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Hockey sucks

Non-Beer Discussion by E

I don't think so, but I wanted to give Oiz a place to go nuts...

19 years ago
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quote: Originally posted by E
I don't think so, but I wanted to give Oiz a place to go nuts...

19 years ago
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but really, it does suck

19 years ago
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quote: Originally posted by Dansting
but really, it does suck
Do you even understand it? I doubt it.

19 years ago
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Please explain to me why you don't like hockey? Dansting

19 years ago
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Let me rephrase that. NHL hockey sucks. Too many teams, too much clutching. I understand the sport. In person, it's awesome. I've been to some Blackhawk games when I lived in WI. I get that is great in person. But only then is it entertaining. I live in KC where I can only see it on TV, so to me, it's not good. Sorry guys, not to be an ass, but I just don't enjoy it. Maybe the new rules and salary structure will help, but it is the worst TV sport. I hope we can still be pals [;)]

19 years ago
# 7
# 7

quote: Originally posted by Dansting
Let me rephrase that. NHL hockey sucks. Too many teams, too much clutching. I understand the sport. In person, it's awesome. I've been to some Blackhawk games when I lived in WI. I get that is great in person. But only then is it entertaining. I live in KC where I can only see it on TV, so to me, it's not good. Sorry guys, not to be an ass, but I just don't enjoy it. Maybe the new rules and salary structure will help, but it is the worst TV sport. I hope we can still be pals [;)]
You're entitled to your opinion, no reason to apologize. I don't think the new salary format will affect how the game is played and I thought that the new rules would cut down on the clutching, etc. but Joe Thornton still gets grabbed all over the rink without a call. Note to league... just because he doesn't fall down everytime he gets held, grabbed, punched, etc doesn't mean it's not a penalty! Ok, now I'm getting a little sidetracked.

19 years ago
# 8
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Hockey is a great game The NHL got caught up in the millionaires compalaning to the billionaires and vice versa. If you have a chance take in a college Hockey game. It is quite entertaining and enjoyable. I hope that the NHL can remake its self, because I simply enjoy watching the game at least when the original six play. Other than that I will take the college game. Besides I was getting tired of movie night in Canada on Sat. nights.

19 years ago
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Hockey rules!!! "Miracle" was on TV last night. "Mike Eruzione. I play for....the United States...of...America!!!"

19 years ago
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Best sport to watch live, imo

19 years ago
# 11
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quote: Originally posted by Sassy
Best sport to watch live, imo
I'll agree with that... although catching a game at Fenway is tough to beat.

19 years ago
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