Unibroue Ephemere
Website Comments by VAC
I just noticed that a lot of the original ratings for the apple version seem to be listed under the unflavored version. Is this something the BP crew can fix or do we have to individually go and change our own ratings?
19 years ago
# 2
# 2
In fact, flash can't even move reviews. He can delete them, and you can "move" them by putting the same text elsewhere. The delete can happen by beermail request only.
quote: Originally posted by Brett
Flash is the only one that can move reviews that I'm aware of. Beermailing him may get you the quickest result. Cheers
19 years ago
# 4
# 4
Now you've got me thinking. I just tried this one this summer and don't remember there being two different review options.
quote: Originally posted by Vac
Ok, Thanks guys. Everyone might want to check there review to make sure it's listed under the right version.
19 years ago