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Great American Beer Festival

Beer Events by DANSTING

Have any of you guys gone to this before? Is it worth going to? If I went, I'd drive up with a friend and attend on Thursday and then drive back the next day since I's have to work on Saturday and Sunday. I only live about 9 hours from Denver. Just curious if anyone who has been there thinks it'd be worth the trip.

19 years ago
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That's kinda what I thought, but if someone said it was so great that I had to go, I would. I have about 9 1/2 days of vacation left this year, and figured I'd use some if it was worth it. Thanks for the info.

19 years ago
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quote: Originally posted by EyeChartBrew
Nine hours of driving to Denver (presumably on Wednesday), GABF on Thursday, then nine hours home on Friday? Plus the cash for tickets, gas money for the car, and the cash for two nights stay in Denver (none of which are cheap)...? No, I would say it's not worth all that. Yes, it is a huge Fest and all, but I think after all that effort getting there, you'd be a little disappointed once you finally got elbow-to-elbow with the masses -- many of whom wouldn't know a Double IPA from a Killians Irish Red, in my expierence.... //TB
Gee, if you put it that way... I sure hope next week's drive from Germany to Flanders, Belgium is gonna be worth it!!! (Better at least cover the fact that I'll likely lose my 100% dedication stature.)

19 years ago
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I say it's totally worth it. I went last year, and I really wish I could afford it this year. It does get expensive though.

19 years ago
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Anyone going this year?

19 years ago
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Winners are posted: How'd everyone do? Virginia brewers hauled in 7 medals.

19 years ago
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Did anyone go?

19 years ago
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I went to the festival. I had a great time, which has a lot to do with knowing many people and being invited to all the parties. On the other hand, if you just like beer, there were a lot of beers you could taste and a lot of great people you could talk with at the festival. Don't care that much about the awards, but hey, I don't make any beer. You Pals need to get out of the house sometime. For example, go to Brewtopia in NYC next month, they have a lot of the same brewers there and its a lot closer to home. Cheaper too! quote]Originally posted by Dansting
Did anyone go? [/quote]

19 years ago
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I also was interested by the American Style Stout. Anyone know what makes it different from other Stouts?

19 years ago
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