attention.

20 years ago
# 12
# 12


If this topic continues then maybe I have to reward members with pics of boobs for reaching beer review milestones. (just kidding)

20 years ago
# 13
# 13

In Reply To #13 Hmmmmm :)) I think I can muster up some good photos!

20 years ago
# 14
# 14

Everybody, can't we just get along ?!? If you REALLY want to see my pic in all it's true glory, just go to my Beer Page and click for a Full size image...I'm sure she won't mind !!! Is everybody HAPPY ?!?

20 years ago
# 15
# 15


In Reply To #15 Ha ha, that's true. I didn't change the full image!

20 years ago
# 16
# 16

:D One or two of you besides Flash may have seen that avatar, way back when. I coined the online name "surfsleez" since I "surfed" the internet, which had a "sleazy" reputation. Some folks read other things into that name...I couldn't resist the opportunities for me to be a smartass !!!  ;)

4 years ago
# 16.1
# 16.1

@Kendo_Surf It's been so long, I can't remember what that old pic was. Shame

4 years ago
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