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Hair of the Dog Fred and Adam

General Beer Discussion by DANSTING

My mom is in California, and picked me up 6 each of Hair of the Dog Brewing Company's Adam and their Fred. I read the reviews, but I'm curious if you guys think they're worth $4 for a 12-ounce bottle. I'm getting them anyway, but I'm just curious what you think.

19 years ago
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That price seems a little steep, but they are quality brews you could cellar. I would probably get a few and just hide them away for a while.

19 years ago
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I think its worth the 4$...i've had the adam and its one of the more complex beers i've had........Age that for 2 years and i'd pay 3x that. just think what u'd pay for a Bass ale at the bar. I just just bought a dogfish ww stout, 12 oz. for 9$, i had to give this a try. so while were on the topic, think that's worth the money?

19 years ago
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quote: Originally posted by aabrewer318
I think its worth the 4$...i've had the adam and its one of the more complex beers i've had........Age that for 2 years and i'd pay 3x that. just think what u'd pay for a Bass ale at the bar. I just just bought a dogfish ww stout, 12 oz. for 9$, i had to give this a try. so while were on the topic, think that's worth the money?
None of it is "worth" the money, but if you have it then go for it. DFH WWS is fantastic, IMO. The Hair of the Dog beers were good, but neither was within my "favorite" styles, so $4 seems kinda steep. There are lots of better values out there (with good flavors), but I don't really think of my beer hobby as something that is financially optimized (isn't that true of any hobby? just think of a round of golf, etc, etc...). In fact, the price I'd pay is also a function of how hard something is to get that I'd like to try.

19 years ago
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What about Samuel Adams Utopias at $140 per little bottle? That worth it?

19 years ago
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It's such a personal decision. I love WWS, but at $9 a bottle, I take a pass. But, if I had a good job, it would be an occasional indulgence. For what it's worth, I buy myself an Orval now and again.

19 years ago
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quote: Originally posted by aabrewer318
I just just bought a dogfish ww stout, 12 oz. for 9$, i had to give this a try. so while were on the topic, think that's worth the money?
Yes. It's that good. When you find yourself with some extra cash, buy as much as you can, and keep it in the cellar. It'll age for years... er... decades.

19 years ago
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If you're into beer, try them. Try the various HoTD beers. Try WWS. Pay the dough once & see if you like them. A year ago, I was in Portland w/ for a gathering (for another beersite). We arranged a 'tour' of HoTD. Alan Sprints from HoTD treated us like royalty. He gave a tour, cracked open some experimental beers (barrel aged), and treated us to bbq. HoTD is a One Man Operation. Alan is the only employee. Try HoTD beers. He brews for people who appreciate beer, not for the BMC massed.

19 years ago
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